Module 2: Relationships Activity #1: Relationships with Families

Read Baker & Manfredi/ Pettit (2004). Complete this handout as you read

Baker_Manfedi Petitt (2004) Chapter 1


Watch  Complete this handout while watching the video.

Read the Relationship-Based Practices scenarios.


Relationship Based Child Care Scenarios



Answer the follow questions including specific evidence from the reading and video in your response:

    1. In the schools you attended, which model of center culture did the program use? How do you know?
    2. Which model of center culture would you like to work in? Why?
    3. How do relationships between adults impact babies?
    4. Pick 2 scenarios. For each scenario, explain how you would respond and what you would do in the situation. Identify which scenarios you selected. Include specific evidence from the reading &/ or video to justify your response.


Identify a colleague who responded to a different scenario than you selected. Explain how you would  handle the situation in your reply. Describe how your response is similar to and different from your colleague’s response.




Weekly Module 4: What is Culture? Assignment #1: Overview of Culture

This assignment has 3 parts:

Part 1: Reflecting on Culture

Go to FlipGrid ( your user name is your first name as it appears in CUNY First) to answer these questions:

Reflect then answer the following questions:

  1. How do you define your cultural identity?
  2. How does your ethnicity, age, family, experience, education, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, religious practices, etc. impact your interactions with others?
  3. Describe a time when you became aware of being different from others.  How did you feel? How did you deal with the situation?
  4.  Why is it important to reflect on these questions if you are planning on becoming an infant teacher?

Part 2: Exploring Culture

Read Gonzalez-Mena (2008) complete this handout as you read

Gonzalez-Mena (2008) Chap 1

Part 3: Cultural Differences Scenarios

Read Cultural Differences Scenarios. Pick 3 scenarios; for each scenario answer the following questions:

Cultural Differences Scenarios
  1. Which scenario did you choose?  Why?
  2. What is your reaction to the scenario? Why?
  3. What impact does the difference in cultural practices have on the child? Why?
  4. Is there another way to handle the situation?
  5. How does this connect to the Gonzalez-Mena (2008) reading? Make specific connections, identifying the page number.

Reply to 1-2 other comments!

Communicating with Families: Best Practices for Working with Families who have Infants

What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module?  Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.

Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?



What is Family Engagement: Best Practices for Working with Families who have Infants

What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module?  Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.

Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?