Interview with a Family of an Infant



Now it is time to get to know your family in more depth. To ensure everyone stays safe and healthy, conduct the visit remotely. Schedule an appointment with the family to talk by phone or video conference. You will need about an hour to conduct the interview; you may need longer. During the interview, ask the family member for permission to take notes as you talk. If the family would like a note of introduction from me, please let me know.


This interview is an opportunity to gather background material for your Commentary Paper. Here are some categories of questions to ask:

  • Pregnancy and birth
  • First weeks and self-regulation
  • Eating, sleeping, toilet learning
  • Ability to do new things (such as rolling over or reaching, for example)
  • Communication, including linguistic background, what languages the family speaks
  • Gaze and interest
  • Play activities
  • Relationships with key people, who child spends time with, who’s important
  • Reactions to strangers
  • Temperament
  • Family culture, important beliefs and practices that affect childrearing
  • Anything else you think of or that the parent wants to tell you


Try to conduct the interview as casually and conversationally as possible. Ask the family’s permission to take notes during your interview. Together we will develop questions in class that will get the family members talking openly and in detail. Most people love to talk about their children when they know someone is respectful and interested. Please do not give advice.


Conduct the interview as soon as you can – no later than October 6th so you have plenty of time to write up your notes from the interview in detail.  As you write your paper, do not write what you and the family said verbatim. Instead, summarize what you have learned from the interview for each question.


Interview with the Family of an Infant Paper

~3 pages, typewritten, double-spaced, 12 pt font, standard 1” margins


Purpose: The purpose of the Interview with the Family of an Infant Paper is to:

  • Develop a relationship with families you do not know
  • Enhance your interview skills
  • Learn about a baby and family through the family
  • Create questions to learn about a family
  • Summarize information from your interview and present it in a narrative

Task: In this paper, you will summarize your conversation with the family, sharing what you learned about the family and baby. This will lay the foundation of knowledge and information for your Commentary Paper. Use the notes from your interview to write a paper with the following 3 sections:

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Summary of the Interview

Section 3: Conclusion


Section 1: Introduction:

  • Begin your paper by describing:
    • Who was involved in the interview?
    • When the interview take place? (date and time)
    • Where/ how the interview took place?

Section 2: Summary of the Interview

  • Include detailed information on the following topics:
    • Pregnancy and birth experience
    • First weeks of life
    • Eating, sleeping, eliminating/ toilet learning
    • Ability to do new things (such as rolling over or reaching, for example)
    • Gaze and interest
    • Play activities
    • Relationships with key people (who child spends time with, who’s important)
    • Reactions to strangers
    • Communication (including linguistic background, what languages family speaks)
    • Temperament and self-regulation
    • Family culture, important beliefs and practices that affect childrearing
    • Anything else you think of or that the family wants to tell you

Section 3: Conclusion

  • Close your paper with a concluding paragraph that explains:
    • What struck about the family when you when you were conducting the interview, reviewing the notes and/or reflecting on your interview while writing your paper?
    • How does what you learned during the interview connect to class? Make specific connections
    • What you hope to learn from your next visit with the family, which will be to observe the child?



INTRODUCTION Include substantive info with answers to all of the questions about when & where the interview took place & who was involved with rich, vivid details?  



included substantive info with answers to all of the questions in the sections about the pregnancy, birth experience & 1st weeks of life with rich, vivid details & well-developed examples?  


Include substantive info with  answers to all of the questions about the child’s eating & sleeping patterns with rich, vivid details & well-developed examples?  
LEARNING, PLAY & INTERESTS Include substantive info with answers to all of the questions about the child’s ability to learn new things, interests & play with rich, vivid details & well-developed examples?  



Include substantive info with answers to all of the questions about the child’s relationships with key people & reaction to strangers with rich, vivid details & well-developed examples?  
COMMUNICATION Include substantive info with answers to all of the questions about the family & child’s communication with rich, vivid details & well-developed examples?  
SELF-REGULATION Include thorough info with answers to all of the questions about the child’s ability to self-regulate with rich, vivid details & well-developed examples  
CULTURE Included substantive info with answered all of the questions about the family’s culture & childrearing practices with rich, vivid details & well-developed examples?  
CONCLUSION Include substantive reflections about what you learned from the interview & what you hope to learn during the observation with rich, vivid details & well-developed examples?  
CLARITY The paper was coherent, clear, organized, had many rich, vivid supporting details & had been proofread?  

Sample Interview Paper

example of interview with a family paper