Read Goldsmith & Theilhiemer and Block (2014). Complete this handout as you read the articles.
Goldsmith & Theilheimer (2015) Block (2014)Watch TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 2 Complete this handout as you watch the video.
Answer the questions below using information from the readings and video to support your answer:
- Would you want to work in a infant classroom that has phase in? Why?
- Would you want your baby to go to a program that has phase-in? Why?
- As an infant teacher, would you want to conduct home visits? Why?
- Do you want your baby’s teachers to visit your home? Why?
- What do infant teachers benefit from home visits and phase-in?
- How do families benefit from home visits and phase-in?
- Include information from both readings and the video in your responses.
Respond to 1-2 other comments!