Module 5 Assignment 2: Ethics & Professionalism When Working with Young School Age Children (6/22-6/28)

Read the NAEYC Code of Ethics


Thinking in the context of working with young school age children, answer the following questions:

  1. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
  2. Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
  3. Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
  4. Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
  5. Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
  6. Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    1. Which situations did you pick?
    2. How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?

Reply to 2 other posts — try to reply to people who had different views then you do.

44 thoughts on “Module 5 Assignment 2: Ethics & Professionalism When Working with Young School Age Children (6/22-6/28)”

  1. 1. In my option i am in between if its appropriate to wear jean to work, i think that jeans can be dressed up.Or maybe dress casual dressy from Monday- Thursday and have casual Fridays . For me personally this is how its done in my job.
    2. I do not think it professional to talk to the children about your personal life , i believe there should be a balance between work and your personal life. Maybe like minor things like your birthday but nothing more.
    3. I think it isn’t professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around because that your work place and as i stated before there should be a balance. Only time your phone should be out if there’s an emergency.
    4. i do not believe that its professional to show pictures of the children to friends because , i think that its not appropriate , those are your students , not your nieces or nephews.
    5. I believe in discipline and consequences for your actions ,not awarding your favorite child but those children who did well and followed the rules while others who didn’t, i believe its okay. Only because your not just giving your favorite child , but your rewarding a number of children for their behavior.

    6.Your colleague tells the children if they behave or does what she wants them to she will give them candy. She tells them this repeatedly. Later, she holds pieces of candy in front of them to see and then takes it away from them, telling them, “No, you can’t have it,” because they did not behave the way she wanted them to.
    I will my colleague that you told them if they behaved you would give them candy, you cant say something and then take it back, Why because children remember and that they behaved the way they know how even if it didn’t meet her standards.

    Michael has an allergy to peanuts. He has an Epi-Pen. You have an allergy too shellfish and have an Epi-Pen too. Michael didn’t eat nuts, but he is turning red, his face is swelling up, and he is starting to cough. The nurse is out sick, and the director, who is also trained to administer his Epi-Pen, is out of the building at a meeting.

    In a situation like this ,me who also has the pen and knows how to do it , i will administer the pen into Michael , because if he is swelling and staring to cough , i wouldn’t want to take any chances.

    i know some places that even though you have a epi pen and know how to administer the epi pen , if you are not a trained personal or on the medical form to administer the epi pen then you are not allowed to administer the pen , you would have to find someone who is trained. Also Michael can inject the pen himself. Its a tricky situation.

    Dwayne is a kindergartener who is large-for-his-age and uses aggressive behavior that hurts other children. His peers are afraid of him, and their parents start to express concern to the program director. You and your colleague feel stressed and tired. You spend so much time helping manage Dwayne that other children are not getting the attention they need.
    I wold have a meeting with my director and the child’s parents and discuss Dwayne’s behavior , and tell the parents that its coming to a point where we are not able to the attention / care they need because of the behavior of Dwayne , i will tell the parents that from that moment on Dwayne would be put in a behavioral chart where we monitor his behavior more closely and if the child gets five complaints he would be moved to a different class that better suits his needs.

    1. Hi Emily,
      Regarding your answer for question 5. I do not believe it is is appropriate to only reward children that follow the rules. It is diminishing to the other children that may be trying just as hard but haven’t yet mastered that skill. Also it will probably make other children awful and hurt their self-esteem witnessing this, this would crush the rest of the class regardless of rewarding a few kids or just one. It may make the children not want to come to school or drive them to retaliate. Rather, if there is a chart that you keep in the classroom that is visual to all then the children can see their own efforts and know when they will get a small reward.

    2. Hey
      This is Luis martinez I agree with you on question #2,absolutely no and never, it’s unprofessional to discuss one’s personal problems with young children, especially because young children are still developing a sense of understanding of how the world works around them. We don’t want to exposed/traumatized young children with our own personal issues or how world issues are affecting us(teachers).

  2. Thinking in the context of working with young school age children, answer the following questions:
    1. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    2. Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    3. Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    4. Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    5. Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    6. Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    1. Which situations did you pick?
    2. How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?

    1. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?

    Answer: I do find it professional to wear jeans to work. It really depends on the jeans not ripped up jeans but some nice black jeans or blue jeans or maybe even colorful to bring in a little fun is totally fine.

    2. Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?

    Answer: I do find it unprofessional to talk about your personal issues with the children because I believe you should leave all personal issues at home, don’t bring it to work. Plus its really not apporeiate for children to know what the teacher goes through.

    3. Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?

    Answer: I do find it unprofessional to pull out my cellphone while the children are around because you need to always stay aware and cautious of your children. One eye off of them and something can happen to them.

    4. Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?

    Answer: I do find it unprofessional to show pictures of my children to my friends because that invading my student personal space. Its not for my friend to know.

    5. Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?

    Answer: I do find it unprofessional to bring treats for your favorite student and not others because I don’t believe in favoritism. Every child should be treated the same.

    6. Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas. Which situations did you pick? How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?

    Answer: 2, 3, 10

    #2: I would tell my colleague that he/she should never bribe children, not in my classroom and to never use that candy bribe again and asl apologize to my student.

    #3: I would apologize to both families about what they concerned about and let them know it won’t be happen again and also advise my colleague to not use languages that the families are not comfortable with.

    #10 I would report to the director letting them know what’s going on. WE DO NOT DISCRIMINATE EVER!

    1. For ethical dilemma #3 I thought that the teachers might have been speaking their home language to students who also speak that language so I thought it was okay. However, I agree with your answer if they were just speaking to each other because it is not right for two teachers to speak another language in front of people and no one else understands.

    2. I do not agree with you about telling the families you will stop talking about other languages in the classroom. I think it is ok to promote language diversity and learn a new language. I would have educated the parents on what the words were and translate them on paper so they they know the words are not inappropriate. The world does not only speak one language and we should respect others cultures.

