Teaching Infants Self-Reflection

At Week 8 and Week 16 of the semester you will monitor your progress towards achieving your goals. Your learning, growth and progress towards achieving your goals will help to determine your grade for ECE 209. To monitor your progress towards meeting you goals,  answer the questions below at the end of each module to document your progress over the semester.

  • What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar that connects to your goals?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from these modules help and support you to meet your goals?


10 thoughts on “Teaching Infants Self-Reflection”

  1. I learned in this module that routines help babies and toddlers earn self-control. I also learn that having a partnership between parents and teachers is very important because when it comes to the children you must have open communication, trust, and respect with one another and work together to make the child grow and develop. You need a lot of patience to be an infant teacher.

    Learning this material will help me prepare better to work with infant because I learned the ways of how to become successful in providing resource and support families to help the babies develop cognitively.

  2. This week I learned about the different types of child care. I learned what type of environments are helpful for children as well as practices in childcare that will help me to be able to encourage children’s development in my classroom. I always knew that smaller teaching environments can be helpful but I never knew why. This week I was able to learn that smaller teaching environments help the children connect and build stronger relationships.

    This helped with my goals because now I have more knowledge on more techniques to help infants and toddlers learn and develop.

  3. This week I learned about various ways to be a responsive caregiver . The different ways in which I can be a more effective role model for young children . Alongside , the ways in which I can be more accommodating to the preferences and interests of my students . Lastly , I learned about some effective coping mechanisms to deal with the stress of working with toddlers and infants .

    This helped with my goals because now I am more aware of ways to meet the needs of my students and positively impact their development , which will make me a stronger teacher .

  4. One of my goals this week and that was behavior. I learned a lot about how different parents discipline and how they discipline their child. Every child is different and behavior is going to be different and every child and you need to learn how to control that. The family I spoke to still learning how to discipline a child and didn’t know much in the beginning and they’re still learning.

  5. What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar that connects to your goals?
    Some of the things that I learned from the readings and videos is that attachment is an important stage for caregivers and infants to Build a connection or relationship where they can trust the caregiver. This connects to my goals because I like to create a Bond with babies And i Think it will make me a better person and teacher to créate a healthy conenction with them.

    How will the material from these modules help and support you to meet your goals?

    The readings and videos helped to understand many of the different scenarios that I will be having when working with infants, many strategies and Points to take in consideraron about the attachment with a child.

  6. What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar that connects to your goals?
    In this ECE 209, I learned this week how I can encourage children to grow and develop. Also, I learned the importance of responsive caregiving. It is very important to take care of babies for health, nutrition, safety, and security.
    How will the material from these modules help and support you to meet your goals?
    The material of the case study is helping and supporting me to meet my goals because it helps me to communicate with a family and learn more about an infant’s development.

  7. This week I learned different ways on how to take care of infants. Hoe each age is different because some require more attention than others. How it’s important to encourage the children to solve their own problems and it can be beneficial to them. it’s important care for their needs and go with their flow instead of yours, add on to conversations with them instead of being silent with them.

  8. This week I learned how important it is to bond with a baby and use techniques that’ll help the relationship grow. I also learned it is important for you to ask families questions about how to take care of their child and the interest of the babies. This material will help me because it will help me become a more advance infant teacher.

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