Module 1 Introductions Assignment #2: Being a Student in an Online Class (8/26-8/30)



After watching the video about time management and tips for on-line student success, answer the following questions:

  1. What  techniques do you plan to use manage your time to be successful in this class — at least 1 should be from the video.  
  2. What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? 
  3. How will you deal with those challenges? 

Reply to 2 other comments!


61 thoughts on “Module 1 Introductions Assignment #2: Being a Student in an Online Class (8/26-8/30)

  1. Grace De La Paz

    To be successful in this class I have to be engaged and have a organized schedule to be able to do and complete my work on time. The challenges that may prevent me from using these techniques is having small children at home. I will have to set a specific time on when to get my work done when my children are down for a nap or when it’s their bed time. I would have to do my work around my children sleep schedules.

    1. marilyn

      Hi Grace, I agree children can be a distraction because you have to be after them and see what they doing becuase they can get hurt if no one is watching them. I hope that your plan works and i hope you have a great semester.

  2. Lacoya Richards

    1.What techniques do you plan to use manage your time to be successful in this class — at least 1 should be from the video.
    Ans: To be successful in this class i need good time management and to complete my work on time.

    2. What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques?
    Ans: he challenges that could prevent me from using this technique having my little nieces around and having couple more classes.

    3. How will you deal with those challenges?
    i deal with these challenges by making a schedule for my others classes and this one to do assignments etc. and with my nieces ill keep them busy by making them draw or play with their toys etc.

    1. Patricia Monge

      Hi Lacoya I totally agree with your answer for question 3 because since I have a younger sister who is always around me I have to find a way where we can both benefit. Hopefully you find something all your other classes have in common that can help you to create one big schedule if that makes sense. Best of luck 🙂

      1. Jen Longley Post author

        Patricia — Thanks for your reply. Having younger people who need are attention is an important factor to consider as we engage in distance learning. We will have to share strategies this semester!

    2. Jen Longley Post author

      Lacoya — Thanks for your comment. What strategies will you use to improve your time management? How old are your nieces. Please share how your strategy of giving your nieces activities (drawing, playing, etc.) so you can focus on your classes works!

      1. Lacoya Richards

        Hi Prof. Jen,
        my strategies to improve time management would be to make a schedule of all the work and due dates. my nieces are 4 years of age. i feel like giving these activities would keep them busy and focus on something it also help them to learn and be creative. so while their doing that ill will be doing my class work

  3. Janate Bratton

    After watching the video about time management and tips for on-line student success, answer the following questions:

    What techniques do you plan to use manage your time to be successful in this class — at least 1 should be from the video.
    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques?
    How will you deal with those challenges?

    Answer: i need to have a organized schedule to be able to do.

    Answer: My challenges that prevent me from using this technique is i love to procrastinate so i need to learn that it is okay to do things even if it may be due in a week.

    Answer: I will deal with these challenges by stop being a procrastinator and just get the work done even if it before the due date. since im also taking 4 classes online i need to get in the habit of doing so.

    1. Patricia Monge

      Hey Janate you are preaching to the crowd with your answers because I was the same way and in my own experience it was difficult because being the oldest and the first generation going to college the pressure is definitely there which makes it harder to get out of that procrastination. Best of luck in all your classes 🙂

      1. Jen Longley Post author

        Patricia — Thanks for your reply. I am also the oldest & 1st gen college student. I feel your pressure! I wonder, what is 1 small step you can do to try to stop avoiding or putting off a task?

    2. Jen Longley Post author

      Janate — Thanks for your comment. I wonder, what does an “organized schedule” look like to you? For me that means color codes, alarms that ring, etc. What type of system will you use?

  4. Patricia Monge

    1:What techniques do you plan to use manage your time to be successful in this class — at least 1 should be from the video.

    The techniques I plan to use in order to grantee my success is making sure I am writing down all the important dates on my phone like mentioned on the video. I will also make sure I am constantly looking for help with needed.

    2:What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques?

    The challenges that can prevent me from using the techniques are not being consistent with logging in and checking for my assignments.

    3:How will you deal with those challenges?
    I will deal with those challenges by creating a schedule and write out what I plan to complete on a daily basis. I will also be realistic with my daily goals and make sure I include breaks.

    1. Janate Bratton

      Hey Patricia ,
      Yes you have to create a schedule , i will also do that same thing. I read you are also the oldest sibling and the first to attend college just like me so i know how it is to have your focus on your family members and also try to make everyone proud of you (i feel you girl !!) but you tend to forget to check on your school work. I think im going to make Friday’s the day I complete and go back to check if all my work is completed.

  5. Tamaris Gomez

    1.What techniques do you plan to use manage your time to be successful in this class — at least 1 should be from the video.
    I will use a time management worksheet to organize my activities and assignments.
    2.What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques?
    I choose to do my assignments at the last minute.
    3.How will you deal with those challenges
    I will make sure ill do the assignment the same day that is posted so I wont forget.

  6. Cindy Alvear

    1. What techniques do you plan to use manage your time to be successful in this class — at least 1 should be from the video.
    I plan to keep myself organized and I also plan on not leaving assignments uncompleted until the last minute.

    2. What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques?
    Working from home.

    3. How will you deal with those challenges?
    Use my free time effectively.

    1. Jasmine Olavarria

      Hey Cindy! i can relate to having to work from home and managing your time effectively. I’ve found having a visual calendar somewhere in your home will you can see everyday helps as an extra daily reminder on those extra tuff busy days.

