Module 7 Getting to Know Families & Babies Activity #2: Transitions in Action

Read Goldsmith & Theilhiemer and Block (2014). Complete this handout as you read the articles.

Goldsmith & Theilheimer (2015) Block (2014)

Watch TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 2  Complete this handout as you watch the video.

Answer the questions below using information from the readings and video to support your answer:

  1. Would you want to work in a infant classroom that has phase in? Why?
  2. Would you want your baby to go to a program that has phase-in? Why?
  3. As an infant teacher, would you want to conduct home visits?  Why?
  4. Do you want your baby’s teachers to visit your home? Why?
  5. What do infant teachers benefit from home visits and phase-in?
  6. How do families benefit from home visits and phase-in?
  7. Include information from both readings and the video in your responses.

Respond to 1-2 other comments!

Module 11 Family Engagement in Action Activity #2: Scenarios

Read Practices that Engage Families.  

Engaging Practices Scenarios

Pick 2 practices then answer the questions below:

  1. Which practices did you chose? Why?
  2. How would feel about if each practice was implemented in an infant classroom  where you worked? Why?
  3. How would you feel if the practice was implemented in an infant classroom where your baby was enrolled?  Why?
  4. Does the practice engage families in a reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, participatory manner? Include evidence from Koralek, Nemeth & Ramsey (2019) to support your answer.

Respond to 1-2 other comments from people who chose at least 1 different practice different then you!