Read VLS (2013) Cognitive Development
Watch the video Preschools: Cognitive Development which can be found on BMCC’s library in the Academic Online Video: Premium video database, follow there directions and/ or these video instructions to locate the video. I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video.
Read Reich-Shapiro (2018) on Piaget.
ReichShapiro (2018) PiagetWatch the video below on Piaget’s Stage Theory of Cognitive Development. I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video.
Read Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
Vygotsky RevWatch the video below on Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Development. I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video.
After reading and watching the video, answer the questions below:
- What is cognitive development?
- Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
- What does each theorist believe?
- How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
- How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
- How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
- How does play connect to cognitive development?
- How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
1. cognitive development is a field of study in neuroscience and psychology. In which it focuses on a child’s development. In the terms of processing information.
2. Two theorist often associated with early childhood cognitive development is jean piaget proposed one of the most influential theories of cognitive development. He suggested that children move through 4 stages, sensorimotor stage this happens from birth – 2 years then preopertional stage ages 2-7 ,concrete operational stage ages 7-11, formal operational stage ages 12 and up . he beieves children take role in the learning process.
jean jacques rousseau , he believes that childhood development happens in three stages , stage 1 is up to the age of 12 he believes that children are guided by their emotions and impulses. The second stage is from the age of 12-16 the child’s reasons starts to develop . The stage is from 16 and up , here the childs develops into adulthood.
3. We can observe or understand a child’s cognitive development by doing different activity’s such as sing a longs ,this promotes memory and helps the children identify words, also when the child practices the alphabet this helps with identify letters and becoming familiar with it .
4. Language and literacy connect to cognitive development because these two are major /important domains of early childhood development. Language development involves the skills used to communicate with others through languages . And on the other hand literacy involves the ability to read and write.
5. Play connects to cognitive development because play involves solving problems , creating , experiencing, what the child learned through play is what helps the child.The skills the children leaned while play.
6. Teacher’s can support cognitive development by singing with the child , practicing the alphabet, ask the child questions . This helps the child learn how the world works and how to solve problems. Encouraging the child this will help the child .
Watch the video Preschools: Cognitive Development which can be found on BMCC’s library in the Academic Online Video: Premium video database, follow there directions and/ or these video instructions to locate the video. I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video.
After reading and watching the video, answer the questions below:
1. What is cognitive development?
2. Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development? What does each theorist believe?
3. How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
4. How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
5. How does play connect to cognitive development?
6. How can teachers do to support young children’s cognitive development?
1. What is cognitive development?
Answer: cognitive development is how children think, explore and figure things out. It is the development of knowledge, skills, problem solving and dispositions, which help children to think about and understand the world around them.
2. Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development? What does each theorist believe?
1. Jean Piaget. Piaget believed that children take an active role in the learning process, acting much like little scientists as they perform experiments, make observations, and learn about the world. As kids interact with the world around them, they continually add new knowledge, build upon existing knowledge, and adapt previously held ideas to accommodate new information.
2. Lev Vygotsky. Vygotsky believed children learn about their world through physical interaction. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory asserts that learning is an essentially social process in which the support of parents, caregivers, peers and the wider society and culture plays a crucial role in the development of higher psychological functions.
3. How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
Answer: Sing-a-longs. Sing songs with your students and encourage him/her to sing along with you, identify noises if you hear a bird chirping out the window like the child know what sounds it makes and what it is, practice the Alphabet song in the classroom make it fun, practice counting with blocks or classroom sing alongs, practice shapes and colors during school time, visit interesting places such as the zoo, museum, theme parks, etc.
4. How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Answer: language and literacy connect to cognitive development because Language development involves the development of the skills used to communicate with others through languages, while literacy development involves the ability to read and write which is about cognitive.
5. How does play connect to cognitive development?
Answer: It connects with cognitive because play are solving problems, creating, experimenting, thinking and learning all the time. Spending time playing with your student is especially good for your their cognitive development. That’s because play builds your relationship and sends a simple but powerful message
6. How can teachers do to support young children’s cognitive development?
Answer: Use objects, pictures, text, vary font size, volume, colors, offer tactile, musical, or physical variation, provide Checklists and planning tools, encourage peer learning, etc.
