Module 6 Assignment 3: Site Visit Reflection (6/29-7/1)

Answer the questions below about the classroom you visited in Module 6 Assignment #1:

  1. Which classroom did you visit? Why?
  2. What struck you about the visit? Why?
  3. What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?
  4. Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?
  5. Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?

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135 thoughts on “Module 6 Assignment 3: Site Visit Reflection (6/29-7/1)”

  1. 1. The classroom that i visited was the pre-k classroom, i choose this classroom because i want to work with pre school age children . At the moment i working with two – three years old and i am very interested in working with this age group.

    2. The thing that stuck out the most to me was the fact that the children were playing by themselves , they didn’t need the teacher to play with them, i saw a combination of both individual play and group play.

    3. I learned that with the pre school age you have to have a variety of different toys out to play with to keep them engaged and interactive. i saw that they really love the blacks and Lego, which this with the vocabulary of the children.

    4. I can see myself working with the age group i observed because i interested in working with the pre k age. I’m interested with this age group because this is the age where the children start to develop, i can see what we’ve been learning about , like the different types of play, i’m looking forward to this age group.

    5. I can see myself working in the classroom that i observed because the environment looked friendly and like a learning opportunity , i can see that it was an environment that encouraged learning, and opportunity to grow.

    1. Hi Emily
      That’s good that you would like to work with pre-school children. If I going to work in this field, that’s the same age group I would be interested in working with as well.

    2. Hey
      This is Luis Martinez, very good observations, you explained in detail of what happen throughout the observation,you mentioned about individuality and group play can you explained what is the difference between them.

  2. Answer the questions below about the classroom you visited in Module 6 Assignment #1:
    1. Which classroom did you visit? Why?
    2. What struck you about the visit? Why?
    3. What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?
    4. Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?
    5. Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?

    1. Which classroom did you visit? Why?

    Answer: Infant , because I want to work with infants army profession.

    2. What struck you about the visit? Why?

    Answer: I was struck by how engaged the staff were to the children. They love their student the reason why I say this is because sometime staff could be mean to children but they were prefect.

    3. What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?

    Answer: They always want to explore. Infants they always want to learn new things and they be so excited when they do learn something new. I love infants.

    4. Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?

    Answer: No, because I don’t want to work in the teacher field only for the health work field yes because its my passion to become a child life specialist.

    5. Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?

    Answer: No, because I don’t want to work in the teacher field only for the health work field yes because its my passion to become a child life specialist.

    1. Hi Janate,
      I enjoyed reason your responses. In specific how you want to become a child life specialist, I think that is amazing!! Is taking ECE part of the classes you need for your profession? I’ll assume knowing all the information we have learned helps alot once you go into your field.
      Best of luck to you!!

    2. Hi. This is actually the classroom I observed and I can agree with how loving the teachers were. She was so patient and hands on with them and attended to everything. I thought she was great and was a great example as to how an ECI should be because of how dedicated she was to the infants.

  3. 1. Which classroom did you visit? Why?
    I visited pre-k classroom. I think this age group of children would be good to work with.

    2. What struck you about the visit? Why?
    What struck out the most was how well the children interact with each other, and how well they also played by their self.

    3. What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?
    Pre school children are easy to work with, they are interested in playing and each other.

    4. Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?
    Yes I can picture myself working in a pre school classroom, I think they are easy to work with. They are at a good age where they listens and follows instructions. This is the age where they start to develop certain skills.

    5. Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?
    Yes the environment seems comfortable, clean, friendly and nice. The environment seems to have a lot of learning material for the kids.

    1. I learned so much from you Keneshia from the lecture posts. You were stunting ! and I hope you become working a preschool class works for you! See you in the long run.

  4. Module 6 Assignment #1:

    Which classroom did you visit? Why?

    Today I visited a kindergarten class in order to conduct my observation, I choose to observe a Kindergarten class because they are more expressive in terms of speaking and listening (Language), 4 and 5 year old’s are able to communicate more, using complete sentences to describe what they want or see and they are able to follow directions more properly. Whereas working with infants and toddlers, it’s more different it requires more attention and patience in order to successfully meet their needs, infant and toddlers are still in the stage where are they learning how to use language in order to communicate well with their caregivers and their teachers. Toddlers don’t have language, they don’t have expressive language, but they have other forms of communication.