  3. Seminar Module 5
    Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    I think many teachers are wearing jeans in the world. But, some of the schools have uniform rules. So, It will not be relative to professionals. It would depend on time and situation. We have to respect the school rule.
    Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    It is not professional because we need to separate professional and personal life to create balance between work and personal life. And also, every minute is very important and useful for the children in work hours. We need to respect work hours.
    Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    It is not professional because it is unrespectful for the school rules and children who are your students.
    Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    It is not professional because it is a professional private job. And also, this is the basic rule of the school. We can’t share student and school information in private because we all are not speakers of the school.
    Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    It is not professional because teachers should have only one mind. It is fair for every student in the class. This is the basic principle for every teacher.
    Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    Which situations did you pick?
    How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?
    I picked 7, 9 and 10
    7. If Shane’s family has not responded, create a family picture book about each of the student’s in my class. I don’t mind because I know some of the parents have their inside family problem. However, I will create a picture of Shane with me because he is in my class, he is my family, I think it will be ok for all of us.
    9. I think I have been looking for school history. For example, how is Christmas celebrated important in my school? And how many years celebrate in my school? If my school celebrates every year, it is a cultural celebration of my school. So, I have to do it. If not, I can cancel even if I want because I have to respect the several family ideas. If this is my school culture celebration, I would talk to several family members who do not celebrate christmas one by one. I will ask “ why do not celebrate Christmas?”. I would listen to their answer, and I will find the solution. For example, if they say this is religious, I will prove this is not religious because most of the families are not Christian but they celebrate Christmas. And also, I will vow to every family this celebration is for children skills and milestones. Not to assimilate. And also, I will explain that the children’s relationship skills are very important for their life and I will invite not only the several family members but also all of the family members in my class.

    10.If my co-worker makes insulting statements about children and families of a specific ethnicity group, I would report to the school principal because he is unrespectful to my students, my students family and school. So, the principal is the best decision maker about that kind of case.

    1. hello good answers . I really enjoyed reading your response for the scenarios about the co worker insulting statements. i agreed with your answer. That’s the best to do get the principal involved so that they are aware of whats happening.

    2. For ethical dilemma #7, I think you should have a conversation with the family to see if everything is okay at home because I find it a little concerning that there is no pictures of their child.

  4. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    I think many teachers are wearing jeans in the world. But, some of the schools have uniform rules. So, It will not be relative to professionals. It would depend on time and situation. We have to respect the school rule.
    Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    It is not professional because we need to separate professional and personal life to create balance between work and personal life. And also, every minute is very important and useful for the children in work hours. We need to respect work hours.
    Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    It is not professional because it is unrespectful for the school rules and children who are your students.
    Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    It is not professional because it is a professional private job. And also, this is the basic rule of the school. We can’t share student and school information in private because we all are not speakers of the school.
    Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    It is not professional because teachers should have only one mind. It is fair for every student in the class. This is the basic principle for every teacher.
    Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    Which situations did you pick?
    How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?
    I picked 7, 9 and 10
    7. If Shane’s family has not responded, create a family picture book about each of the student’s in my class. I don’t mind because I know some of the parents have their inside family problem. However, I will create a picture of Shane with me because he is in my class, he is my family, I think it will be ok for all of us.
    9. I think I have been looking for school history. For example, how is Christmas celebrated important in my school? And how many years celebrate in my school? If my school celebrates every year, it is a cultural celebration of my school. So, I have to do it. If not, I can cancel even if I want because I have to respect the several family ideas. If this is my school culture celebration, I would talk to several family members who do not celebrate christmas one by one. I will ask “ why do not celebrate Christmas?”. I would listen to their answer, and I will find the solution. For example, if they say this is religious, I will prove this is not religious because most of the families are not Christian but they celebrate Christmas. And also, I will vow to every family this celebration is for children skills and milestones. Not to assimilate. And also, I will explain that the children’s relationship skills are very important for their life and I will invite not only the several family members but also all of the family members in my class.

    10.If my co-worker makes insulting statements about children and families of a specific ethnicity group, I would report to the school principal because he is unrespectful to my students, my students family and school. So, the principal is the best decision maker about that kind of case.

    1. Hey
      This is Luis Martinez, I agree with you on question #3,absolutely not, teachers/educator should never use/take out their phone while teaching or during class times unless is a highly personal emergency, because phone causes distractions and it shows that you are not there responding to the child’s needs, interest, and their learning. It has also been said that a teacher that is constantly on their phone during class shows inappropriate work behavior that the students could acquire from watching it happen so often.

  5. 1. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    I think if there are certain rules that the school established about preventing educator to wear jean then we should follow the rules. Otherwise, I think is not problem to wear jean if workers feel comfortable wearing a jean, just they should keep it in a formal way that will not break their professional statue.

    2. Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    I think that it is not professional to share personal life with children because we should not mixt our personal life with our work. We can share simple things in the context of learning but not giving information about my life.

    3. Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    It is not professional to take our cell phone when the children are around because we do not have to do something that will take us away from observing children.

    4. Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    I think is not professional to show pictures of the children in my class to my friend because as a professional we should respect the individuality of our children.

    5. Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    It not professional to make differences between children. We need to treat them equally and we do not have to seek in any behavior could hurt child’s feeling.
    6. Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    1. Which situations did you pick?
    I picked 2,7,9
    2. How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?

    1. (2)Your colleague tells the children if they behave or does what she wants them to she will give them candy. She tells them this repeatedly. Later, she holds pieces of candy in front of them to see and then takes it away from them, telling them, “No, you can’t have it,” because they did not behave the way she wanted them to.

    I will talk to her respectfully and I will tell her that her behavior is inappropriate and it is harmful for children, if she keep doing same behavior I will report her.

    2. (7)You are creating a book about each of the students in your class. You asked the families to send in pictures of the children throughout their lives to use for the book. Shane’s family has not responded to your request. You see his family during pick-off and politely ask them about photos. They respond, “We don’t have any,” and walk away with Shane.

    I will not force the family to give me pictures, if I see that this picture is indeed necessary, I will try to talk to them nicely and explain to the importance of this book and comfort them and I will respect their decision whatever it is. I will try to comfort my student.

