Environments Self-Reflection

At Week 16 of the semester you will monitor your progress towards achieving your goals. Your learning, growth and progress towards achieving your goals will help to determine your grade for ECE 209. To monitor your progress towards meeting you goals,  answer the questions below at the end of each module to document your progress over the semester.

  • What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar that connects to your goals?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from these modules help and support you to meet your goals

6 thoughts on “Environments Self-Reflection”

  1. In this module, I learn that Infants’ environments should be designed to expose them to a variety of developmentally appropriate activities that will help them establish motor proficiency. Avoid giving children too many options since they will become overwhelmed and lose focus. The environment is significant because it has an impact on how children learn and how teachers instruct. Children feel safe and comfortable in well-designed environments, which facilitate individual and small-group learning. In well-designed environments, children have a sense of control. It promotes exploration. You must create an environment that is not just safe for children but also suitable for adults. Your environment must send forth messages of protection, security, and comfort.

    Make sure that furniture and equipment are appropriately sized for infants and toddlers and in good condition. Make sure there is space for you and family members to join the children in play.

    This information would help me design and built a classroom that’s appropriate, comfortable, and safe for both children and myself. Materials and furniture are essential for a successful classroom. If I provide furniture that for example is not safe for babies to climb or indicates danger then I’ll be redirecting the child. This would give the child a message that what he’s interested in doing (self-exploration) and new ability to move, is being discouraged rather than encouraged by my primary caregiver. This has developmental repercussions and as a result, you’ll be exhausted.

  2. In this week’s module I learned how the furniture and spacing of items in a environment impacts the child’s development . In order to create a safe space for children in the classroom , it is important that we strategically place items in areas that allow children to quickly move around , crawl , stand , walk, and independently play . In addition , bringing in cultural toys and items will help make the environment feel more home based which will make many children feel more comfortable and eager to be apart of their classroom . Creating an inclusive space is important .

  3. This weeks module I learned that children need spaces for motor development many types of material from them to learn. For example textured material, appropriate sized for them to play with and not have difficulty with. Having a comfortable space to be in and bring in more diverse toys for them to expirence.

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