    What struck you about the visit? Why?

    Something that struck me during the visit was that Ajay was actively interacting with his fellow classmates, basically he was more outgoing in terms of being socially confident and communicative. He had an incredible imagination, where he was constantly describing the powers that his magical creatures had, for example he said that red horse’s breath dragon fire, and that if you touched them you will be killed.

    What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?

    I learned that as educators it’s important to respond to every child’s needs, interest, and their learning styles, for instance some children process the information that they learned more quickly, whereas other students take more time to process information that they learned in class, not all students work/learn in the same pace. So, it’s important to give more time to students who need more time to complete homework and assessments. Some new insights I have about this age is that they are constantly active and exploring through dramatic play, hands –on activities that enhance the sensory mechanism, and building and connection objects.

    Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?

    I see myself as working in classroom full of preschool children, they are moving from one playing center to the other, they are using their hands to grab and reach for different objects that are located throughout the classroom shelves, cabinets, boxes, and buckets. I see that they use their hands and finger to perfume different actions as they play, one group of children are playing at the kitchen, others are building homes, creatures, cars, animals with the Lego that are laying in the floor.

    Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?

    Actually, I’m interested in working with preschool children and with kindergarten children both age groups 3, 4- and 5-year old’s are able to communicate more, using complete sentences to describe what they want or see and they are able to follow directions more properly. Basically, I’m fine with working with preschool children and kindergarten children because can tell their preferences, they can express their individuality, they are able to describe in few detail about their culture, they can express their emotion of how they are feeling for the day.

    1. Hi Luis,
      I agree with you, Aj had a very vivid imagination. I believe this is also a reason the children were so calm and engaged. They hey were curious and eager to hear more of what he had to say.

    2. I also would like to work with older children because I like the fact that most children their age can speak and express what they want and need. I think it is important because I feel like communication is a great way to form meaningful relationships with your students. I also just like the fact that I can have discussions with my students, I find what kids have to say interesting and it can be funny sometimes.

  5. 1.Which classroom did you visit? Why?
    I visited the Kindergartner classroom, I have worked in a Kindergarten classroom the past three years, by doing so I have found this is the age group I want to continue working with. I think Kindergartner is a beautiful, fun age group to work with, the children are independent and are learning just as much as teacher as we are. This is also a a great age to observe as many parts of their development are ruching their peak skills and milestones. It is also the perfect time to try to help out the children that aren’t meeting milestones like they are supposed to. I’d like to work in a public school were services are provided for them if needed, and of parents agree to them. This age group is also very responsive and is eager to explore many things, new activities, different part of the curriculum and so on. What I also like about this age group is their ability to communicate what they feel and think (if they can), I am always amazed by how Kindergartens think and the logic behind it. I believe this group suits me perfectly.

    2.What struck you about the visit? Why?
    What struck me about he visit aside from the kids being so independent with their play was where their station was set up. I have questions about this very situation. I like the fact Miss Amber gave them the space and freedom like seen in the video. I enjoyed seeing their station outside of the classroom with plenty of space for them to build, also give the kids a chance to reset and take a break if needed from being in a large group. Another thing that struck me was the way Miss Amber let the students have their own conversation without getting in the middle of it, other than making small comments. Even when Aj said her Lego person looked like a ugly teacher, Miss Amber did not react, but the student next to her did, Leah. Miss Amber gives them total trust not just with their play but also with verbal communication.

    3.What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?
    I learned kids are very independent yet appear to feel comfort in knowing a teacher is near by, even if the teacher is no making a big presence. The children look for her approval and compliments during the observation.

    4.Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?
    Yes, for starters I’ve been working with this age group for 3 years now. I enjoy working with this age group as they are so curious, imaginative and independent. They are also more capable of communication their needs and wants, with a small amount of children that may need extra help.

    5.Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?
    I am uncertain about working with this specific Kindergarten classroom. I’d like to work in a
    ICT classroom or self contained classroom. Although I like General Ed. I prefer working
    students that have learning differences.

