Module 5 Assignment #1: Sensory Systems (6/8-6/10)

After watching the video (I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video), answer the questions below:

  1. What are our basis sensory systems?
  2. What does each system do?
  3. How do the sensory systems impact development?


33 thoughts on “Module 5 Assignment #1: Sensory Systems (6/8-6/10)

  1. Keneshia Wright

    1.What are our basis sensory systems?
    Our basis sensory are visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive.

    2. What does each system do?
    Visual is for sight, auditory is for hearing, olfactory is for smelling, tactile is for touching, vestibular is for balance, and proprioceptive is for body awareness.

    3. How do the sensory systems impact development?
    Sensory systems impact development when one sensory is off track, if a sensory is off track it would affect the child’s overall health and development.

  2. shayna velez

    ECE 110-L
    What are the 8 Basic Sensory Systems?

    What is it?

    What does it do?
    sense of touch
    It make you feel things
    touching a phone,touching a pencil to do your work,a laptop, and etc.
    relating to the sense of smell
    It make you smell things
    smelling clothes,food,nature,skin, body odor , and etc
    it a sense of taste
    It let you taste things
    tasting food, sweets
    relating to the sense of hearing
    It let you hear stuff
    communication,noise,music, laughter
    relating to the sense of seeing
    it help us look
    other people,work,phone,computers,outside
    perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body.
    It helps you move your body
    Dancing, doing push-ups, running
    relating to a vestibule, particularly that of the inner ear, or more generally to the sense of balance.
    It helps you with your balance and not get a headache when you move your eyes around (dizzy spells)
    Balancing, eye movement
    Interoception is contemporarily defined as the sense of the internal state of the body. This can be both conscious and non-conscious.
    It helps you understand your internal body (organs and also mental state)
    It helps us make healthy decisions either eating decisions or movement decisions.

    How do the sensory systems impact development?
    Children who are blind need to be touched in order to not fall, and be guided through space (Visual impairment)
    Children who need glasses need to rely on the glasses to see clearly (visual impairment)
    When children are born with short limbs or long limbs it impacts their ability to balance (vestibular)
    If a child cannot sense anything with touch, things will be feel numb
    If a child cannot smell properly, they may not experience joy from pleasant smells (Olfactory)
    Children born deaf or hard of hearing will have a difficult time communicating and experiencing joyous music. Their laughing may sound different. (Auditory)
    A child in a wheelchair would not be able to move their body won’t be able to move their body, including walking, running, and exercising (Proprioception) The difficulty with moving their muscles would impact the talking, typing sentences into a keyboard would be difficult
    A child who experience something like vertigo would have issues with vestibular issues, including feeling nauseous and faint, such as feeling low blood pressure, hitting your head and ending up in a coma
    Children with interoception issues have issues knowing if they are hungry, cold, hot, full, or thirsty
    As a result, children who have issues with one or more of the senses above need to go to physical therapy to assist them.
    Also it will impact their school experience because the senses are relied on especially in early childhood education

  3. emily soto

    1 -2 Our basis sensory systems are
    touch ( this is the awareness of touch receptors)
    sight (visual system which interprets what we see)
    hearing (auditory system which is how we identify the quality and the direction of sound.)
    taste and smell ( these two are very closely linked and they work as one integrated system,these two allows us to identify food)
    movement (vestibular system this contributes to our balance system )

    3. The sensory system impacts development because if there a problem with just one sensory system it can greatly affect the child. an example would be if a child’s hearing is not delayed it can affect the speech and language development.

  4. Delesah

    1. What are our basis sensory system?
    A: Our basis sensory, Are vision, hearing, somatic sensation, touch, taste and smelling.

    2. What does each system do?
    A: Vision gives us ability to see things such as people, objects or anything in eye site. Hearing help us listen to things, Such as people , sounds and many more, tasting help us taste what we place in our mouth. Smelling helps us smell odor, good scents and more.

