At Week 8 and Week 16 of the semester you will monitor your progress towards achieving your goals. Your learning, growth and progress towards achieving your goals will help to determine your grade for ECE 209. To monitor your progress towards meeting you goals, answer the questions below at the end of each module to document your progress over the semester.
- What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar that connects to your goals?
- Information/ knowledge
- Skills
- Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
- How will the material from these modules help and support you to meet your goals?
What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar that connects to your goals?
In this module we learn about how child development is rarely smooth and even, some babies start saying their first words by 8 months but some others can start from 12-15 months. Also that sequence is more important than developmental age. I didn’t know that, I thought each baby had to learn at the exact same age frame, how charts of developmental age state but reading this and by watching the video I learn that the sequence is more important. I also had the misconception that a baby may had for example autism if it did not develop in that age frame, but as the video said it is more important the sequence that the developmental age because development is rarely smooth and even and while some babies develop faster others may take time but it doesn’t always mean there is something wrong.
How will the material from these modules help and support you to meet your goals?
This information that I did not know will help me create a better curriculum to help the baby or child develop at their own time and according to their needs, which is my main focus to make them feel included and at home.
What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar that connects to your goals?
Some of the things I have learned about this weeks module for ECE 209 is that each child learns at their own pace and that if you force them to learn when they are not ready to gather that information, it is going to affect them. Children should show interest that are ready for something new before it is introduced to them. Also, I read in one article the diversity of families that exists in a classroom for the differences of each child and where they come from. This connects to my goal because I need to adapt myself to learn and understand a Childs development and be aware of what I would be expecting on a classroom.
How will the material from these modules help and support you to meet your goals?
Some of the materials that helped me were the reading called Supporting Gay and Lesbian Families in the Early Childhood Classroom because it describes an example of what is being in a classroom with a child that has same sex parents and how it is important to establish and build a connection with them and the student so they can feel welcomed. As well as the video Our family: a film about a family diversity which also shows different types of families. This support me to meet my goals because I can take all of this information and use it whenever I am experiencing something like this, to be professionally prepared to help students and their families to feel that they are safe which would make me a better person and teacher.
What I learned in this weeks module/ seminar is that children’s milestones are very important because they mark the child’s accomplishment. children learn at their own pace so if we rush them, they will have an even harder time doing the skills verses when doing the skills at their appropriate time they will learn them much faster and be more motivated to learn them because their bodies are ready for it.
These materials from the modules will help me meet my goals by telling me what I need to learn to better help the children grow without pushing them. They will help me become a better caregiver for them, inform me on the little details I might’ve missed because a little go’s a long way.
Yes! by letting the children grow at their own pace it also helps them gain a sense of independance which is so needed. its amazing that this was able to teach you how to be a better caregiver.
Reviewed 2/12
I learned the different learning domains and the manner in which I can actively help enhance the children’s development of them . I also learned the difference between growth and development and the steps I need to take in order to allow children to grow independently , but while still remaining attentive .
This will help me as an educator because I can learn to allow children to explore and learn more freely with less restrictions . Granting them this independence will allow them to build more confidence and become more socially aware . It also will help me not rush the process but instead allow children to learn at their own pace and build their own way of thinking .
I love what you wrote. I agree with you that as a teacher we need to let the children exlore and grow while being attentive. I also really like how you connected this with your goal!
This week I learned that babies might know and remember a lot more from the womb than we thought. And that each child grows at their own pace, some children do things faster than others, some are stronger and you just need to give a child their time to do it. This helped me with my goals because I was able to learn something new. This helped with my goal because it showed me new techniques and ways of teaching.
What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar that connects to your goals?
In ECE 209, I learned this week the development of infants how they improve their milestones. In addition, I have learned we should not push children to learn because each child learns their own pace.
How will the material from these modules help and support you to meet your goals?
The materials of the video “Principles of Growth and Development” help me to meet my goals because it helps to identify growth and development. Growth refers to a gain in size, whereas development refers to a shift in complexity from basic to complex.
I learned about crossing midline and why it’s important for an infant to have this skill. I learned also learned that we should give babies time to learn this on their own and not force them because it slows the process of development down. This will help me meet my goals because i’m learning more about development of a child and how to observe and learn them from young.
Reviewed 3/6
What I learn in the video is sequence of development. It means predictable steps along a development pathway common among children. They learn faster then adults because they have more brain cells.
The material that can help me to meet my goals is to learn how to take care of a child. If I ever have a child one day, I would teach her words, feed her food, juice/milk, learn how to walk and how to become a leader.
This week was for every child is different and every child’s gonna do different things at their own pace and we can’t force them things that they’re not prepared for.Every child learns at their own pace and you can rush them to do something that they’re not prepared to do yet . It takes time for children to say their first word or to walk. I also learned a lot about body, brain development.
Reviewed 4/6