    3. (9) Several families in your class do not celebrate Christmas. You colleague wants to decorate the classroom, have a “Secret Santa” for the children, create art projects based on Christmas.
    Since in early childhood program we should respect children cultures and support cultural sustain. There is no problem celebrating Christmas and I will support this idea. Just I will advise my colleague that he or she have to inform the families who do not celebrate Christmas that we are willing to do such activities and we will respect their decision whether they want their children to participate or not.

  6. 1. I do believe wearing jeans is professional, but this is my opinion. One should always read their staff hand book carefully in order to know what is accepted in their work place. Jeans worn to work should not have holes, or be ripped. Jeans can be a way for teachers to express themselves by having different fun colors or patters on them, that the children may find inviting and fun.
    2. I believe that if we share something about our personal life with the children it should reflect on what they may be talking about in order to make a connection. If a teacher is pregnant, gets engaged, or is getting married within a few days I think it is professional to share that piece of personal information with the children. I believe this because the children notice change, not only physical change but also emotional change. Sharing small details as such with children can help develop a more trusting relationship with them, without crossing any boundaries. I don’t think it’s professional to share family problems or financial problems with the children, or if ones having an argument with someone.
    3. I think it depends on the occasion to where it is labeled professional. For instance if the class is doing a project and I have a classroom website then yes. I think it is professional as it is for work purposes, this applies to inside the classroom or in the playground, while of course being extremely cautious. Another situation may be if two kids or one kid gets hurt and you want to take pictures of injuries for paperwork. If the taking our cell phone out for personal use is not professional, for example checking our social media or to text people. But, if we are having a family emergency and administration is aware of what is happening then yes I do think it is also acceptable. Also tricky to say in which scenario this is as we rely on our phones for time keeping if we are out of our classroom with the children.
    4. It is not allowed by the DOE for teacher to post photos of the children on social media, which leads me to believe it is not professional to show pictures of the children to friends. It is also not professional because this very reason may be stated in the hiring contract which one has to abide by.
    5. It is absolutely not professional to bring a treat for a “favorite” child. This is also not a healthy relationship to try to have with a student, and my be seen as something else. I’m not worried too much about allergies since at the beginning of the year we receive the allergy list front he nurse and we must know what each child is allergic to. What does worry me is what administration, the parents, kids and colleagues may thing of this gesture. It is not appropriate to single our a child, wether its positive or negative.
    6. -Scenario 9:
    I’d say to the teacher that it is not acceptable to only celebrate one holiday. I’d advise for us as a team to further discuss what we can do to celebrate “the Festival of Lights” with the children and their families. I would comment on how many we could email the families asking if they are willing to come share with the class how they celebrate during the holidays, what the traditions are, a read a loud, maybe even bring pictures of what their holiday celebration looks like. I would also comment to the staff and families If they want to bring a treat to share with all children that is traditional of their celebrations that it would be wonderful. Keeping in mind not all children may be able to or want to each the treat. As far as “Secret Santa” goes, I would suggest having the kids make drawings of her choosing for their classmates. I would also suggest opening a center to learn to make snowflakes to help decorate the classroom and be in the winter spirit, which brings so many celebrations.

    Scenario 8:
    I would speak to Michale’s parents in private and try my best to make them feel better. I would then ask the guidance counselor to speak to the classroom about feelings, and how to include everyone when playing or eating lunch to promote friendships. Id addition I’d ask for the counselor to speak to the children of how one main feel if they are a little different and not taken into account for their disabilities. I would then get reading materials that reflect on this. I would also write an email to parents addressing the issue I have noticed and how to address it. With Micahle’s parents permission I would show a video to the class, more than likely Sesame Street as they always to to incorporate children with all and any disabilities. Hoping this would promote better relationships and inclusion both for parents and children.

    Scenario 6:
    I would speak to Dwayne’s parents privately along with the director and ask if he has been evaluated for his doctor or any other professional has ever worked with him before. I would express my concerns about what I think may be causing the behavior. I’d express to them that it would be best for him to start seeing the guidance counselor, and for us to start tracking his behavior with a chart. I would also suggest for them sing a form for the school intervention team to observe Dwayne during our school day. This would determine if his evolution needs to go further and more in depth, In the meantime the other teachers and I would try to explain to the class that sometimes we don’t always have control over our body, and we hurt people even when were don’t mean to. I would tell them to talk to their classmate and express how they feel, and how they can work It out by using their words. I would encourage the classroom to be flexible with their friend as he doesn’t mean harm and is still leaning to use his body around other, I would talk to them about people feeling down when they feel others don’t want to play with them or be around them.

    1. Hey Maria,
      Good job ! but i disagree with your answer too question 4 because DOE does let teachers post photos as long as consent forms are signed and the families have given permission to do so and many schools have social media websites those photos are seen by many and why not show your classroom and your students milestones to your friends.

      1. Hi Elianna, thanks for your feed back!
        however, in my school we are not allowed to have social media accounts, we have our own websites for every classroom that is only accessible by parents once we share the password with them. There are so many other platforms to share photos with families than social media. Referring back to my answer for #3 I state the things thoughts about this very question. I believe when parents are signing the consent form is for us to “release” photos to our specif platform we have setup, not for our friends to see our children’s work. I also believe that I can express myself verbally with my friends without needing to show them photos of the students.

  7. 1. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    Depends on the type of job you do, some jobs ask you to be as comfortable as you want, which allows you to wear jeans with a nice button down shirt. While other jobs have a strict dress code, office style clothing.

    2. Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    No. Its not professional to talk to children about your personal life. They’re children and adult business and issues, children has no business hearing. The children shouldn’t know what the caregiver or teacher is going through at home.

    3. Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    It all depends, if you get an emergency phone call you could take your phone out to answer it, but if its not an emergency you shouldn’t take your phone out.

    4. Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    No. It is not professional, because that’s not any of your family members.

    5. Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    No. It is not professional because that’s showing favoritism. Every child should be treated equally.

    6. Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    1. Which situations did you pick?
    2. How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?
    #2, #5 and #10

    #2 I would tell my colleague that it’s not right to try and bribe the children. She should find another way to teach the children so they could stay focus and be interested in what she is teaching them.