1. What is cognitive development?
Cognitive development refers to the way a child learns, sees the worlds, reaches goals, making decisions, learning to solve problems. It also refers to children recognizing familiar faces and voices, developing
2.Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development? What does each theorist believe?
Piaget’s Theory- the kind of thinking done by preschoolers characterized by the reliance on physical cues and perception in order to save problems and learn
Vygotsky- Language and interactions with caregivers are the most important aspects of cognitive development
3.How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
We can talk and explore about different shapes, sizes, color, textures, have questions and/or comments about each.
4.How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Cognitive development is part of language and literacy. With using language with children they are able to explore letter sounds, what they look like, how they sound when put together. This all leads to literacy. Which ties in with cognitive development, the skills being learned and the skills being put together.
5.How does play connect to cognitive development?
Play is a connected to cognitive development due to the exploration one makes while playing different game/activities. It is the sense of exploring and learning how things work, how to figure out different materials, how to put and take things apart. Play lets our minds understand the concepts behind what we interact with. Such as cause and effect, sorting things in different aspects, mixing colors etc. This all helps all cognitive development.
6.How can teachers do to support young children’s cognitive development?
Educators can have multiple activities that helps the child explore rich textured, color and even smell and taste. Having a a well rounded dramatic play area that is composed of a wide variety of real world objects that kids can make connections with. This better helps the kids develop a sense of knowing make believe and rap world problems or actions. As well as having rich literacy option for the kids in the classroom. Sorting different objects by different attributes. Playing games like I-Spy to help the children learn that others have different opinions, this helps them with understanding other peoples perspectives.
While with children with disabilities we can help them by given them extra assistance guidance, making accommodations the classroom.
Rotating new toys and activities to keep them focused longer and to keep their interest. Have new and unusual materials they can look or play with, takes things step by step and repeat instructions as needed to redirect them but also make them aware of what is happening now. Making sure simple and easily recognized toys, real world objects are accessible to them, this will help with them making connections to objects or experiences they may experience else where. Always be attentive of what they may need, and find unique ways to help support their development.
Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
1. What does each theorist believe?
Piaget- children are actively constructing their understanding of the world as they grow, as their bodies grow so do their minds. The development happens in stages.
Vygorsky- Community and language play central par in learning. Children Develop Independently of specific stages as the result of social interactions.
2.How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
The theories are different in many ways. One big difference is Vigotsky believed children developed in specificities stages due to their social interaction. While Piaget believed children decamped in stages that followed age groups. In sense Piaget believed Cognitive development was due to us learning from the world around us, as explorers and Vygorsky believed the more social interaction we have with others the more we will develop.
1. What is cognitive development?
The construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood.
2. Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development? What does each theorist believe?
Vygotsky language and interactions with caregivers are the most important aspects of cognitive development.
Piaget’s Theory the kind of thinking done by preschoolers characterized by the reliance on physical cues and perception in order to save problems and learn.
3. How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
Practice the alphabet, practice counting, practice shapes and colors, offer choices, sing-a longs. Sing songs with and encourage to sing along with you.
4. How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language and literacy connect to cognitive development because language development involves the development of the skills used to communicate with others through languages, while literacy development involves the ability to read and write.
5. How does play connect to cognitive development?
Playing solve problems, creating experimenting thinking and learning all the time.
6. How can teachers do to support young children’s cognitive development?
Memory matching games or simple card, pictures, different objects.
What is cognitive development?
Cognitive development is the development of the brain.
Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
The two theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development are Vygotsky and Piaget.
What does each theorist believe?
Vygotsky believes social interactions and language develop children’s minds while Piaget believed this process happened in stages. So, Piaget relied more on the biological clock as a measurement of development while Vygotsky believed child development was more independent of the biological stages resulting in different stages of development at different times, morphed by unique social interaction rather than biology.
How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
The theorist’s beliefs are similar in that these are theories about mental development. They differ in terms of their decision on what impacts that development: Piaget examines biological stages as factors in development while Vygotsky examines the impact of social interactions
How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
We would observe the child’s social interactions.
How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language and literacy can be looked at from a psychological perspective. This perspective will focus on examining brain development and how the brain development is influencing the child’s literacy development and acquisition of their first or second language. The social perspective of language and literacy focuses on how the social environment and social interaction is influencing the child’s cognitive development, including their emerging literacy and first and second language acquisition.