    3. How do the sensory system impact development
    A: The sensory system impacts developments because knowing that one of the sensory isn’t on the same path as others it can then affect your future child development of good health

  5. sydnie d

    What are our basis sensory systems?
    What does each system do?
    Tactile system is touch. This system sends us information through our skin to process everyday sensations like temperature, itching, and even pain.
    Olfactory system is our sense of smell.
    Oral system is responsible for our ability to taste, chew, swallow, and communicate.
    Auditory system is what gives our body the ability to process sounds. Not just hearing but our ability to listen and understand or make sense of it.
    Visual system is our sense of sight. It goes deeper than our ability to see, it’s our ability to track, locate.
    Proprioception is our body awareness, it allows us to sense where we are. Things like pushing, pulling, jumping, squeezing, and bending have to do with our body position.
    Vestibular system is our ability, want, or avoidance to move through space. This includes movements like spinning, turning, flipping, and climbing.
    Interception is the system that is responsible for things like our breathing, hunger, heart rate, and even the need to use the bathroom.

    How do the sensory systems impact development?
    All these sensory systems work together to support the active development of children and are usually a sign that everything is healthy or something is wrong. Lack of one or a couple of senses can impact development severely where these children may need extra support/attention or accommodations to have the same opportunities for development at the same rate as their peers.

  6. Maria Kaye

    What are our basis sensory systems?


    What does each system do?

    Tactile- touch, temperature, vibrations, sensations of itching and pain
    Olfactory- smell, taking in information by smelling, is it safe, harmful, important to notice, regulates the systems
    Auditory- Hearing, interact with sounds, how close, where sounds come from, process sounds from our surroundings, have we heard the sounds before
    Gustatory-Oral- mouth, chew, swallow, communicate, important decisions
    Visual-sight- track, locate, discriminate thins around us, sense of the world,
    Proprioception- body’s ability to sense where we are in, awareness, body position
    Vestibular- balance- movement through space, turning, climbing, spinning
    Interoception- body awareness- internal regulations response, breathing, hart beat, hunger, need to use bathroom,
    Unresponsive kids may not feel or respond to these sensations approprietly quickly enough or even at all, they may also seek out jacking up their heart rate or enjoy the feeling of hunger. Over responsive kids may feel the need to eat constantly or feel overly fearful from the physical sensation of when their heart rate goes up

    How do the sensory systems impact development?
    We need all the sensory systems to develop how we continue to grow from an early age. If and knowing if our sensory systems aren’t developing accordingly it could lead to a delay in many developmental staged during early childhood. Making sure teacher, parents, and physicians test our sensory systems and know what to look for at every stage will better help assist children.

  7. Yasmina Nait Slimane

    Module 5 assignment 1

    1. What are our basis sensory systems? And what does each system do?
    TACTILE: the tactile system is the system that gives us information to determine different things by using touch such as itching, pain, vibration, and temperature (cold or hot)

    OLFACTORY: is the ability of our body to distinguish different smell such as smell of food, perfume, or any other odor.

    ORAL: this system is related to any thing that we could identify and do by using our moth like testing, chewing, swallowing, and communicating.

    AUDITORY: is the ability to hear and recognize several sounds for example, music, voices, noise.

    VISUAL: is the ability to discriminate thing around us by using our sight, such as people, forms, anything that we could see with our eyes.

    PROPRIOCEPTION: it is related to the body communication like jumping, pushing, pulling, squeezing.

    VESTIBULAR: it is the ability to move in the space such as spinning, flipping, swaying.

    INTEROCEPTION: is the system that allows us to detect our internal needs and feeling such as hunger, thirst, breath, and the needs to go to bathroom.

