This assignment has 3 parts:
Part 1: Complete the Tri-Semester Survey
Part 2: Go to FlipGrid ( your username is your first name as it appears on CUNY First) and answer these questions:
- What are 3 words that you would use to describe yourself?
- How are the strategies you identified in Module 1 working?
- What strategies are working well?
- What adjustments could you make to ensure your success?
- What have you learned about yourself as a student taking your classes online?
Part 3: Read Koralek, Nemeth & Ramsey (2019)
Koralek, Nemeth & Ramsey (2019)Answer the questions below, citing evidence from Koralek, Nemeth & Ramsey (2019):
- Why should family engagement be reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? In your response, explain what the terms mean in your own words.
- Did your teachers and school staff (pre-K through graade12) engage your family in a reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory manner? Provide specific evidence to support your conclusion.
- How can infant teachers engage families with babies in ways that are reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? List specific ideas that no one has mentioned yet!
1. Why should family engagement be reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? In your response, explain what the terms mean in your own words.
I think that it is important for family engagement to be reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized and participatory because of how well it can contribute to a child’s learning experiences. Reciprocal is a mutual, teacher and family member, partnership were they can exchange information that benefits both parties and the child in and outside the classroom. Strength-based is where a family member can contribute to the classroom with any skills or talent they may have. Individualized is offering various options for families when it comes to how and when they can contribute to the classroom. And lastly participatory is more of the action of them actually being a part of said event in the classroom.
2. Did your teachers and school staff (pre-K through graade12) engage your family in a reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory manner? Provide specific evidence to support your conclusion.
My teachers and school staff engaged my family in a participatory manner by asking parents, if available, to chaperone school field trips. For example, my dad would sometimes accompany me on school trips and it would make my experience on the trip 10x better, and the boys in my class would love when he would come because it was mostly just moms, and having him there changed the environment of that. The boys enjoyed having my dad around for “boy stuff”, especially when it came to sport related trips. I have many good memories of that.
3. How can infant teachers engage families with babies in ways that are reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? List specific ideas that no one has mentioned yet!
-Hosting inclusive events to celebrate one another’s differences.
-Sharing big or small milestones of the day to families.
– Incorporating families members skills or talents in and for the classroom.
1. Why should family engagement be reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? In your response, explain what the terms mean in your own words.
2. Did your teachers and school staff (pre-K through graade12) engage your family in a reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory manner? Provide specific evidence to support your conclusion.
3. How can infant teachers engage families with babies in ways that are reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? List specific ideas that no one has mentioned yet!
1. Answer: it helps create consistency between the home and school environments.Children see benefits like improved cognitive development and academic performance, better social-emotional development, and improved health. Teachers and care- givers need to intentionally identify strategies that can be used to establish strong, positive families partnerships. a give-and-take, reciprocal relationship with families sets the tone for future interactions and influences the overall success of the child in the group care setting. Such as on page 4 with the Thomas family with Joseph in the beginning of his program he was scared when he\is family would leave him but after the trust was built with the caregivers/teachers and the teachers had began a connection as well everything became better.
2. Answer: Yes , my mother made sure to go on school trips with the teachers which caused Alot of engagement, my mother also was apart of PTA meetings which help her express her issues with the school and my teaching and most of the time other parents did agree as well,
3. Answer: Develop partnerships with community organizations and agencies, Become the center of community activities, Have Parents’ Nights Out, Offer workshops and seminars, Encourage staff and administrators to join community organizations.
1.Why should family engagement be reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? In your response, explain what the terms mean in your own words.
Answer: family engagement should be reciprocal because teachers and parents should be able to share information, teaching styles, technique with each other in order to help the child with his/her learning and growth. Strengths-based is when when the family share their expertise in the areas that supports and benefits their child’s well-being, education, an be a part of the educational program that their child attends and teachers on the others should be willing to allow families to participate and bring something valuable to the child’s educational program. Individualized is where families can choose or create a schedule that works best for them. And for participatory is where parents make connections with other families in the program (like a friendship) so that they can seek help from one another if there’s any confusion or other problems.