How does play connect to cognitive development?
Play is a social interaction which helps develop the brain and leads the child to their zone of proximal development.
How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
Piaget focus on numbers (age ranges) while Vygotsky focuses more on social interaction
What is cognitive development?
Cognitive development is the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood.
Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theorists are often associated with early childhood cognitive development.
What does each theorist believe?
Piaget believed everyone passed through 4 stages of cognitive development. These are Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational.
Vygotsky believed that the child is a social being, cognitive development is led by social interactions.
How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
The theorist’s are beliefs similar that the child is an active participant in his or her own learning and that development declines with age..
They are different in that Vygotsky believed that the child is a social being, and cognitive development is led by social interactions. Piaget, on the other hand, felt that the child was more independent and that development was guided by self-centered, focused activities.
How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
Go on short trips such as parks or museums, playing songs and watching movies, play games such as different color cups, containers, put together basic puzzles and read books.
How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language and Literacy are major domains of ECE. Language development used to communicate with others through languages, literacy development involves the ability to read and write. When children use language to learn new ideas, to talk about our thoughts and fears, and interact with those around us. Stronger Language and literacy means stronger cognitive development.
How does play connect to cognitive development?
Play can support practice and experience a variety of life skills and aspects of the development , such as problem solving, learning language skills, positive social skills and creativity. It is connected to cognitive development because Cognitive development refers to the way in which a child learns, solves problems, acquires knowledge about the surrounding environment and increases the ability to interact with it.
How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
Teachers to engage preschoolers’ thinking skills through reading quality children’s books that promote aspects of cognition such as reasoning and problem solving, symbolic play, metacognitive knowledge, memory and social cognition.
This is Luis Martinez I agree with you for question #5 I want to add on that language development involves the development of the skills used to communicate with others through languages, while literacy development involves the ability to read and write.
1. What is cognitive development?
Cognitive development is all about learning. It happens all the time and is influenced by our genetics and our experiences. According to Dodge, Colker, and Heroman (2002), “Cognitive development refers to the mind and how it works. It involves how children think, how they see their world, and how they use what they learn.”
2. Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development
What does each theorist believe?
Jean Piaget is one of the theorists often associated with early childhood development. Piaget believed that young children construct knowledge in the course of thinking about physical actions and that children are continually reorganizing their ideas about the world as they interact with people and objects. He believed that there are four stages of cognitive development.
*Sensorimotor 0-2 years: children observe through senses and are very active. Object permanence is the main thing that develops at this time
*Preoperational 2-7 years: when children engage in symbolic play. Children in this stage are egocentric.
*Concrete operational 7-11 years: Children’s reasoning skills become more logical.
*Formal operation 11+: adolescence can think systematically and scientifically. They can reason about abstract concepts and morals.
The other theorist often associated with early childhood is Lev Vygotsky. His theory stresses the fundamental role that social interaction has in learning and cognitive development. There are five major components of his theory
-The role of social interaction
-The more knowledgeable other
-The zone of proximal development
-The impact of culture
How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
Piaget believed that development happened in stages and Vygotsky believed that children developed independently of specific stages as the result of social interactions. They are similar because they both believe that cognative development advances as we get older.
3. How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
We can understand a child’s cognitive development by observing them during interactions, letting them make choices, doing activities, and asking them questions.
4. How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language and literacy are connected to cognitive development because language involves skills used to communicate and literacy involves the ability to read and write.
5. How does play connect to cognitive development?
Play connects with cognitive development because it involves solving problems, creating, experimenting, thinking, and learning all the time.
6. How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
Teachers should provide activities and experiences in visual skills, thinking skills, and memory and all other developmental areas.
Infants/ Toddlers
· Touch, cuddle, and sing.
· Read to infants and toddlers. Let them explore the pages, illustrations, and textures. Talk about colors, sizes, shapes, and other features of the book.
· Provide toys that make simple, pleasant noises such as rattles and shakers. Help infants discover the connection between their movements and the noises. Talk with
toddlers about the different sounds objects make-compare the sounds of different drums, bells, or shakers.
· Place shatterproof mirrors and infants’ and toddlers’ eye level. Describe their movements as they explore their own images.
· Engage the senses!