    1. Hi Mariah. Our classrooms were different but it always amazes me how independent these young children can be. As an Early childhood educator Im sure the feeling can be bittersweet because it reassures you that you’re doing something right and providing such a safe, loving environment that you’re giving the children the opportunity to explore on their own and learn about their capabilities and abilities.

  6. what classroom did you visit?
    I visited the pre k classroom. Why because I enjoy company of younger children. Observing this had gave me an idea which I would think be a great fit for me.

    what struck you about the visit?
    What struck me the most was being able to see such younger children engaging with one another, not so much tears.

    what did you learn about working with groups children in the age group u visited? toddler, preschool and young age?
    patients is always key when working with smaller kids. The job is a great job once you build that bond and connect

    can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group ? why
    Yes i can because I enjoy the company of younger children. Its not so much easy most kids cry a lot but it builds you as a teacher

    can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observe ?
    Yes the children where well behave. I probably engaged myself more but it was great.

  7. Which classroom did you visit? Why?
    I visited the kindergarten classroom because I think Kindergarten is the best and most important classroom. Kindergarten teachers have a lot of responsibility because kindergarten is the main class to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and study skills. The development of self-esteem is one of the important goals of kindergarten.
    What struck you about the visit? Why?
    The boy is so smart. His name is Adrian. He owns so many skills such as social, communication and language skills. He can say his family. He can answer every answer. He can complain when his class roommates talk about something. And also, he is so funny and his grammar is very good.
    What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?
    I learned that working with groups of children is such a happy and great job because they are smart and purity.
    Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?
    Yes, I can. I will manage children who are in my classroom and sit down individually or in small groups. And then, I will tell a story and questions. I need to give it a few minutes. And I will go to every group to listen to their answer.
    Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?
    I’d like to work in a science and math specific classroom. Because it is more interesting and it can help for many learning skills for the children.

  8. Which classroom did you visit? Why?
    I chose the Infant/toddler classroom. This is the age group that I wish to work with because I feel this age group is the most crucial in development. Setting the correct foundation at this age has a direct effect on their development and sets them up for success as they group and experience life up until adulthood.

    What struck you about the visit? Why?
    What stood out to me the most were the other teachers. I know it’s hard to know there whereabouts when the camera is only facing one teacher and the children around her, but at one point in the video another teacher who was in view of an infant got up and left the area and didn’t bother to warn the other staff to keep an eye on her. Anything could have happened from that moment on. Proper communication is key and that really bothered me. The children however were very engaged with the main staff and very comfortable around her which I enjoyed knowing.

    What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?

    You need a lot of patients working with younger children. There will be times where you have one crying baby in your arm while you’re trying to entertain another child. Children are also like sponges and soak in everything, so you want to make sure you’re demonstrating how to do things and talking through the steps. You also want to be very consistent and not give up on an activity just because the child isn’t engaged right away.

    Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?

    Yes I can. I genuinely love being around younger children. I am a kid at heart, and always find myself finding extreme patience when around them. I enjoy knowing that I can steer a human being in the right direction in life, even as an infant, by helping them develop skills that they will continue to utilize as they explore themselves and the world around them.

    Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?
    Yes and No. I would honestly observe the classroom in person and not over the camera to see how the other staff are. I would hope that they are actually more hands on with the other children and communicating with each other when one leaves the room or area. Other then that, I can see myself working in that classroom. It’s a very small space, making relationships and bonds with the infants more personal.

  9. 1. Which classroom did you visit? Why?
    I visited the young school-age classroom because I want to work with this age range.

    2. What struck you about the visit? Why?
    What struck me about the visit is that the children were very well behaved and engaged in the activity. They were able to converse and build without becoming distracted. Another thing that struck me was the way the teacher did not take any offense to the boy’s criticism of the person she built. I think that shows that she is professional and understands that children say things that we should not take personally.

    3. What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool-age children, groups of young school-age children?
    I learned that young school-age children are very vocal, they can discuss how they feel, give an opinion, and answer questions easily. I also learned that they can work and converse without getting distracted.

    4. Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?
    I could picture working in a classroom with the age group I observed because I like the fact that I can have a full conversation with my students. I feel that having conversations is one of the best and easiest ways to form a relationship.