2.Did your teachers and school staff (pre-K through grade12) engage your family in a reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory manner? Provide specific evidence to support your conclusion.
Answer: yes! i believe that my teachers and school staff engage my family would attend meetings with my teachers in order to express her concerns, ask questions, and what they can do in order to help me progress more in my learning.
3.How can infant teachers engage families with babies in ways that are reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? List specific ideas that no one has mentioned yet!
Answer: 1) schedule events before or after the program hours so families has a way to join in.
2) invite family members to apply their skills and talents to enhance their child’s early childhood setting.
3) promote literacy by sharing information about organizations. 4) Hold a quick and easy cooking night.
1) Family engagement should be reciprocal because with the exchange of information, skills and techniques this could create a comfortable environment for the child if you obtain information from the parent, but also teachers can provide attitude changes and new ways to help with any problems at home. With strengths-based it can provide a connection between the child and parent based on skills and their interest such as art or any other hobby. For individualized families are able to pick a schedule that best supports them. Lastly, participatory is where parents are able to have connection with other parents and even gain techniques and skills that aren’t from a teacher.
2) My teachers have engaged in Individualized practices, where my parents were able to decide a day that fits to their schedule where they are able to sit down and have a chat based on my skills and how I am doing in the class.
3) We can host many activities that can involve around communication, partner work, and even just watching their child at work. There can be a move night, a day where parents are able to come after school hours to discuss about their concerns or providing knowledge on their child, or having an activity that involves both the child and parent working together.
1. Why should family engagement be reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? In your response, explain what the terms mean in your own words. Family engagement should be reciprocal, strength based individualized and participatory because all these help workers work with families and involve them in their kids school life. Reciprocal means a two way street, what I give you you give back. Strength based means using positive forms of communication to engage a family. Individualized is working with a family at their level. Participatory is engaging in events, meetings etc.
2.Did your teachers and school staff (pre-K through graade12) engage your family in a reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory manner? Provide specific evidence to support your conclusion. My teachers and school staff engaged my family in parent teacher conferences, graduations and if I had ceremonies. My school always set notices in the mail to let my mother know what was going on in school.
3. How can infant teachers engage families with babies in ways that are reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? List specific ideas that no one has mentioned yet!
Infant teachers can ask the parents/primary caregivers to share stories about the infants and compare ideas which would be reciprocal. As far strength based infant teachers and affirm parents with their relationship with their kid. show effort to help families. Individualizing families is meeting families at their level and knowing every family situation is different. Infant teachers can talk to families about events to participate or try to involve them in community workshops or workshops at the prorgram.
1. Family engagements should be reciprocal because it’s a two way streets and you want the values to be reflected to be the same for both home and schools. Strength based each family share ideas to build on the the strengths and to strengthen the child’s weakness. Individualize, just like every child every family is unique, and using approaches that is unique to that child using insight from the family. Participatory have parents and family members physically involved in the child educations, if its coming in to work on a certain part of the environment like things they can bring from home to remind the child of home.
2. My teachers from Pre-k through 8 grade engaged my family in a reciprocal, strength based, individualize, participatory, they held parents teacher night, in pre-school they would have parents come in and participate in sports activities, bake sales, and bring in things from the home that was unique to our culture.
3. Infant teachers can engage families with babies in a reciprocal, strength based, individualize, participate by understanding each family culture and trying to understand things from their perspective, have parent involvement where the parents can come in and share things about the child development.
Why should family engagement be reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? In your response, explain what the terms mean in your own words.
1) Families engagement should be reciprocal, strength based, individualized and participatory because these strategies establish strong, positive family partnerships.
Did your teachers and school staff (pre-K through graade12) engage your family in a reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory manner? Provide specific evidence to support your conclusion.
2) Yes my teachers and school staff engaged my family in a reciprocal, strength based, individualized and participatory manner by having meetings every moth informing my family how I did in class, they would invite my family and others to events and they will participate to help my teacher. For example I was in fourth grade and in my school (PS 165 located in Brooklyn NY) every year they would have a showcase for every grade to perform either dancing, singing, acting, poetry etc.. So we had a dance routine which include with our moms and dad, and i remember my mom dancing with me and coming to all of my rehearsals. Until this day I remember that moment.