    #5 I would tell my coworker what they doing is not right. Other people business shouldn’t be a topic to be discussing to others. If they want to talk, speak about their own business not other peoples business.

    #10 I would pull my coworker aside and let them know what they are doing is not right at all, and asked them how they would feel if the tables where turned.

    1. hey good job with all your answers some examples from the code of ethics would made them stronger and gave us an idea why you pick the answers you did and why.

  8. 1.Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    -I think it’s professional to wear jeans to work as long as they are not rip and are dress up with casual or professional looking other attries for example like a collar shirt, as an educator as long as you respect and spread knowlegde you should wear what you please to work,as long as it look presentable. In the code of ethical conduct it doesn’t state nothing about wearing jeans being unprofessional or getting in the way of you creating and maintaining a safe setting and teaching childrens and growing up I seen a lot of my teachers wearing jeans and I still thought they look very professional.
    2.Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    -It is not professional to talk about your personal life with the children because as the code of ethical responsibilities to children states educators should use strategies and assessments that are appropriate for childrens and that can benfits them and speaking about else on yourself is not beneficial too them, and your personal life should be left YOUR personal life once a educator is an a classroom the top priority becomes the childrens and whats going on with them and how you are going to ensure they are well taken care of and well taught.
    3.Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    -I don’t think its professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around for personal purposes but you should be able to have it on you and only be able to take it out if you think its emergency, sick child or supouse, and work related emails or calls.
    4.Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    -I think it’s not professional to show pictures of the children in your classroom to your friends unless you have consent forms already signed by the families and the picture are appropriate like classroom group picture and students work.
    5.Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    -I don’t think it’s professional to bring small treats for your”favorite” children if the others don’t know why because as the ethical responsibilities to children states we shall not participate in practices that discriminates children by giving special advantages or by excluding them as an educator we should reward and be proud of all students milestones no matter how big or small and as a professional you should not have a favorite child all your students should be treated equally.
    6.Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    1.Which situations did you pick?
    2.How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?
    -I would remind my co-worker are ethical responsibilities to families and also remind myself the responsibilities I have to my employer and let them know whats been going on if my co worker behaviors havent change because we dont want families feeling like they cant trust us as a program for there child.
    -I would suggest that we can still do this as long as the families agree and we add on events and decorations from the other holidays other families celebrate and make sure we dont only make it about christmas and no children are left out.
    -I would remind my co-worker about our ethical responsibilities to childrens and families and let them its not okay to speak on others like that and then let my employer know so it can be address and can never happen again.

  9. 1. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    ANSWER: I’m kinda on the fence with this one. I want to say yes, although most locations have a strict rule . I say yes because I would assume its easier to move around and kinda get down and dirty with the children and working with them. caring for kids can get messy sometimes.

    2. Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    ANSWER: absolutely not, your personal life and your work life has nothing to do with one another, unless your child is involved in the class and he/she brings up an activity or occurrence that happened than maybe but otherwise no.

    3. Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    ANSWER: i think it isn’t appropriate for it, if any emergency occurs i think they should contact the facility you are working at. taking your phone out shows you are distracted and not providing the children 100%.

    4. Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why? ANSWER: no its not appropriate, i don’t know what kind of person my “friend” may be behind closed doors nor do i want to go against the parents privacy policy. for example when social media first surfaced I didn’t want my son to be on anyone social media page without my consent. blur his face out.

    5. Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    ANSWER: aww thats so cruel! what if another child finds out? that wouldn’t be right. also you don’t want to accidentally give them something they may be allergic to. if you provide a treat for one child might as well have enough for all of them.

    6. Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    1. Which situations did you pick?
    2. How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY? Answer: (6.) Dwayne: Dwayne the bully: I would schedule a sit down with the parent and figure out a way we can help Dwayne, maybe theres issues at home that need to be figured out. I would also speak to the school counselor in hopes she can speak to him or she is able to provide some tips. similar to what we learned in Module 7 about type of children I would use redirection on the child and hope to help Dwayne redirect his anger.
    (4.) Michael is allergic to nuts scenario: I would inject the episode-pen into Michaels thigh, I am experienced and have the CPR and First Aid certification and would do what i feel is needed at the time of event. after I am certain Michael is feeling better, I will reach out to a guardian and the director and update them on the situation and why I chose to act instantly on that decision.
    (7.) Shane’s Picture scenario: I would politely ask the family if it is okay to use pictures that I take of the class when they are doing class work, often most school during the beginning of the school year send home a form allowing teachers to record or take picture of the students while learning. I would use those images to create a beautiful memory book. Make additional copies of the photos to send home with the children.

    1. Hi Kelly,
      I disagree with how you are labeling Dwayne as a bully. I think his behavior has a lot to do with his development not being on track for his age. Rather than labeling him a bully without knowing the background story is a bit unfair to him. He is not being malicious, the problem seems to be he has no to little control over his body, his gross motor skills have not fully developed and he is behind in many parts of development. As we have have learned in past modules, we have to explore their behavior and speak to thier families to get a better understanding. I don’t believe he has “anger” problems, he’s having a hard time processing information, recognizing others emotions, learning to control his body and trying to process the environments he is is.

    2. Hey Kelly, when I worked at a daycare I had a child just like Dwayne. The child was large for his age and also had autism. He didn’t fully understand the idea of personal space and didn’t understand social cues. As a result of this he was being bullied a lot by the other children who were annoyed by him. I agree with Maria and I don’t think Dwayne is being a bully. It’s just a difference in development, but I do agree with a sit down with the parents and a counselor.

  10. Thinking in the context of working with young school age children, answer the following questions:

    Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    I personally believe yes, it’s fine to wear jeans to work, as long as the jean is appropriately in terms of length, style, and fit in order to wear in an educational setting and of course it should align with the school’s dress code for teachers. These days I been noticing early childhood educators/teachers wearing especially black jeans in the classroom, from what I seen the jeans look appropriately and align with the professional etiquette. But it is always recommended to wear professional clothing in any educational setting or interview, it shows professionalism and shows interest in elevating your position within education.

    Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    Absolutely no and never, it’s unprofessional to discuss one’s personal problems with young children, especially because young children are still developing a sense of understanding of how the world works around them. We don’t want to exposed/traumatized young children with our own personal issues or how world issues are affecting us(teachers).

    Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?

    Absolutely not, teachers/educator should never use/take out their phone while teaching or during class times unless is a highly personal emergency, because phone causes distractions and it shows that you are not there responding to the child’s needs, interest, and their learning. It has also been said that a teacher that is constantly on their phone during class shows inappropriate work behavior that the students could acquire from watching it happen so often.

    Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?

    Absolutely no, it is not okay to show pictures of young children(students)to friends because it’s an invasion of privacy and parental consent. It’s an obligation from part of the school that teachers must seek for parental consent in order to share any form of media that has to do with students’ picture. It’s highly recommended that every year as the student moves to the next grade level that teachers send out letters to parents regarding with sharing videos and pictures of their child.

    Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    Absolutely not, teachers should not bring small treats to their top favorite students, even if the other children don’t’ know because it demeans the hard work that other students put into and this can also lead students feeling that they are worthless and thinking that they are not important as the other students who were chosen by the teacher as the role models, bringing confidence levels down and often loosing respect for their teachers. It will be much fair if you reward everyone for their hard work, of course with rules and goals set in place that students must fallow in order to achieve them. It’s important to carefully monitor one’s behavior and policies to ensure that they are not only, in fact, fair but are perceived as fair by students.

    Ethical Dilemmas.
    1. You are creating a book about each of the students in your class. You asked the families to send in pictures of the children throughout their lives to use for the book. Shane’s family has not responded to your request. You see his family during pick-off and politely ask them about photos. They respond, “We don’t have any,” and walk away with Shane.

    Well in a case presented to me like the one above, I will encourage Shane to draw his own family pictures with color pencils and other art materials that will help him create his own family pictures. I would do my best to help Shane feel that he will still be part of the book year photo, no matter if he does not have baby pictures of his own. I would be gladly to assist him if he needs help with drawing or with other any ideas that he would like to integrate into his drawing.If possibly me and Shane could arrange a day where we could meet up either be during lunch time or after school, going to the art room to gather supplies that he may need. I would also apologize Shane’s family for the inconvenience that they may have felt yesterday regarding with the pictures, either by letter or in person.

    2. You hear a co-worker make an insulting statement about children and families of a specific ethnic group.

    I would address this inappropriate behavior in a private meeting, where I would let my co-worker know my concern about his inappropriate behavior and disgraceful comments that he is making towards the families who we are serving and who are expecting from us to give their children the best education as possible. I would try to have a settle a conversation that shows respect for personal dignity and integration, where I would respectfully tell him that he is committing violation of personal privacy, that committing this actions may lead to consequences such as losing his/her license and possibly face charges of privacy invasion. In this meeting we could also discuss alternative options that would work for him such taking an intensive course of Cultural sustaining or referring him/her to other services relating to cultural awareness.

    3. One of your coworkers is constantly gossiping about families. He spends most of the work day talking about the families with other staff members. A new family started, who happens to be his personal friends whom he knows from the community before they enrolled in the center. He has started gossiping about families with this new family, sharing personal and confidential information about other families with this new family.

    I would address this inappropriate behavior in a private meeting, where I would let my co-worker know my concern about his inappropriate behavior and the disgraceful gossiping that he is repeatedly making towards the families who we are serving and who are expecting from us to give their children the best education as possible. I would advise him to stop gossiping to take this job very seriously or else he/she may soon or later face charges against the violation of privacy. I would suggest him/her to express his views and his concerns of what has led her/ him to commit these actions, basically what is the reason and motivation .I would attempt to resolve the matter collegially and in a confidential manner, where we could come up with alternative options/solutions that will work best for him, keeping in mind that this is the last chance granted to him. The next time that he commits this action I will have no choice but to report it.

    1. Hey Luis, I really liked the answer for your first ethical dilemma. I didn’t think to let Shane draw a picture of him and his family, that is a great way to get Shane involved and not feel left out.

    2. Hi I don’t think to share your personal life is a hard no, I definitely think it depends on the context of what you share and personal problems should never be something to discuss to children. But if the child ask about things like pets, or if you have a sibling, or what’s your favorite color I think you can share that information.

  11. 1. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    I think it depends on the type of jeans. I think it is okay if the jeans are not restrictive and are plain. I think it is unprofessional if the jeans are too tight because tight jeans restrict movement and you need to be able to move comfortably when working with children. I also think jeans should not have cut-outs/hoes because they can be distracting to the children and it also looks unprofessional.

    2. Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    It is not professional to talk about your personal life with children because most things that are personal are adult things and that is not something you should discuss with the children.

    3. Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    It is unprofessional to take out your cell phone unless it is an emergency or if you are allowed to take pictures/videos of the children or the children’s work butI would still suggest using a regular camera. I think it is unprofessional because it is distracting for everyone in the classroom. Lastly it takes the teacher’s attention away from the students.

    4. Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    No, it is not professional to show pictures of the children to your friends, I don’t think it’s even professional to carry around pictures of the children. It isn’t professional because it is an invasion of privacy for the families and the children.

    5. Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    No, it is not professional, you should not even have a “favorite” child because all the children deserve the same attention.

    6. Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    Which situations did you pick?
    How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?

    1. One of your coworkers is constantly gossiping about families. He spends most of the work day talking about families with other staff members. A new family started, who happens to be his personal friends whom he knows from the community before they enrolled in the center. He has started gossiping about families with this new family, sharing personal and confidential information about other families with this new family.
    I would tell him that he should not share information about the children and their families with anyone else because that should be confidential and personal and as teachers, we are expected to keep that information private.

    2. Several families in your class do not celebrate Christmas. Your colleague wants to decorate the classroom, have a “Secret Santa” for the children, create art projects based on Christmas.
    I would make the secret Santa a class project where the children make gifts for the friends. I think that way the children who do not celebrate Christmas are not obligated to buy something for a holiday they do not celebrate. I would still do a Christmas based project and decorate the room because we celebrate all cultures in early childhood classrooms, it would be an opportunity to teach about the Christian culture and what Christmas is about.