    5. Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?
    From what I observed I would not mind working in the specific classroom I observed because the children were well behaved and I like that can have full conversations and express their feelings. The teacher looks friendly and professional. The space looks nice, clean, and can support children’s learning.

    1. Hey Kenneth, I like how you mentioned that educators shouldn’t take anything children say personally. Because I think that is important in this field. Young children are sometimes known for being blunt and saying everything that they think but as a professional we cannot get upset or take anything personal.

    2. Hey Kenneth, I hope you continue your journey as an educator you seem to understand young school-aged children and their developed characters and personality traits. It is easier to make connections to your students verbally and show them how to make better decisions in life.

  10. Which classroom did you visit? Why?
    I chose to visit the preschool age classroom because I plan on working with this age group. I’ve been working with preschool age children since the beginning of high school and it is something I really enjoy. And with preschool children or a little older it allows me to have more of a back and forth relationship. They are still young enough where I feel I can successfully teach them everything they need to thrive, but old enough to where I can understand if there is any disconnect or any issues.

    What struck you about the visit? Why?
    This group of children were very well-behaved and caused little to no problems. They played with each other well and any issues they were able to solve it among themselves. Another thing that struck me was how quiet, the focus child of the observation, Selah was. She played with herself a lot but she did play and interact with her classmates. But even through it she didn’t say a whole lot.

    What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?
    I learned that children at this age can be more independent that you expect them to be. I also learned that some students can be comfortable or stuck in their solitude and you have to make sure you are paying attention so you can make the decision to help that student engage with their peers and become more social in order to have a more successful social emotional development. I learned that children do well with repetition or reinforcement. A lot of the activities they were working on were that same actions over and over and each time they enjoyed it just the same.

    Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?
    Yes I can see myself working with the age group I observed. I am good at reinforcement and teaching things in different ways in order for people to understand in multiple ways. I learned alot about multiple pathways to success or overdetermination of success and I feel like I can successfully apply that in the classroomq

    Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?

    1. Conti.
      Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?
      Yes I can picture myself working with the specific classroom I observed. It was a very calm classroom and there wasn’t a lot going on. I think it would be easy to satisfy the needs of each student in this specific classroom.

    2. Hi Sydnie, I also like the ambiance of preschool classrooms. The children can problem solve and make decisions more consciously and we can always positively reinforce good behavior. I just feel like this room had too many things going on and the lack of transitions which is needed to learn a routine.

    3. Hi Sydnie d

      Its indeed important to support social interaction and communication with their peer because that will help children to be more confident and motivated. I personally encourage cooperative play and the activities that require collaboration because I believe that children get the opportunity to share their idea and feeling which will help them to boost their learning skills.

  11. Which classroom did you visit? Why?
    I visited the pre-k classroom because I intend to be a preschool teacher one day.
    What struck you about the visit? Why?
    During the visit what stuck with me the most is that there is no structure in the classroom no sense of transitioning in the classroom or queues it was a free for all. The teachers never finished an activity instead of just abandoned them in the middle of play/ learning. There were too many children in the room for two teachers of that age group and no communication between the two teachers who occupied the space.
    What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool-age children, groups of young school age children?
    I learned that in order to work with pre-k you need to be more observant to meet the needs of each child and to support them in their development. This classroom seems to lack this and there was no communication or teamwork in this environment between the teachers which I hope one day I would have a good connection to my co-teacher so my children can learn the importance of teamwork and that you do not need to do things alone.
    Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?
    I do picture myself working with this age group because I know I can support my childrens developmental, social-emotional, and physical milestones and provide them with the tools they need as well as their families.
    Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?
    I can picture myself working in the classroom I chose to observe but I would change the dynamic of the space to make it more fun for the children so they can be engaged in learning and in play.

  12. 1. Which classroom did you visit? Why?
    I chose to visit the infant room activity, because It is the age group I would love to work with. Eventually I would love t open my own daycare facility.
    2. What struck you about the visit? Why?
    How well the caretakers took care of the children, they were outnumbered but they still managed to make sure everyone was accounted for and safe.
    3. What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?
    I learned that infants/toddlers are active children. Ready to explore and discover new things. They are curious and ready to learn.
    4. Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?
    Yes ! I Absolutely can picture myself working in a classroom setting like this. I have experience taking care of multiple children that age.
    5. Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?
    Yes I think I would be a great caretaker for the infant group. It is the age group I have the most experience and I am knowledgeable when it comes to activities and the needs infants have.