    3. How do the sensory systems impact development?
    we know that the sensory system is the ability to recognize and explore the word by using different senses. Therefore, and based on this any defect in these senses could lead to delay of the development of the child in its different fields. It will affect his ability to learn rapidly. For example, if a child has a problem in his auditory sense, he could have difficulties in his or her language development. This is a reason why some children who present deficiency in their sensory system such as blind, deaf/mute, and motor disability need an intensive or special care and support in order to help them to adapt in their particular word, and thus reintegrate them to the regular life.

  8. Camila Polo

    1. What are our basis sensory systems?

    Our basic sensory systems are tactile, olfactory, oral, auditory, visual, proprioception, vestibular, and interception.

    2. What does each system do?

    Tactile- we receive information though our skin to scale things like pain, itching, and temperature
    Olfactory- is the ability to understand the world and its surroundings using our sense of smell
    Oral- the ability to sense our world and make important decisions by using our mouths
    Auditory- is the ability to gather information by using sounds
    Proprioception- the ability to sense where our body is in relation to the things that surround us
    Visual- the ability to use sight to make sense of things like tracking and locating things
    Vestibular- is the sense of desire or avoidance to move through space by activities like climbing, spinning, and running
    Interception- is the sense that detects internal responses such as breathing, hunger or the need to use the bathroom

    3. How do the sensory systems impact development?

    When a sensory of a child is off track or not working properly it could have great impact on the childs development and health.

  9. Yan kyaw

    What are our basis sensory systems?
    Our basic sensory systems are Tactile (touch), olfactory ( smell), auditory (Hearing), gustatory (oral), visual (sight) vestibular (balance) and proprioception (body awareness) and interoception.
    What does each system do?
    Tactile (touch) system do _ light touch(surface), pain, pressure, temperature (hot & cold), and joint and muscle position sense.
    Olfactory system do- sense of smell, the sensory system used for smelling. Microscopic molecules smell released by substances around us for example coffee or perfume smell. Once the neurons detect the molecules, they send a message to our brain which identifies the smell.
    Auditory (hearing) systems do for the sense of hearing. It includes both sensory organs (the ears) and the auditory parts of the sensory system.
    Gustatory (oral) systems are responsible for the perception of taste and flavour. This system is the taste cells in the mouth (such as satly, sweet, bitter, sour and umami) , several cranial nerves, and the gustatory cortex.
    visual (sight) systems do visual systems. This system comprises the sensory organ (eyes) and the part of the central nervous system which gives organisms the ability to process visual detail as sight, as well as enabling the formation of several non-image photo response functions.
    vestibular (balance) system provides the sense of balance and the information about body position that allows rapid compensatory movements in response to both self-induced and externally generated forces.
    proprioception (body awareness) system is the body canvary muscle contraction in immediate response to incoming information regarding external forces, by utilizing stretch receptors in the muscle to keep track of the joint position in the body.
    Interoception is feeling emotions. This system can help understand and feel what’s going on inside your body.
    3.How do the sensory systems impact development?
    Sensory systems impact development, it can greatly affect every people health and development. For example, When a child’s hearing is not optimal and remains uncorrected, the child’s speech and language development, communication,and learning may be delayed. We need to understand how these child sensory systems develop. And then, we need to solve the problem. This will help ensure the child reaches for full potential.

  10. Kelly Nunez

    What are our basis sensory systems? consist of Tactile: to touch, Olfactory: to smell, Oral: to taste/chew/Swallow, Auditory: to hear, Visual: to See, and the most unheard of would be Proprioception: body positioning, Vestibular: balance/ movement and Interception: consist of heart rate/ breathing or knowing when you have the urge to use the rest room.
    How do the sensory systems impact development? in order for children to grow accordingly they must be able to do most of these sensors unless they are delayed or have other health issues.

  11. Janate Bratton

    After watching the video (I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video), answer the questions below:

    What are our basis sensory systems?
    What does each system do?
    How do the sensory systems impact development?

  12. Janate Bratton

    After watching the video (I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video), answer the questions below:

    What are our basis sensory systems?
    What does each system do?
    How do the sensory systems impact development?