· Play simple movement games
· Extend the sounds and words used by infants and toddlers
Preschool Age Children:
· Provide a variety of acceptable choices.
· Sing rhyming songs and read books throughout the day.
· Respond honestly to children’s questions.
· Look for simple math problems throughout the day.
· Read alphabet books and talk about letters and the sounds they make.
· Talk about sizes, shapes, and colors.
Young School-Age Children:
· Provide a variety of materials that capture children’s interest and provide a challenge.
· Make sure plenty of books and writing materials are available.
· Use age-appropriate technology with supervision.
· Involve them in decision making
1. What is cognitive development?
cognitive development is related to brain development where human minds grow and change from infancy throughout adulthood. Cognitive development refers to the capability of the children to develop skills and explore the word around them. Children develop through cognitive development their memory, thinking, reasoning, problem solving, language, perception, and concentration.
2. Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
The two theories that often associated with early childhood cognitive development are Piaget theory and Lev-Vygostsky
a. What does each theorist believe?
Piaget believe that the cognitive development process through different stages. Also, he believes that child’s thinking characterized by the reliance on physical cue and perception in order solve problem and learn. While Lev-Vygostsky believe that language and social interactions are the most important aspect of cognitive development.
b. How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
They are similar because they both believe that children are active learners engaged in a cognitive conflict where they are exposed to the environment around them and engaged in exploring their word which allows them to change their understanding.
They are different because they have different perspective. Piaget believe that the child build his idea and thinking by using his sense touch, taste, smell, hear, see and this process happen through the stages of development where the child will reorganize his idea through his interaction with others. On the other hand, Lev-Vygostsky refers his theory to the social interaction, language, and culture. He believes that the child construct and improve his cognitive skill while he is interacting with others and having good supervisors.
3. How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
We could observe a cognitive development of the children through their reactions and reasoning, the way they think and recognize, we observe their abilities to find new strategies to solving problems. We will observe children by providing different activities that aids exert their skills. among this activities painting, using blocks, shapes, and colors. Also, provide pretend, social plays, reading writing activities.
4. How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language and literacy contribute to improve though and develop new idea through communication, speech, and conversation. Also, by reading and writing child could foster his thinking and thus develop different concept and perspective.
5. How does play connect to cognitive development?
Play is an important aspect in learning. Through play on its different type children exert their skills including creativity, imagination, language, problem solving, learn new strategies, build idea and thinking, enhance their focus and reasoning and recognize sounds, thing, persons.
6. How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
In order to support young children’s cognitive development, teachers need to provide different activities such as painting, reading writing activities, offer the environment and material that helps to better explorer. Involve children in social and cooperative play. Encourage children by activities that foster their creativity and imagination.
what is cognitive development?
cognitive development is the processing of remembering and problem solving. from childhood through adulthood.
who are 2 theorist often associated with early childhood cognitive development? what does each of them believe
Vygotsky language and intercation
Plagets preschool thinking and saving problems
how do we observe or understand a childs cognitive development?
number counting, letters, shapes, singing songs having them sing along
how does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
language and literacy connects to cognitive development by the communication skills and reading/ writing
how does play connect to cognitive development?
engaging in guessing games, having kids think deep thinking
how can teachers support young children cognitive development
memory games, activites that has thinking , pictures and shaping
1.What is cognitive development?
-Cognitive development is all about learning.
2.Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
Jean Piaget theorized that a child brain matures and children experience the world through action.Then theres Vygotsky he theorized that lanuage and interactions with caregivers play a very important part in the developmemt of cognitive skills.
3.How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
-We observe a child’s cognitive development by letting that child explore its senses,touch many differnt sizes/shapes/textures, and practing skills with them.
4.How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
-Language and literacy connects to cognitive development because both language and reading and writing skills develop.
5.How does play connect to cognitive development?
-Play connects to cognitive development because it develops skills and develops the brain by being hand on, interactions, and exploring and learning.
6.How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
-Educators can supoort by always keeping the children learning exploring and providing the safe space to do that.
What is cognitive development?
Cognitive development is the process of ones thinking, how they solve problems, and how they make decisions.
Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
Two theorists often associated with early childhood education cognitive developments are Jean Piaget and Vygotsky.
What does each theorist believe?