    3. You hear a co-worker make an insulting statement about children and families of a specific ethnic group.
    I would report that co-worker because as an educator you should be unbiased, I would be worried that that co-worker would not be able to teach children of that ethnic group. I would not confront the co-worker myself because I feel like that can create conflict between us.

    1. I strongly believe that the co-worker in situation 3 should not be teaching children at all. It shouldn’t matter the race of the child and if that person cannot be professional towards children then they shouldn’t have the privilege to work with any because it’s beyond race.

  12. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    I think it depends on the type of jeans that are being worn. If they are comfortable, have no rips in them, and your employer has approved then I think it is professional to wear jeans to work. I don’t think there is any harm to wearing jeans to work if they fit well and allow you to move.

    Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    No it is not professional to talk about your personal life with the children. At this young school age children can understand if you are treating them as a student or as a friend and they will behave in the way you treat them. It is important to keep a professional student and teacher relationship with your children so they can respect you. Also, if you are telling children about your personal life there is a big chance they will tell their parents and that can lead to an uncomfortable situation. There needs to be a balance between work life and personal life.

    Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    I don’t think it is professional to be on your cell phone or leave your cell phone while the children are around. Children need to have your undivided attention and children like to touch things so if someone takes or breaks the phone then it turns to an even bigger problem. However, I don’t think there is anything wrong with checking your phone maybe once or twice throughout your shift too look for emergencies or any information.

    Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    While I am unsure I am leaning more towards it is unprofessional to show pictures of the children in your class to friends. I don’t see anything unprofessional about it if it is a class picture but then again it can come across as inappropriate and parents may not be okay with pictures of their child being shown to people they do not know.

    Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    No it is not professional to bring treats for your favorite students. It is important to be unbiased when working with children because each child needs to have the same opportunities as their peers. Favoritism has no place in education, the children need to be treated equally.

    Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    Which situations did you pick?
    How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?
    1. I will speak to Angelique on the importance of listening to their grandmother when walking home and explain the dangers that can happen if her and brothers continue to run away from her. And tell her to speak to her brothers about it too. I will also tell Angelique that if I see her doing it again then she will have to undergo some kind of consequence in class or I will notify their parents about the issue.

    7. I will ask Shane’s parents if it is okay if Shane has his picture taken in the classroom. If they say yes I will have them sign a photograph form and assure them that they will also have a copy of all the pictures that is taken of Shane. I would also explain to them that it is important that Shane is not left out of the book as he is just as much a part of the class as any other student and it wouldn’t be fair to him.

    10. I will address the co-worker who made the statement and explain to them how inappropriate that is. I would tell them that they cannot come into education with any biases and if their belief is too strong to let go I would suggest they leave the job. I will also to be sure to mention the comment they made to our administration so they can decide how to deal with it.

    1. Hi Sydnie! I love the idea of creating a photograph form for the parents to sign prior to taking pictures. This is very important in the classroom setting because we want to make sure that respecting the privacy of the children and ensuring safety. This form will be the safest to keep everyone happy.

  13. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    Wearing jeans is respecting our personal uniqueness and I do not think it is unprofessional to be yourself as long as it is appropriate and not revealing.
    Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    I think it depends on the situation you can share things you have in common with the children such as you also have a pet, or if you share that your favorite colors, in order to build relationships with the children and trust. It all depends on the context of what you share.
    Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    No it is not professional to take out your cell phone when children are around because they need your undivided attention at all times.
    Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    You should not share pictures of children with your friends because this is violating the child and their families.
    Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    You should not show favoritism in a classroom it is our duty to make all children feel welcomed to build a sense of self-worth.
    Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    Which situations did you pick?
    How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?
    2) I will not allow my colleague to try to humiliate my children or intimidate them by bribery. The children need positive reinforcement and redirection in order to learn not punishment. I will educate my colleague on child trauma and how this could affect the students.
    3) I will explain to the families that they are developing language and that it is building diversity in the classroom. I will give them a worksheet of what words the child is using and their meaning so they can also learn something new.
    4) I will use my EPI-Pen on the child, it is my job to keep the children safe and I won’t allow a child to die in my classroom. I will call the ambulance after and explain myself what I had done and write an incident report.

  14. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    Yes, I do believe it is professional, depending on how it is worn. Jeans can be worn with a blouse and can be dressed up. However, the jeans should not have any holes, writings, designs, or rips in them. The schools dress code also determines if it’s allowed or not.
    Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    Yes and No. Situation does dictate. If a teacher has a child around their age and talks about them, or if the teacher is noticeably pregnant and makes the connection with the children based on that. Other than that, as a teacher your role is to teach and help develop.
    Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    Yes and No. It is unprofessional to use social media, take phone calls and text while around the children, but if the cell phone is used to contact parents then that’s not unprofessional. However, when taking these calls, teachers should always step out as long as there is another teacher present.
    Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    You should always get consent from the parents before taking pictures of their children and posting them on any site or keeping on your phone. I don’t find it professional to share these things with people outside the classroom, maybe if it were a graduation photo then yes. But anything outside of that should be kept safe for the safety of the child.
    Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    It is very unprofessional to bring treats for your “favorite” child(ren). There should be no favoritism in a classroom and all the children should be treated equally. If you are to bring treats for the classroom as a whole you should always ask their parent’s permission before hand.
    Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    Which situations did you pick?
    How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?
    1. Michael has an allergy to peanuts. He has an Epi-Pen. You have an allergy too shellfish and have an Epi-Pen too. Michael didn’t eat nuts, but he is turning red, his face is swelling up, and he is starting to cough. The nurse is out sick, and the director, who is also trained to administer his Epi-Pen, is out of the building at a meeting.

    In this situation I would immediately talk to the child to make sure I have his attention and ask if he can breath. I will call 9-1-1, and explain to them that I have an Epi – pen at hand that I use on myself and if it’s a life or death situation I am more than willing to administer on the child to prevent any damage to his health. I will also have contacted the parents and explain to them the situation.