    1. What are our basis sensory systems?


    2. What does each system do?
    Tactile- touch
    Olfactory- smell,
    Auditory- hearing
    Gustatorys- communicate
    Visual- sight
    Proprioception- awareness
    Vestibular- balance
    Interoception- breathing

    3. How do the sensory systems impact development?
    Answer: The impact of integrating all the information we get from our senses, we can ‘make sense’ of the world around us and successfully move through and interact in our world. So when a sensory of a child is off track or not working properly or at all it could have great impact on the childs development and health.

  13. kenneth soto

    1. What are our basic sensory systems?
    *Tactile – Touch
    *Olfactory – smell
    *Auditory – Hearing
    *Gustatory – Oral
    *Visual – Sight
    *Vestibular – Balance
    *Proprioceptive – Body awareness

    2. What does each system do?
    *Tactile – We receive information from our tactile system through our skin to gauge everyday sensations.
    *Olfactory – Our body’s ability to make sense of the world through the sense of smell. It’s our body’s way of taking in information about our surroundings.
    *Auditory – Our body’s ability to process sound and gather information.
    *Gustatory – Our ability to sense the world around us through our mouths. It allows us to make important decisions about our surroundings and it is also responsible for our ability to chew, swallow, and communicate.
    *Visual – Gives our bodies the ability to make sense of the world using sight. It gives us the ability to track, locate, and discriminate things around us.
    *Vestibular – Our ability to desire or avoidance to move through space.
    Proprioceptive – Our body’s ability to sense where we are in relationship to our surroundings.
    Interception- The sense responsible for detecting internal regulation.

    3. How do the sensory systems impact development?
    Sensory systems impact development because children learn through their senses. If one sense doesn’t work properly it can affect the way the child learns. Unresponsive children who do not respond appropriately quickly enough or at all may seek out jacking up their heart rate or enjoy the feeling of hunger. Over responsive children may feel the need to eat more and fear the physical sensation of their heart rate going up.

    1. Teresa Singh

      Hey Kenneth

      Based on question 3, It’s unfortunate how one undeveloped sensory can impact greatly a child’s learning ability, cause delay and affect their life style. This is something we definitely need to be on the look up when working with children.

  14. Elianna

    1.What are our basis sensory systems?
    6.Proprioceptive-Body Awareness
    2.What does each system do?
    -Tactile is where we receive information from our tactile system through our skin to gauge everyday sensations such as temperature vibration pressure itching and even pain.
    Next is the olfactory system is our body’s ability to make sense of the world using our sense of smell its our body’s way to take in information about our surroundings to help us gauge if they are safe harmful or even whether they are important to notice or not and that’s extremely vital in helping us regulate our sensory systems.
    Then their’s our oral system which has the ability to sense the world around us through our mouths it allows us to make important decisions about our surroundings and it also responsible for ability to chew swallow and even communicate.
    Then their’s our auditory system which is our body’s ability to process sounds and gather information from our surroundings it isn’t simply about our ability to hear which is an innate ability that can’t be taught but our ability to listen which allows our body to interact with the sounds in our environment and make sense of what we hear we receive auditory input through our ears to gauge the importance of the sounds we hear where they come from and how close they are and weather we have heard those sounds before.
    Then their’s our visual system which gives our bodies the ability to make sense of world using our sense of sight it isn’t about our ability to see like 20/20 vision but our ability to track locate and discriminate things around us.
    Lastly, our proprioception system which is our bodies ability to where we are in relationship to our surroundings meaning we use our bodies sensible awareness to interpret the world around us.
    3.How does the sensory systems impact developments?
    -Our sensory system is used to develop how we grow from an early age .

    1. Arelis Marie Elias

      You are right our sensory systems help us as we grow at an early age because it keeps us safe and healthy in order to navigate the world around them.