Jean Piaget believed that children learn in four stages and experiences while Vygotsky believed that social interactions conclude one’s cognitive development.
How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
They are similar in the way that they both believe that experiences can impact one’s cognitive development but they are different in the fact that Piaget believes they learn through their interpretation of the world while Vygotsky believes its strict experiences.
How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
We observe children’s cognitive development by how children interact with their environment, the way they express themselves and communicate with others.
How do language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language and literacy connect to cognitive development because it is how one chooses to express themselves the context of their words, tone, or body language helps to understand one’s thought processes.
How does play connect to cognitive development?
Play connects to cognitive development because children learn through play by problem-solving, expressing themselves, and making decisions about their play.
How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
Teachers can support young children’s cognitive development by ensuring that they are constructing proper observations working on self-expression and using their words to communicate properly and reinforce positive behaviour to make good decisions.
What is cognitive development?
Cognitive development refers to the mind and how it works. It involves how children think, see the world, and apply what they have learned. It is all about learning and the process of learning along with growth. It describes the interaction between the child and the environment.
Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
What does each theorist believe?
How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
The two theorists that are often associated with early childhood cognitive development are Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. Jean Piaget believed that the reasoning process that leads child to answers is more important than whether the child’s answer is actually right or wrong. He believed that young children construct knowledge in the course of thinking about physical actions. He says children are always reorganizing their ideas about the world as they continue to interact with people and objects in it. His theory says that as their brains mature and as they have more experiences they progress through 4 stages of thinking. The stages are sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. In the sensorimotor stage infants and toddlers understand the world in terms of physical actions on the environment. In the preoperational stage young children focus on constructing a world of permanent objects. In the concrete operational stage children’s reasoning skills become more logical. And in the formal operational stage children can now understand abstract concepts, ethics, and scientific reasoning. Lev Vygotsky believed in 5 major components for cognitive development social interaction, the more knowledgable other, the zone of proximal development, the impact of culture, and language. His theory stresses that social interaction is most essential when learning and with cognitive development. The MKO is anyone who has a better understanding of the world, a particular task, or a concept than the learner. The ZPD is the distance between a student’s ability to perform a task under guidance or collaboration and the student’s ability to work on it independently. The impact of culture refers to the environment in which children grow in and how it influences how they think and what they think about. And language develops from these same social interactions. He views it as man’s greatest tool. The difference between the theorists is that Jean believed that children’s cognitive development happens in stages, Vygotsky believed that it happened because of social interaction and experiences.
How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
By practicing things like counting, the alphabet, seeing the knowledge of the different colors and shapes. And taking a look at their language skills.
How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language and literacy are examples of symbolic thought which is important in a child’s cognitive development. Symbolic thought is where symbols stand for things that are not present. Children can play pretend and talk about what they are doing or going to do. They can imitate what they usually see other people do. Especially with the use of language. With language and cognitive development, children can advance in 4 areas of language phonology, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. And with literacy when children read or have books read to them they start to understand that the words in print are symbols for ideas and meaning comes from that text.
How does play connect to cognitive development?
How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
Teachers can support preschoolers cognitive development by playing games like I Spy, where they are asked to guess what another student is thinking about and by encouraging dramatic play. When they dress up in costumes and talk for dolls or puppets, they are assuming roles other than their own and they get to think from another’s perspective. Another way teachers can support cognitive development is by giving students a rich sensory environment with toys that make noise, objects with various textures, things that keep a child’s interest. Learning centers that have activities with different levels of difficulty.
Sydnie, I am in agreement with you saying teachers can give them toys and objects that will help them to develop their senses. I did not see that. Great!
What is cognitive development?
Cognitive development is the way the mind operates and the foundation of our thought processes. It is the way we think and how we use what we see and learn in the world throughout our lives, mostly childhood, that allows us to learn from those experiences to apply to decision making, problem solving etc.
Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
The two theorists that are often associated with early childhood cognitive development are Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky.
What does each theorist believe?
Jean Piaget believed that in order for children to progress they need to go through and experience four different stages: Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, and Formal Operation. These stages allow our brains to mature and to experience the world through our actions and interactions.
Lev Vygotsky believed that social interaction is a key factor to cognitive development. Through social interaction we gain knowledge from those who are more knowledgeable, and through these social interactions we seek guidance that we will remember and utilize on our own in the future.