    1. Several families in your class do not celebrate Christmas. You colleague wants to decorate the classroom, have a “Secret Santa” for the children, create art projects based on Christmas.

    In this situation I would hold a meeting with the teachers in my classroom and explain to them that we have to be considerate of every one’s believes. Instead of decorating for Christmas, we can come up with a different way to celebrate the wintery month. We could use snow flakes, gingerbread man, snowmans and more that the children decorate, but keep out the Christmas tree, Santa clause and anything else specifically related to the Christmas holiday. It is important to be considerate and respect everyone’s culture and we want the children to understand that it is important that we respect that not everyone values the same things.

    1. You hear a co-worker make an insulting statement about children and families of a specific ethnic group.

    I will pull this co-worker aside and explain to her how disrespectful and unprofessional that statement was and I will bring it up through the chain of command. If a co-worker of mine spoke so strongly on these insults he/she obviously has some clouded judgement and will not offer proper care to the children and I feel does not belong around children.

    1. wow, the answer for number 1 is so great. I answered the same question and it didn’t cross my mind to ask the operator if i should administer the shot. great job!

  15. 1. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    In my opinion I think that wearing jeans to work is entirely up to the school you work for or the business you work for. For example I remember my elementary school would allow teachers to wear jeans and casual clothes Friday and Monday.
    2. Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    No, it Is very unprofessional to talk about your personal life with the children because you are their teacher and should not be bringing your personal life into work.
    3. Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    It is unprofessional to take out your cell phone with the children around. One reason because they aren’t allowed to have phones so you should show them the same respect and another reason is that your attention should be on the children and not your phone.
    4. Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    It is not professional to show pictures of your students to anyone because that’s an invasion of the students privacy and we should respect the students personal space.
    5. Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    I don’t think its professional to bring treats for just one student. I think that if you are clear on why the student is getting a treat to the other students it can be okay, for example maybe that student won student of the month or got the highest grade in the classroom. It could be used as an incentive to the other children.
    6. Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    1. Which situations did you pick?
    2. How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?
    #1. I would contact the parents and explain the behavior I witnessed. I would also talk to Angelic and try to figure out why she’s acting out. Lastly, I would talk to the brother’s teachers and have them do the same.

    #4. I would not use the EpiPen, I would call 911 immediately. I did not see the child eat nuts and he might be having another medical problem and the EpiPen might make matters worse.
    #6. I would talk to Dwaynes parents about the situation, I would also speak to the director of the school to try and find a proper solution.

  16. Module 5 Assignment 2: Ethics & Professionalism When Working with Young School Age Children

    1. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?

    From the little I know, dressing is up to the individual. However, it is my policy to go to work Monday -Thursday, wearing my tailored pant with tops that are professional looking. However, on Fridays I will wear a jean and dress it up. My principal wears jeans too on Fridays. If there is no universal dress code, people will wear whatever they want. However, we are in a professional career, so I think we should adorn ourselves likewise.

    2. Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?

    It depends on what is considered personal (some students will ask you if you have children, are you married etc.). Teachers should know how far to go when it comes on to children. The less they know about my personal life, is good for me.

    3. Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?

    It is not professional to use your phone if you are engaged with them. However, during my lunch break I will check my phone and students might be around, however, I am not having them for class.

    4. Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?

    Taking pictures of children is forbidden. There are circumstances when the school gets permission from parents and they take pictures for various occasions. The following speaks to this:

    Principles (individual)
    P-4.6—We shall be familiar with laws and regulations that serve to protect the children in our programs and be vigilant in ensuring that these laws and regulations are followed

    5. Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?

    It is not professional to do so. We cannot give some and do not give the other. Children chat, so the other children will know soon and that can cause a big problem.

    6. Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    1. Which situations did you pick?
    2. How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?

    4 Michael has an allergy to peanuts. He has an Epi-Pen. You have an allergy too shellfish and have an Epi-Pen too. Michael didn’t eat nuts, but he is turning red, his face is swelling up, and he is starting to cough. The nurse is out sick, and the director, who is also trained to administer his Epi-Pen, is out of the building at a meeting.

    -Administer CPR, call 911 continue CPR until EMS reaches. Ask someone to contact parents. No one can administer any medication to the student.

    7 You are creating a book about each of the students in your class. You asked the families to send in pictures of the children throughout their lives to use for the book. Shane’s family has not responded to your request. You see his family during pick-off and politely ask them about photos. They respond, “We don’t have any,” and walk away with Shane.

    -The parent is entitled to her right and cannot be forced to give a picture. The teacher has to respect her right not to participate. The following speaks to this:
    Ethical Responsibilities to Families states:

    I-2.5—To respect the dignity and preferences of each family and to make an effort to learn about its structure, culture, language, customs, and beliefs to ensure a culturally consistent environment for all children and families.

    9 Several families in your class do not celebrate Christmas. You colleague wants to decorate the classroom, have a “Secret Santa” for the children, create art projects based on Christmas,

    -It is best not to decorate the room in a Christmas theme because that would not be respecting all cultures. Some persons use natural colors to do their decoration or none at all. The following codes speak to this:

    Ethical Responsibilities to Families states:
    I-2.5—To respect the dignity and preferences of each family and to make an effort to learn about its structure, culture, language, customs, and beliefs to ensure a culturally consistent environment for all children and families.
    I-2.6—To acknowledge families’ child-rearing values and their right to make decisions for their children