  15. Teresa Singh

    Teresa Singh

    1) What are our basis sensory systems?
    Tactile, Olfactory, Oral, Auditory, Visual, Proprioception, Vestibular and Interoception.

    2) What does each system do?

    Tactile – Receive information through our skin, to engage in everyday sensation. Sensations such as temperature, vibration, pressure itching and even pain. Ex: Getting a scrape.

    Olfactory – Sense of smell. The way our body takes information about our surrounding to understand if it’s safe, harmful or important. Ex: Smelling a flower.

    Oral – Oral system is our ability to sense the world around us. Through our mouths it allows us to make important decisions about our surroundings. Ex: Chewing and communicating.

    Auditory – Process sound and gather information of our surroundings. Ability to listen not just hear which allows our body to interact with the sounds in our environment and make sense of what we hear. We receive auditory input from our ears to engage the importance of the sounds we hear where they come from and how close they are and whether we heard those sound before. Ex: Barking, singing, blending.

    Visual – Ability to make sense of the world through our sense of sight. It’s our ability, locate and discriminate things around us. Ex: person moving, foggy sky.

    Proprioception – Is our body’s ability to sense where we are in relationship to our surroundings. Playing hop scotch require us to use our bodies sensible awareness to interpret the world around us. Pushing, stomping, squeezing or bending all have body position in common.

    Vestibular – Ability, desire to move through space. Turrning flipping and the swinging pirate ship all have in common movement.

    Interoception – Sense responsible for detecting internal regulation responses. Allows you to feel when you are hungry need to go to the bathroom or check your heart rate. Children who are unresponsive to theses senses feel their heart rate go up or even enjoy the feeling of hunger. Over responsive children may feel the need to eat constantly or feel overly fearful from the physical sensation of when their heart rate goes up.

    3) How do the sensory systems impact development? It allows us to get a sense of the world we live in. If there is a problem with any particular sensory system, a child’s overall health and development can be affected. For example, if a child’s hearing is problematic or not given attention, the child’s speech, language development and communication may be delayed.

    1. Arelis Marie Elias

      You are right because if a child’s sensory is affected it can affect the childs ability to navigate the world around them it is very important as educators to notice these things in our children to help them.

    2. Denise Newland Stewart

      Teresa, I am in agreement when you say our body sense where we are in connection to our surrounding and when you said hop-scotch, I paused and tried to interpret. After a while, I said in order to jump, in the appropriate boxes, some sense has to send the signal/instruction to the brain for me to know how what to do.

  16. Taina

    What are our basis sensory systems?

    Our basis sensory systems are composed of the following; Tactile, Olfactory, Oral, Auditory, Visual, Proprioception, Vestibular, and Interoception.

    What does each system do?
    Our Tactile system is through touch sensation. Our skin allows us to receive information that allows us to feel temperature, vibration, pain, pressure, and more. Our Olfactory system is our sensory system for smell. It allows us to determine if our surroundings are safe, harmful, or important. Our Oral system is our sensory system that allows us to sense the world through our mouths by taste. It allows us to make important decisions about our surrounding and its safety. It is responsible for chewing, swallowing, and communication. Our Auditory system is responsible for hearing. It processes sounds and gathers information about our surroundings and allows our body to interact with sounds through listening. Our Visual system is our sight that allows us to make sense of the world. It is our ability to track, locate, and discriminate things around us. Our Proprioception system is our body awareness as to where we are based on surrounding. Our Vestibular system is our ability desire to move through space. Its how we jump, climb, spinning etc. Our Interoception is our system that detects internal regulation responses, such as breathing, hunger, heart rate, and the need to use the bathroom

    How do the sensory systems impact development?

    Our sensory systems play a role in our cognitive and language development as well as our fine and gross motor skills development. These sensory developments are extremely important in our development, and if one lacks in a certain area, it can cause delays in their development.