How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
Piaget and Vygotsky share similar beliefs because they both agreed that cognitive development is influenced by social interaction. However, these beliefs are also different because Piaget believed that children need to experience four different stages while Vygotsky believed it was strictly through social interaction.
How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
We can give brain teasers, ask questions and see how the child responds to certain activities.
How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Through the development of language we communicate and express ourselves to others and through literacy development we are able to read and write which is key to language.
How does play connect to cognitive development?
Play connects to cognitive development because through play children learn how to problem solve through thinking, how to be creative and use imagination, and use the environment around them to interact.
How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
As teachers we can support young children’s cognitive development by providing activities that allow children to think and be creative. With certain activities we have to be repetitive and take our time with to ensure the children are learning and memorizing it. We also want to make sure that we are providing a safe, educational environment that encourages the children to want to learn and feel safe doing so.
Taina, we are back again about play, and I support your response that play is important, now we see how it develop cognitive development by helping children to solve problems, reason, ask questions etc.
1. What is cognitive development?
Cognitive development is how a child learns, solves problems and sees the world.
2. Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
The two theorist often associated with early childhood education cognitive development are Lev Vygostsky and Jean Piaget.
1. What does each theorist believe?
Jean Piaget believed that children’s learn differently over time and that they interpret the world differently at different stages of their life. He believed that children have 4 stages of development.
Lev Vygostsky believed that children learn through social and cultural context. He believed in 4 elementary mental functions.
2. How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
They are different because Piaget believed that children learn in the 4 stages of development. Vygostsky discarded Piagets stages of development, because he believed that children learn through their environment and not in stages.
3. How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
We can observe how a child acts in its environment as well as how they interact with others and materials such as puzzles and educational toys.
4. How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language is important to cognitive development because it helps the child connect with things in the past and learn what things are. Around the age of two children will begin to talk and they will make connections using shapes and language.
5. How does play connect to cognitive development?
Children learn by playing, they learn problem solving skills, socialization and even reading and writing.
6. How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
Teachers can support young children’s cognitive development by encouraging play, communicating with the child frequently and allowing child to work independently when called for.
1. What is cognitive development? ANSWER: Cognitive development is the way a child thinks, how s/he solves problems, make decisions from childhood through adulthood.
2. Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
1. What does each theorist believe?
2. How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different? ANSWER: Jean Piaget believe in four different stages that the children go through. in each stage he believe that the child must be active in order to learn, they must observe, experiment and learn about the world. Lev Vygotsky believe children would learn via their parents/caregivers/peers and the childs’ culture.
3. How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development? ANSWER: we can practice the alphabet or counting with the child. ask the child questions.
4. How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development? Answer: language involves skills used to help communicate between one another. literacy development uses reading and writing and strengthens your cognitive and helps build language.
5. How does play connect to cognitive development? ANSWER: Play usually involved with problem solving skills, creating, making decisions and thinking your next move.
6. How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development? ANSWER: we can present the children different textures, colors, letters of the alphabet. ask the children questions, play music and and encourage one another other ways to learn.
Module 8 Assignment #1: Overview of Cognitive Development
1 What is cognitive development?
The ways in which our thinking develops over time. How children think, explore and figure out things. How they develop knowledge, skills, problem solving and help them to think and understand the world they live in.
2 Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood
cognitive development?
Piaget and Vygotsky
What does each theorist believe?
Piaget believe children think and reason differently at various stages in their lives. Be believes that over time children of different age intellectual skills change and they have different views of the world. Piaget believes that as children’s brains develop and they experience the through what they do and they make sense of it, through four broad stages of thinking: (a) Sensorimotor (0-2) – through their senses they gather information about world. (2) Pre-operational (2-6) – Mental operation – imaging things and reversing actions (3) Concrete Operational (7-11) – children learn through logic and reasoning. (d) Formal Operations (12 plus) – Children reason about abstract concepts and reason about consequences and optional action. They also reason about what might happen as a result of their actions.
Vygotsky believe that social interaction plays an important role in a child’s cognitive development. He believes that the community plays an important role in the process of “making meaning.” The two main principles of this theory is the Zone of Proximal Development and the More Knowledgeable Other (MKO) referring to someone who has a better understanding or higher ability level than the learner. This relates to a specific task, process, or concept. Zone of Proximal Development refers to the difference between what a child can achieve independently and what can be achieve with guidance from a skilled person.