How can infant teachers engage families with babies in ways that are reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? List specific ideas that no one has mentioned yet!
3) Infant teachers can engage reciprocal in to families with babies by developing great communication skills, learn their names, asking questions, be genuine.
Infant teachers can engage strength based by offering activities that support parent child interactions and child development, noticing and building on the unique strengths of the parent and child rather than correcting weaknesses or mistakes, help parents reflect on outcomes by providing feedback and information.
Family engagement should be reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized and participatory because it helps the child with their development and growth. It is also important because they are the best ways to keep the relationship between families and teachers strong, positive and informative. My teachers did engage my family to everything but my family wasn’t always present but tried their best to be present. If they could not physically make it to an event, they spoke to staff through the phone. Teachers can engaged with families with babies by having good communication and showing the best of interest in the child’s development. Working on physical activities, teaching the babies fine and motor skills will help with strength. Children seeing the interactions between both teachers and parents will make them feel at ease and comfortable with their care provider like they would be at home.
1) Why should family engagement be reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? In your response, explain what the terms mean in your own words.
Family engagement should be reciprocal, strength based, individualized and participatory because it is the best way to build relationships between parents and teachers with the child. The reciprocal becomes beneficial because families know their babies best. What their babies do or don’t like and in order for teachers to become successful in building relationships with their students is by being informed from their families (Koralek, Nemeth and Remsey, 2019). Strength based, individualized and participatory are all beneficial to family engagement as well because in this case children are able to see they’re families involved in school which build’s trust between the child and the teacher and helps them with self-regulation as well.
2) Did your teachers and school staff (pre-K through grade12) engage your family in a reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory manner? Provide specific evidence to support your conclusion.
While I was in Pre-k the teachers didn’t really use these skills to build family engagement. I used to cry everyday at drop off and to make things worst my mom was told to not come into the classroom at drop so I wouldn’t go crazy over her departure. This would make things worst. Unfortuntely, my mom was convinced that maybe I shouldn’t go to pre- and instead she should take the time before I went into kindergarten to prep me for it. Kindergarten was at a different school and it was experience was much better. My mom had to participate in a transition program for 2 weeks at my new school. Everyday for 2 weeks she would have breakfast for me. At first I would cry when she left but the teachers helped me understand that mom would be back by the end of the day. They would explain to me that she would come back and comfort me by reading a book. By the 3 week I was already doing great without my mom. She would attend school events, such as morning reading, writing or math, she would attend trips etc.
3) How can infant teachers engage families with babies in ways that are reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? List specific ideas that no one has mentioned yet!
Infant teachers can engage families with babies that are reciprocal, strength-based, individualized, and participatory by inviting them into monthly classroom events, trips, class decorating and new ideas, teacher-family involvement. I remember when my son started daycare for the first time ever he cried. He cried the minute we stepped into the daycare so to comfort him I read to all the kids in his classroom. This brought him to calm down as he saw the kids and teachers entertained and amazed from what I did.
1: In order to have a successful Family Engagement they need to be reciprocal making sure your are able to communicate with parents and the parents communicating with you and have a exchange of ideas, experiences , concerns about everything regarding their child, Strength-based making sure that everything that is being communicated is positive and always looking for whats best for both child, Individualized working with those families who need more help because they do not understand the language or they are lacking certain things that will help them with making sure that their child is developing well and lastly participatory which is having parents participating in the classroom community find ways to make sure that everybody (families) can contribute and participate in bring creativity and diversity into the classroom community.
2: As I reflect on my school days, I remember that we had the original bake sale that the PTA will announce and most parents will ask what was the bake sale for. My mom did not really engage or contribute to the bake sale because the staff in the school did not have a lot of Spanish speaking staff in those times.
3: Infants teachers have the advantage that the children are small and tender so I feel the parents are more willingly to communicate and in engage in the classroom. Teacher can have volunteers who can help when it comes to creating a lesson plan or even how to connect with the parents .
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