  17. Arelis Marie Elias

    What are our basis sensory systems?
    Our basis sensory systems include tactile, olfactory, auditory, gustatory, visual, vestibular, proprioceptive, and interoception.
    What does each system do?
    Tactile means touching sensation/ feeling. Olfactory systems allow one to smell. Auditory systems allow one to hear. Gustatory is the most important as it is our oral system that allows us to eat or communicate. Our visual system allows us to use our sight to see. The vestibular system allows you to move into spaces using our balance. Proprioceptive systems help one to be aware of their surroundings. Lastly interoception systems help to regulate our internal body awareness.
    How do sensory systems impact development?
    Sensory systems impact our development from helping us stay safe, healthy, and manuver through life. When our senses are altered and not functioning properly it causes delay in development and can be problamatic and jeopordize their health and way of life. It is important for early detection in these areas to help fix some issues that can be helped through therapy or to create a routine to make life easier for those with perminate developmental delays.

    1. Luis Martinez

      Hey Arelis Marie Elias
      This is Luis Martinez, adding on your response to question #2 ,Sensory play stimulates a young child’s senses of touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing, and as well as anything which engages movement and balance.

  18. Kimberlyn Campos

    What are our basis sensory systems?
    -Our basis sensory systems are tactile, olfactory, gustatory, auditory, visual, proprioception, vestibular and interoception.

    What does each system do?
    -Tactile: Touching
    -Olfactory: Smelling
    -Gustatory: Oral
    -Auditory: Is responsible for hearing.
    -Visual: Is responsible for seeing
    -Proprioception: Body awareness
    -Vestibular:Is responsible for the body movement.
    -Interoception: Is responsible for letting you know what’s going on inside of your body.

    How do the sensory systems impact development?
    -An issue with one tactile framework can significantly influence your kid general wellbeing and improvement. For instance, when a child’s hearing isn’t ideal and stays uncorrected, her discourse and language advancement, correspondence, and learning might be deferred.

    1. Luis Martinez

      Hey Kimberlyn Campos
      This is Luis Martinez, I agree with you on question#3,I would like to add that the benefits of sensory play encourage children to explore and investigate. Furthermore, any sort of activities that involved sensory play enhance children’s imagination ,and creativity through observation,building,forming and experimenting.

  19. Denise Newland Stewart

    Module 5 Assignment #1: Sensory Systems

    1. What is our basis sensory systems?
    Our basic sensory systems are tactile – touch, olfactory – smell, oral – mouth activities, auditory – hearing, visual – sight, proprioception – body awareness, vestibular – balance, interoception – breathing

    2. What does each system do?
    -Tactile – helps us to receive information through touching sensation.
    -Olfactory – is responsible for our sense of smell and help us to obtain information about our surrounding.
    -Oral – we have a sense of the world through our taste/mouth and allow us to make decisions about our surroundings.
    -Auditory – hearing is the body ability to process and gather information from our environment. Not only allow us to hear, but it to listen and interact with what we hear from our environment.
    -Visual – we understand the world through our sense of sight. Visual allow us to track, locate things around us.
    -Proprioception – Our body awareness enable us to put our body in various positions, such as – pushing, pulling, stamping, screaming, jumping and bending.
    -Vestibular – Balance, our ability, desire, or avoidance to move through space, such as – spinning, turning, flipping, climbing, they are all moving activities.
    -Interoception – allow us to understand what is going on in our body, such as – our heart beat, if we are hungry and the function of the other organs.

    3 How do the sensory systems impact development?
    -Sensory development starts during gestation and continues throughout childhood. Babies learn through the sensory systems. They absorb information through their sensory organs, eg. eyes and ears. The mind and the senses work together for children to explore and discover the world.
    -Each system is dependent upon another to properly function and operate. If one sensory system has a problem, it can affect the child’s development. For example, if a child has a hearing problem, it can affect the child’s speech and language development. Sensory development forms the basis of children’s learning and perception.