1. How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
They are similar because both believe that the environment plays a role in cognitive development. Piaget believe that children’s cognitive development happens independently. However, Vygotsky’s believe that cognitive development occurs at various stages as a result of social interactions.
2. How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
We can understand a child’s cognitive development by observing how the do things such as – talking to them and call the names of the objects that they use; allow them to explore using their toys and how they move about; sing and read to them; expose toddler to books and puzzles; expand on their interests in specific learning activities; and answering their “why” questions
3. How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language development relates how children develop the skills they need to communicate with other and literacy involves children being able to read and write.
4. How does play connect to cognitive development?
Play helps children’s brain develop and influence their ability to learn. Through play they learn about themselves and the world. Play helps children to build strong cognitive skills that enable them to be better problem solvers and help their attention span.
5. How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
Know their interest and give them those objects to explore.
Talk with them; read books to them and give them books; give them toys to play with, give colors, shapes etc. and ask them to point out certain objects; give them simple directions; participate in pretend play; allow them to sing simple songs (“This is the way we was our hands”). Let them play games; let children draw; respond to their “why” questions.
This is Luis Martinez I agree with you on question #5 so I wanted to add on to your response the ten ways we can help a child’s cognitive to development is sing-a-longs, singing songs with your child and encouraging him/her to sing along with you, identifying noises, practicing the alphabet, and asking Questions and visiting interesting Places.
What is cognitive development?
Cognitive development is defined as how children think, explore and figure things out. It is the development of knowledge, skills, problem solving and dispositions, which helps children to think about and understand the world around them. Brain development is part of cognitive development.
Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
Gesell believed that we develop in an orderly sequence set by heredity or nature. Vygotsky believed the environment in which you grow (nurture) is more influential than nature.
What does each theorist believe?
Using Bandura’s social learning theory in the classroom can help students reach their potential. Students do not only imitate each other but also the teacher. Being a good role model, open to all the students, and holding the students to a level of responsibility will be imitated by the students according to Bandura.
B. F. Skinner believed that children learn language through operant conditioning; in other words, children receive “rewards” for using language in a functional manner. Skinner also suggested that children learn language through imitation of others, prompting, and shaping.
How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
Jean Piaget proposed that humans progress through four developmental stages: the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational period. Whereas Lev Vygotsky’s theory of language development focused on social learning and the zone of proximal development (ZPD). The ZPD is a level of development obtained when children engage in social interactions with others; it is the distance between a child’s potential to learn and the actual learning that takes place.
How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
Children at play are solving problems, creating, experimenting, thinking and learning all the time. Spending time playing with your child is especially good for your child’s cognitive development, that’s because playing together builds your relationship and sends a simple but powerful message – you are important to me. The ten ways we can help a child’s cognitive to development is sing-a-longs, singing songs with your child and encouraging him/her to sing along with you, identifying noises, practicing the alphabet, and asking Questions and visiting interesting Places.
How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language and literacy are major domains of early childhood development. These are connected areas but refer to different things. Language development involves the development of the skills used to communicate with others through languages, while literacy development involves the ability to read and write.
How does play connect to cognitive development?
Children at play are solving problems, creating, experimenting, thinking and learning all the time. Spending time playing with your child is especially good for your child’s cognitive development. That’s because playing together builds your relationship and sends a simple but powerful message you are important to me. According to Piaget, children engage in types of play that reflect their level of cognitive development: functional play, constructive play, symbolic/fantasy play, and games with rules.
How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
Reading children’s books about feelings and how they relate to thoughts and behaviors is a great way for teachers to promote social cognition.With careful planning and knowledge of cognitive development during the preschool years, teachers can promote cognitive growth through everyday activities such as story time.
i reviewed this module
What is cognitive development?
Cognitive development is all about learning. Any type of learning, for example, learning: building towers out of blocks, imitating a cat or human, solving a math problem, making a ruff sound when children see a dog and etc.
2.Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
1.What does each theorist believe?
