Module 8: Physical Development (10/12-10/18)


Module Objectives

In this module you will:

  • Brainstorm how infant teachers can support the physical development of babies
  • Conduct an objective, detailed observation of an infant
  • Contribute to your Play Materials Zine article

Assignment #1: Infant Physical Development

Read Honig (2007) and Pica (2010) I suggest completing this handout as you read

Honig(2007)PD Pica(2010)

Watch the video  Infants: Physical Development (Learning Seed, 2010)  which is located in the BMCC library Kanopy video database (these instructions or this video explains how to access the video).   I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video.

Review this Power Point

Answer the questions below:

Your best friend found a great new walker for her baby!  She asks your opinion on the walker. Answer the question below, including (watch this video for information on how to cite) specific information from the readings and video to support your answer:

  • Should she purchase the walker? Why?
  • What activities and practices can infant teachers do to support baby’s physical development?


 Assignment #2: Observation of an Infant

We will use a virtual observation as your observation of an infant. Watch this video and use this footage as your observation of an infant.  Pretend this baby your Infant/ Family Case Study child.

Your observation to be as detailed, descriptive and as non-judgmental (objective).  This Power Point  focuses on being a skilled observer.

What to look for when watching the video:

  • Where the observation takes place? Describe the space in detail. Who was present?
  • What the baby look like – hair, skin, facial features, body type, and clothing?
  • What the baby does, in general, during your observation?
  • What routines (eating, sleeping, toileting/ diapering, bathing, playing, transitions, etc.) you observe the family engage in? What happens during the routines? How does the baby react?
  • Pick sequential 4 segments of video that are about 3 minutes each – identify sections that have natural beginning and end points (do not stop in the middle of an activity)
  • Describe in chronological detail using objective language:
    • How the baby moves (please include all types of movements)?
    • What the baby looks at, gaze at?
    • What seems to attract the baby’s interest? How can you tell?
    • What toys, materials, and/or furniture the baby uses while you are observing? How?
    • How the baby vocalizes, including cries, babbling, and using real words?
    • What other ways the baby communicates, including facial expressions and gestures?
    • How the baby interacts with people?
    • Anything else you notice

Notice and describe scenarios or situations. Capture the details of interactions between the baby and the environment, including the people in that environment.

I suggest using this form to record your field notes for your observation (keep the form to write your Observation of an Infant Paper)

The information from your observation of an infant will become your Observation of an Infant Paper, which is due 10/25

Assignment #3: Play Materials Zine

What should you do this week?

  1. Is your group communicating?
  2. Has your group identified your play material? See Module 4 Assignment 3 for a list of play materials.  Pick 1 to focus on – that is the 1st step!
  3. What is your assigned color is (I sent it in an email)?
  4. Go to your group’s Google folder, to the Google Doc for Module 8.
  5. What is your role for the week (based on your color)?
  6. Add material to the Google Doc for Modules 8 based on your assigned color/ role.
  7. Our audience is infant teachers who are working in the field –what you can share with them (from the articles, videos, etc. that will be helpful). They already know general info – they need specifics (quotes, concepts, details, etc. from the videos & reading) to support their work!
  8. Go back to Modules 5-7 and add material to the Google Doc based on your role.
  9. Check to see if you can access Flipsnack; this video reviews how to access Flipsnack.

Assignment #4: Self-Assessment

At the end of the semester you will develop a Self-Assessment of what you have learned which will help to determine your grade for ECE 209. In preparation for your Self-Assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

  • What did you learn in the modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from these module better prepare you to work with infants?