  17. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    It is appropriate to wear pants to work due to the covering of the legs. It meets the business casual attire required to perform the job of the teacher.
    Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    No. Talking about personal life with children can lead to unethical behavior. For instance, in a personal conversation, a teacher can reveal topics that are inappropriate for the children such as sex, drugs, alcohol which can lead to the teacher losing their job due to complaints from parents, creating a negative learning environment for the children and for other teachers.
    Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    No. Cell phones can lead to unhealthy distractions. The teacher’s job is to keep a constant eye on his or her school children. Children like to move around, and since the promotion of student interest and engagement is recommended in the formation of a classroom environment, the teacher must remove as many distractions as possible in order to effectively care for the children.
    Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    No. The privacy of the teacher’s school children must be cherished by the school teacher. If picture of the children are made publicly available, it makes the children easily visible to harmful people such as sexual predators.
    Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    No. Small treats can be a recipe for disaster for children. Children might choke on the small treat which risks their life. It is best that the professional teacher find other ways of praising and rewarding their children.
    Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    Which situations did you pick?
    How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?
    Ethical dilemma #1: Several families in your class do not celebrate Christmas. You colleague wants to decorate the classroom, have a “Secret Santa” for the children, create art projects based on Christmas
    My response: Since some of my students do celebrate Christmas, and Christmas is the holiday my colleague celebrates, I would allow the secret santa. However, I would make the art projects be holiday themed, instead of ONLY christmas-themed. This would promote multiculturalism which makes my classroom culturally accepting.
    Ethical dilemma #2: You hear a co-worker make an insulting statement about children and families of a specific ethnic group.
    I first inform my co-worker that what they did was inappropriate and encourage my co-worker to make an oral and written apology to the entire school and parents of the children. I also would inform the principal so that the entire school can make a written and oral apology so that the reputation of the school is not harmed. A committee should be formed to re-evaluate their ethics training and consider the termination or suspension of the co-worker. If this instance is judged as a pattern of racist behavior than the co-worker should get fired.
    Ethical dilemma #2: Michael has an allergy to peanuts. He has an Epi-Pen. You have an allergy too shellfish and have an Epi-Pen too. Michael didn’t eat nuts, but he is turning red, his face is swelling up, and he is starting to cough. The nurse is out sick, and the director, who is also trained to administer his Epi-Pen, is out of the building at a meeting.
    My response: Since I have my own Epi-Pen that means I am qualified to administer an epi-pen on someone else. As a result I will administer the Epi-Pen to Michael.

  18. Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children.
    How are the elements demonstrated in each video?


    In this video, I see first grade children in math class. We see several groups of children learning different types of math projects. They are independently working on their projects. All of them follow the rules of the projects.
    My observation: I see how the teacher goes on each group, encourages them with their work and where it is necessary, she points and teaches them new skills.


    In this video, we see children are working on one curriculum project. They must follow one recipe rule. However, we see children are changing dosage, playfully cheating. Even so, the teacher encourages the children with their decision and tries to find out the result with them. We can see how independently children are trying to work on their project.

    Video #3

    The teacher is introducing one of the mathematical development elements patterning by music.
    First, she is introducing her version of this pattern, and she develops close relationships with children, and lets them perform their own version of patterning skills. Children are very well engaged in this play. I believe this is one of the great ways to learn and develop math and rational cognitive skills.


    In this video the teacher is introducing one of the mathematical curriculums by showing early numbers, initial experience and early numerals. Putting together and taking apart adding and subtracting. Children are very engaged in this classwork; they were calculating very well how many children were missing in the class.

  19. 1.Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
    I believe wearing the jeans in daycare is normal casual wear for this job, unless the facility has specific dress code or actual style of the jeans is very inappropriate, like ripped jeans.

    2.Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
    No. to speak about private life is not professional, unless it is a compartment that children would benefit from it. For example, encouraging them to get professional education in order to achieve their learning objectives.

    3.Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    No. it is not professional to take out your cell phone when the children and colleagues are around, except for emergencies, because it is recommended to give full attention to the children and lead by the example.

    4.Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    No. it is not professional to show pictures of the children in my class to my friends, because of privacy policies and ethics.

    5.Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
    No. This is absolutely unacceptable and unethical to classify children by “favorite” and “unfavorite” for teachers, and they have to be treated equally.

    6.Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    Which situations did you pick?
    How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?

    1.Dwayne is a kindergartener who is large-for-his-age and uses aggressive behavior that hurts other children. His peers are afraid of him, and their parents start to express concern to the program director. You and your colleague feel stressed and tired. You spend so much time helping manage Dwayne that other children are not getting the attention they need.

    With Dwayne we need to work on his temperament behavior. We see he has temperament issues and it’s a time when teacher and parents have to get together and work with his issue. With parents participation we will slowly work on his temperament behavior, and help him slowly adapt to the new environment.

    2.Several families in your class do not celebrate Christmas. Your colleague wants to decorate the classroom, have a “Secret Santa” for the children, create art projects based on Christmas.

    By celebrating Christmas we keep cultural sustaining for the families who celebrate them. However, children who do not want to participate in this project, we have to let them make their free choice. But, giving the knowledge and introducing them to other countries’ cultural elements, still would be beneficial for their cultural knowledge development.

    3.You hear a co-worker make an insulting statement about children and families of a specific ethnic group.

    Such behavior should be directed to the principles, because this type of action diminishes other coworkers or facility program reputation. As well, it is a discrimination against specific ethnic group. We need to protect children and their family from not violating provisions of the employment responsibility code.

  20. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?

    I feel like it doesn’t matter, but It will look way better if is a formal pant, because is more appropriate to the job.

    Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?

    No is not professional because kids won’t understand and that’s more for adults. You can share a couple of stuff like when you were a baby so the kids can see a difference.

    Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
    Is not professional because you won’t be paying attention to the children . When is having kids people have to be watching them every second to be careful if something happens to them.

    Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
    Depends. Sometimes people get excited about their job and they talk about it with friends and then they show it to their friends. For the other side is not professional because we never know if their parents will be happy about it.

    Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?

    Is not professional. If I’m bringing treats to the class it has to be for everyone or I will suggest to the kids that whoever finish their work I will give them a treat, so that way they get enthusiastic about finishing their work.

    Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    Which situations did you pick?
    How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?
    1. I will definitely approach to them and talk to the kids and ask them to please behave with their grandmother and I will tell them they won’t get any treat at school then I will communicate with their parents to see what I saw and if everything was good when they were on their way to the house

    5. I respectfully give my coworker an advise by telling them he should slowly stop talking about personal lives before people start looking at him at a different way and make assumptions about him.

    9. I will ask for permission to their parents if they can participate on the Christmas activity that the class has, because is better to ask then for the parents make complains about the teacher not asking them if their kids can participate in the activity.

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