2.How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
There are two cognitive development theorists based on Jean Piaget and Lev Vigotsky. Piaget theorized children’s brains are mature, and they experience the world through action, and they progress through four boards of thinking.
A. Sensorimotor
B. Preoperational
C. Concrete operational
D. Formal operational social development theory, also known as sociocultural developments theory, that combines five major components.
A. the role of social interactions.
B. the more knowledgeable other.
C. The zone of proximal development.
D. Language.
E. impact of culture.
Vygotsky’s social development argues the community and language play a central part in learning, while Jean Piaget concluded that children’s cognitive development happens in stages. Vygotsky rejects Piaget’s ideas and believes the children develop independently of specific stages as a result of social interactions.
1. Social interactions play a fundamental role in learning and cognitive development.
2. More knowledgeable other refers to anyone who has a better understanding or higher ability level than the learner.
3. The zone of proximal development is the distance between student ability to perform a task under adult guidance, or with peer collaboration or student ability solving the problem independently.
4. Impact of culture influences children’s growth on how they think and what they think about.
5. Language that develops from social interaction for communication purposes
3.How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
Cognitive development happens all the time and it influences by both our genes and our experience. It refers to the mind and how it works. It involves how children think, how they see their world and how they use what they learn.
4.How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language and literacy connect to cognitive development as these two major /important domains of early childhood development. Language development involves the skills used to communicate with others through languages. And on the other hand, literacy involves the ability to read and write.
5.How does play connect to cognitive development?
It connects with the cognitive because play is solving problems, creating, experimenting, thinking and learning all the time. It is the sense of exploring and learning how things work, how to figure out different materials, how to put and take things apart.
6.How can teachers do to support young children’s cognitive development?
Teachers must try to introduce as many play and learning skills to the children to develop all types of cognitive development such as singing, reading, painting, and introducing other new things and exploring them, etc.
What is cognitive development?
Cognitive development is all about learning. IT is how a child thinks and processes things.
Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
2 theorist often associated with early childhood cognitive development are Piaget and Vygotsky
What does each theorist believe?
Piaget’s believed that young children construct knowledge in the course of thinking about physical action and that children are continually reorganizing their ideas about the world as they interact with people and object.
Vygotsky believed that community and language play a central part in learning. He believed that children develop independently of specific stages as the result of social interactions.
How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
I don’t necessarily think their beliefs are similar because Piaget’s theory is that children develop in stages and Vygotsky states that children develop depending on their culture and the society they are raised in.
How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
We can observe and understand a Childs cognitive development by laying a foundation where young children can use their thinking skills. Children are active learners they learn by doing.
How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language and literacy connect to cognitive development because of the use of symbols. Children use symbols as connections just like we use words and pictures to tell a story.
How does play connect to cognitive development?
Play connects to cognitive development because children learn through play. Preschoolers use sociodramatic play. Sociodramatic play is a type of pretend play that involves children interacting with one another to create complex dramatizations that have intricate theme and story lines.
How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
Teachers can support young children’s cognitive development by
Infants and toddlers; touching, cuddling and singing to babies
Preschool aged children; respond honestly to questions, look for simple math problems
young school aged children; use age appropriate technology with adult supervision, provide materials that capture children’s interest and provide a challenge.
What is cognitive development?
Cognitive development means how kids think and figure out things.
Who are 2 theorists often associated with early childhood cognitive development?
What does each theorist believe?
Lev Vygotsky: believed that social interaction plays a role in children’s learning. Through such social interactions, children go through a process of learning.
Jean Piagest: believed cognitive development suggest that children develop through for different stages of mental development.
How are the theorist’s beliefs similar? How are they different?
For vygotsky he believed children learn through the social interaction while piagest believed they have 4 different learning stages that they can develop.
How do we observe or understand a child’s cognitive development?
I observe a child’s cognitive development when I see them practicing the alphabet and counting.
How does language and literacy connect to cognitive development?
Language and literacy are connected, but it refer to different thing. Language involves the development skills to communicate and literacy development involves the ability to read and write.
How does play connect to cognitive development?
Play connect to kids to be able to solve problems, creating, experimenting, thinking and learning new stuff.
How can teachers support young children’s cognitive development?
Teachers can support young children’s cognitive development by creating games that makes the kids think on how to resolve. Board games is a really good and fun game to develop intelligence.