  20. Luis Martinez

    Luis Martinez

    What are our basis sensory systems?
    There are 3 more basis senses apart from the five senses that we regularly know, the first is tactile, the second is the olfactory, the third is oral, the fourth is auditory, the fifth is visual, the sixth is proprioception, the seventh vestibular, and the last is enteroception.

    What does each system do?
    The tactile is commonly known or associated with touch, we receive information from our tactile system, through our skin to gain/feel everyday sensations, such as temperature, vibrations, pressure, itching and pain. Whereas the olfactory is commonly known as smell, it’s purpose, is to make sense of the world using our sense of smell. It’s the body’s way of taking information about our surroundings/environment to help us know if they are safe, harmful, or even if they are weather important to notice or not. Followed by the oral, which is commonly known as taste, it’s our ability to sense the world around us though our mouths, it allows us to make important decisions about our surroundings and it’s also responsible for our ability to chew, swallow and communicate. The next one is our auditory system it our body’s ability to process sounds and gather information from our surroundings, it is not just simply about our ability to hear which is a native that can’t be taught, but our ability to listen which allows our body to interact with the sounds from the environment, and make sense of what we hear. Followed by our visual, commonly associated with sight (what we see) give our body the ability to make sense of the world, using our sense of sight, it is not just about the ability to see 20/20 vision, but our ability to track, locate, and discriminate the things around us. Fallowed by proprioception, which we may not be familiar with this basis sensory, it’s our body’s ability to sense where we are in relationship to our surroundings, examples include the fallowing twisters, hopscotch. These classic games require us to use our body sense of awareness, to interpret the world around us, pushing, pulling, stomping, squeezing, jumping, bending all these physical actions have one thing in common which is body position. The next which we may not also be familiar with, which is vestibular it’s our ability, desire, avoidance to move through space, examples include the fallowing spinning, turning, flipping, climbing. Last but not least, is the interoception, it’s the sense responsible for detecting internal regulation sponges, examples include breathing, hunger, heart rate and even the need to go to the bathroom. Unresponsive kids may not feel or not respond to these sensations’ appropriately.

    How do the sensory systems impact development?
    From birth to early childhood, children use their five senses to actively explore and try to make sense of the world around them. It’s a significant part of early childhood development and providing endless opportunities for children to actively use their senses as they explore their world through ‘sensory play’ which is crucial for brain development. Adding on, Sensory play includes any activity that stimulates a young child’s senses of touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing, as well as anything which engages movement and balance.

  21. nana kvaratskhelia

    What are our basic sensory systems?

    We have 8 basic sensory systems:

    2. What does each system do?

    1.Tactile ~Touch
    2.Olfactory ~ Smell
    3.Auditatory~ Hearing
    4.Gustatory ~ Oral
    5.Visual ~ Sight
    6.Vestibular ~ Balance
    7.Proprioceptive ~ Body awareness
    8. Interoception

    3. How do the sensory systems impact development?

    Sensory systems impact development of children by enabling their learning through their senses. If one sense doesn’t work property it can affect, delay or prevent the way a child learns. Sensory systems are vital, they are not only important for the life and body function, but also for the interaction with the environment. Learning is one of these environments.

  22. Marilyn Jimenez

    What are our basis sensory systems?
    Our basis sensory system are
    Tactile, Olfactory, Oral, Auditory, Visual, Proprioception, Vestibular and Enteroception

    What does each system do?
    Tactile: receive info through our skin
    Olfactory: ability to make sense of the world through our sense of smell
    Oral: ability to sense the world around us using our mouth chew swallow and cimmunicate
    Auditory helps us process sounds in our environment to cage the importance of sounds in our environment
    Visual: the ability to make sense of the world using sight
    Proprioception: Our bodies ability to sense where we are body position.
    Vestibular Balance and movement
    Enteroception sense responsible for internal regulation response.

    How do the sensory systems impact development? The sensory system impacts development because children and adults learn through our senses if children cant use their senses it can affect development and learning.

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