    1. Hi Camila Polo
      I absolutely agreed with you as you mentioned that infant are active and ready to learn even they are able to chose their care giver as they start to built trust in the early stage of their development.

  13. 1. Which classroom did you visit? Why?
    I visited preschool age class because it is the rang age that I wan to work with.

    2. What struck you about the visit? Why?
    The thing that struck me that is how the teacher was responding attentively for the children’s needs. She is helping one child and playing with him, meanwhile she is responding to another one. I think this kind of behavior that we should as an educator learn and develop because we are facing a group of different children in on class and we have to give everyone the care and time they deserve.

    3. What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?
    I learned from this observations that as we observe we should never prejudge the child’s behavior or reactions whatever the situation, but rather we need just to observe and notice what changes could occur on his or her behavior and thus try to figure out whether this behavior that he or she demonstrated affect their development or no and then try to find a way to help and support them in their development.

    4. Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?
    Yes, I will do different activities with children. I respond for their question listen to their concern and observe their behavior attentively.

    5. Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?
    Yes, I will try to apply the skills that I learned in order to help children in their learning.

  14. 1. The classroom that i visited was the pre-k classroom .I choose this classroom because I want to work with preschool age children . I used to be a group leader and substitute teacher at Light Horizon Day Care Preschool

    2. The level of indepence of the children was very surprising to me. I think the way children are able to absorb the actions of the adult and mimic their actions is very interesting.

    3. There is a lot of diversity in the classroom which is useful for the development of the child’s social skills and for resolving social issues in the United States.

    4. Since my prior experience working in Light Horizon Day Care Preschool was very rewarding, I believe this classroom environment would be appropriate for me to continue to grow professionally.

    5. The environment was pleasant with children from different backgrounds which is the type of population that I would like to work with. As a result, this setting was a good place for me to consider working in at some time in the future.

  15. 1. I decided to visit the Infant classroom, I was stuck between infant and pre schoolers as I was yet unsure what exact age group I wanted.
    2. Viewing infant shows you have to be patient because they aren’t vocal and able to express themselves. So you have to be patient with them. the staff were very engaging especially the lady in the green sweater. she was very patient and seemed happy to be there and assisting the children.
    3. This children seemed like they are always up for an adventure even if its somewhere they have explored. You get to learn more about an object. to you its a red ball but to these children its more.
    4. yes and no, i am still uncertain what age group. I wish i can do both. If i could than most definitely.
    5. Not really I felt like this classroom was a bit to small and to claustrophobic.

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  17. 1.Which classroom did you visit? Why?
    I visited the Pre-K classroom, because I want to work with children of this age. This age is very interesting for my observation and it is a good challenge for me to work with them.

    2.What struck you about the visit? Why?
    What struck me during this video was that the filming observation was mostly based on a one specific child and her actions. She seemed shy in front of the camera which I think it stopped her showing her possible ability, and other types of developmental skills. I saw other kids were more comfortable and showing a little bit more adaptive skills and knowledge, then she was. I think this filmed observation would be better if kids were not aware of the presence of cameras, so they could be in their natural and spontaneous act.

    3.What did you learn about working with groups of children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?

    I noticed in this document the center of attention was mostly one child. This girl is playing by herself or with a group of kids. But the majority of the time, she was left alone without teacher supervision. She was encouraged by the teacher to be gradually moved to another play area with other kids. In my observation she needs work on her emotional skills, I see her temperament was quite slow to warm up processes.

    4.Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?

    Yes, I can picture myself working in a classroom with the age group I observed, because I love to work with this age, I have my specific observations and know the area of intervention and the way to do it. I have experience working with this range of children and I like to see how they explore new skills and see them developing, and communicating their achievements in the same time.

    5.Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?
    I would work in this specific class for the same reason as I would work in other classrooms generally with kids the same.

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