    2. Jen Longley Post author

      Cindy — Thanks for your comment. I wonder, how do you plan to keep yourself organized? What will you do to be organized? Can you explain more about how working from home a challenge? I know for me it’s a challenge because I get distracted by other demands.

      1. Cindy Alvear

        Hi Professor,

        I printed out the syllabus for each class so I can easily track the dates for modules, papers & projects. I have a calendar on my fridge so that I won’t forget.
        Working from home is a challenge because I have to be on call 9-5 and at times I have to go into the field which leaves little room for school when I get home. However, I am keeping an open mind and learning to not overwhelm myself.

  7. Jasmine Olavarria

    1. What techniques do you plan to use manage your time to be successful in this class — at least 1 should be from the video.
    Some techniques i plan to use to manage my time for this class is to plan ahead and use a calendar to help me stay organized. i will also be studying the Syllabus closely so i am aware of important information.

    2. What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? working from home.

    3. How will you deal with those challenges? i will manage my time to the best of my ability and be intentional in setting time apart to complete all assignments on time.

    1. Nisha Rosario

      Hey Jasmine! I think working from home has become my least favorite thing because I feel like I can’t manage my time and that drives me crazy. Also, I like your techniques, I used to look at the syllabus everyday because I forgot when was everything due, now I bought like a weekly planner and it has helped me a lot.

  8. Shemella.scipio

    1. Techniques I plan to use are using a calendars and setting reminders on my phone to remind me of due dates and build relationships with classmates and instructor.
    2. The challenges that could prevent me from using these techniques are work and waiting last to complete assignments.
    3. I plan to deal with these challenges by making sure I stay on top of due dates early

  9. marilyn

    What techniques do you plan to use manage your time to be successful in this class — at least 1 should be from the video.
    I decided to get a new planner so i can add deadlines for all classes.
    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques?
    having my sister around because she always wants to know what im doing and what i use it for and whats to be around me all the time. I enjoy having her around but it’s makes it hard for me to concentrate while taking care of her.
    How will you deal with those challenges?
    im triying to make her alphabet sheets and numbers that she can trace or color so when i’m doing homeworks i know that she’s also learning new things.

    1. Jen Longley Post author

      Marilyn — Thanks for your comment. Other people have also mentioned responsibilities with younger siblings and/ or children. I wonder, what could you do — and what are others doing– to create a space to work while being responsible for younger people in your homes?

  10. Nisha Rosario

    -One technique that never fails is keeping important dates in my weekly calendar. As soon as I get the syllabus I start typing down the dates assignments are due so that I don’t forget. Also, I try to manage my time and stay ahead because procrastinating gives me a headache.

    -A challenge that could prevent me from using this techniques are my lack of time for school because I am currently working two jobs.

    -The best way I deal with those challenges is staying ahead. Doing my school work anytime I can (During my lunch or on my way home in the train)

  11. Tamia Cabrera

    1. To be successful in class is to manage my time and to have a planned seclude on every class or work.

    2. The challenges that could prevent me from these techniques is my other classes that doesn’t have a set date and taking care of my younger brother because my parents are essential workers.

    3. Dealing with these challenges, I would play with my brother first until he is tired or just wants to sit and watch tv and start doing my work. I need to do work earlier than what I normally start them at. I’m not a procrastinator, but i get lost very easily when It comes to work.

    1. Jen Longley Post author

      Tamia — Thanks for your comment. I imagine there is an added stress having family members who are essential workers, and worrying about them each day. Your idea of tiring your brother out, then trying to do your work seems like a good one. I will be anxious to know how it works!

    1. Jen Longley Post author

      Cindy — That is a great idea! There are a few ways that you can exchange info privately:
      1) for those who have joined the Remind app, you can text each other your numbers/ contact info
      2) on OpenLab there is the option to send a message to someone that is private. You can click on the person, and then click “send message” you can exchange messages/ info with other
      3) if you would like, I can set up a Google group for the class. I can invite people to join

      Let me know if you want me to do anything to facilitate this! I think it’s a wonderful idea!!!!!!

  12. Xitlaly Rangel

    Some techniques I plan to use to manage my time to be successful in this class is to keep reminders on my calendar of important due dates as well as check the sites more frequently to know about any new tasks. A challenge that can prevent me from using this technique is my job schedule. However, a solution I would take to solve it would be to communicate this either to my employer or professor to inform them of my circumstances and resolve the problem.

    1. Jen Longley Post author

      Xitlaly — Thanks for your comment. You make an important point — since all classes are virtual, we have no set “schedule” for classes. So everyone’s work schedule may be different and changing. I wonder if others have the same experience?

  13. Wendy Martinez

    1. What  techniques do you plan to use manage your time to be successful in this class — at least 1 should be from the video.  The techniques that I plan to use to manage my time and be successful is to plan ahead. Setting reminders and alarms will definitely hep me keep track. I sometimes feel like I’ve it all figured out but with so much going on I tend to miss deadlines. Also keeping a white board where I can write down all of my deadlines will also help keep me on track. I also feel like making connections with my classmates is a huge help! Probably the biggest help. Creating a group chat or simply getting in touch with some of my classmates will help with motivation and reminders.
    2. What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? The challenges that could prevent me from using these techniques is my time management. I am not always good with time and I tend to think that I have it all figured out. With school and work and being a single mom I get super side tracked. I definitely want to make sure i make school a priority and keep track of my assignments and their due dates.
    3. How will you deal with those challenges? I will deal with these challenges by becoming more disciplined, setting reminders, working on my time management, completing the assignments as soon as they are posted and not waiting until the last minute.

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