Read Davis & Thompson (2014) and Diener (2021), complete this handout as you read
Davis & Thompson (2014)
Link to Diener 2021 reading; complete this handout as you read
Watch the video What Babies Learn Before They are Born, complete this handout while watching the video.
Watch the video Prenatal to Birth and complete this handout as you watch the video. The video is available from BMCC’s Library video data base Films on Demand, follow the steps on this handout or in this video to locate the video.
Respond to the questions below, include and cite (this video explains how to cite) specific references to the videos and readings in this activity:
- Think about specific family with children that you know.
- Describe the family composition — members of the family and ages of the children.
- How do the challenges the adults face parenting their children differ based on the age of their children?
- Do your observations fit with Galinsky’s stages of parenting? How?
- What contextual factors and sociocultural contexts impacted their parenting behaviors? How?
- Based on fetal programming/ fetal origins theory, what impact could the fetal exposure to the COVID pandemic (not the virus) have on the later health and development of babies, children, teens, and adults?
Identify 1 colleague who identified contextual or sociocultural contexts that were different than the ones in the family you identified. In your reply, explain how the challenges the adults face parenting their children in the family you focused on are similar to and different from the challenges the adults face parenting their children in the family your colleague selected.