Module 8 Assignment #2: Identifying Cognitive Development (6/18-6/21)

Review the Cognitive Skills and Processes Power Point.  Here is the video that accompanies the Power Point

Read Cognitive Milestones

Watch the videos below.  For each video answer the following questions:

  1. What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
  2. What cognitive milestones foes the child demonstrate? How?
  3. What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
  4. What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?

Video #1 (4 year olds) stop at 2:00 minute mark

Video #2: (~3-4 year olds)

Video #3: (~15 months)


21 thoughts on “Module 8 Assignment #2: Identifying Cognitive Development (6/18-6/21)

  1. emily soto

    In video 1 the cognitive skills and process that the child demonstrate is memory , during the video the children are cleaning up and all the children memorized where all the toys go without asking a teacher . cognitive skills are core skills that the brain uses to think ,read,learn,remember, reason and pay attention. during the video the children were putting the toys away without asking for help. they paid attention in beginning of class. Their brain remembered this information.
    The cognitive milestones foes the child demonstrate is understands the concept of same and different, knows basic colors, follows instructions .

    video 2 the skills that are being demonstrated is attention/selective each child is focused on a task despite of the distractions happening in the classroom. The children are focused playing with ice/water and other tools at the sensory table . Also logic and reasoning the children are asking the teacher questions. The milestones we see is the children are following instructions with two or three steps, the children are listening to the teacher and the instructions shes providing.

    video 3 – the skills we see here is attention/sustained , in the video the girl is digging dirt with the teacher and she paying attention to the teacher and watching how shes doing it. The girl is focused and is paying close attention. The milestones we see are follows one directions, has understanding on what to do by watching the teacher. imitates the actions of the adult, understands and responds.

  2. Janate Bratton

    Watch the videos below.  For each video answer the following questions:
    1. What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    2. What cognitive milestones foes the child demonstrate? How?

    Answer: Video #1 – the cognitive skills and process that the child demonstrate is memory , the children are cleaning up by picking up the toys and placing the back into the right paces, they re helping the teacher as well with the toys, teachers are also encouraging them letting them know they are doing a good job with cleaning, they are also engage with one another while cleaning. The cognitive milestones the children demonstrate is understands the concept of cleaning, following instructions given.

    Video #2 – the cognitive skills and process that the child demonstrate is attention/selective the three boys are playing with ice and a spoon at the sensory table. They are also speaking with one another, answering the teachers questions. The cognitive milestones the children demonstrate is understanding what they teacher is saying, the concept of what’s going on, listening.

    Video #3 – the cognitive skills and process that the child demonstrate is attention/selective as well. the infants are at the sand box playing with the sand with other toys with the teacher. The cognitive milestone the infants are demonstrating is focusing on the teacher, following the teacher instructions, engaging with one another.

  3. Keneshia Wright

    1. What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    2. What cognitive milestones foes the child demonstrate? How?

    The children are cleaning up, they picking up toys and placing them back where they belong with saying anything to the teacher. The teacher let them know that they are doing a good job cleaning up. The cognitive milestones the children demonstrate is understanding the concept of cleaning and following instructions given.

    Video# 2
    The children are speaking with each other, they are answering the teachers questions. Each child is focused on a task despite the distractions in the classroom. I see the children are following instructions with two or three steps, the children are listening to the teacher and the instructions she is giving.

    The infant are at the sand box playing with the sand and other toys along with the teacher. The infants are demonstrating on focusing on the teacher by watching her.

  4. shayna velez

    What cognitive skills and processes does the child demonstrate? How?
    Creativity was demonstrated by cleaning up the toys and games that they were being creative with. Some were wearing costumes. Some were playing with toys
    Decision making was demonstrated when the students were moving things from one part of the room to the other. They decided to sit in a circle once they finished.
    What cognitive milestones does the child demonstrate? How?
    The students understand the idea of the same and different by putting away somethings while leaving others in their place.
    The children show they start to understand time. The teachers say it is time to clean up and the children understand this.
    What Piagetian stage of cognitive development is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    The children are in the developmental stage called the preoperational stage. In this stage they begin to play by pretending, use symbols including speech. They are very ego-centric. One girl is wearing a purple costume which means that she was pretending to be someone else.
    What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    The children sit in a circle where they can see and communicate with everybody. This shape facilitates sociocultural development. Also, two boys are putting away toys they were playing with. They are talking and interacting physically with each other while they perform this task. In addition, a man asks the child a question about cleaning up. This is intergenerational social interaction in which the child learns and develops.
    Video 2
    What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    The students are creative because they are patting down the ice in order to make something out of it.
    The students are also exhibiting decision making skills. They are talking and trying to make decisions together about how to complete their task.
    What cognitive milestones does the child demonstrate? How?
    The students show that they understand the idea of “same” and “different” by
    What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    The children are in the preoperational stage because the children are using symbols, pretend play and speech in an egocentric way. The three boys are pretending to create something.
    What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    The children are in a group where they try to communicate and try to come up with something. They are socially interacting which shows the children’s development.

    Video 3
    What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    The infant shows creativity by playing with the sand and trying to build something. Decision making was demonstrated by the infant that was playing with the sand and pretending to build something.
    What cognitive milestones does the child demonstrate? How?
    The cognitive milestone shown is being aware of the concept of same and different because the infant was making sand into a mountain and then destroying it.
    What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    The infant is in the pre-operational stage of cognitive development. The infant playing with the sand demonstrated they are in that stage.
    What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    The evidence of Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory I see is when the infant is playing with the sand pretending to build something. She is also socially interacting with the teacher. The teacher is showing the infant where to put the sand.

  5. Yan kyaw

    In Video 1, The children’s cognitive skills and process are memory and imagination. They showed in the classroom, they are able to understand the teacher body language and the idea in the classroom. So, they are also able to understand things symbolically and to understand the ideas in the classroom. They can understand creativity, court, shape and color. The cognitive milestones children demonstrate are their language use becomes more mature and they can engage in pretend symbols such as words and images. Video 1 is pre pre-operation stage of cognitive Piagetian theory. He said children become increasingly adept at using symbols, as evidenced by the increase in playing and pretending. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory evidence that the children understand the actions or instructions provided by the teacher then internalizes the information, using it to guide or regulate their own performance.
    In Video 2,the children’s cognitive skills and process are information processing and intelligence. They showed how to get the water, they broke the ice by wooden and then they used spoons to get water into the cup. The cognitive milestones the children demonstrated are use age appropriate scissors, easily handle spoons and wooden and turn rotating handles. Video 2 is also pre pre-operation stage of cognitive Piagetian theory. He said children become increasingly adept at using symbols, as evidenced by the increase in playing and pretending. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory evidence that the children understand how to get the water from the ice and also the teacher provides the information.
    In Video 3,the children’s cognitive skills and process are looking, listening and grasping. They demonstrated by sand how they listen, looking and grasping. The cognitive milestones the children demonstrated are finding sand from their staff or getting by themselves and begins to make play in their playground. Video 3 is sensori-motor stage. In Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the sensorimotor stage marks the first 2 years of a child’s life. During this stage, your child will learn: to repeat behaviors they enjoy. to explore their environment and interact with objects intentionally. to coordinate actions to achieve a specific goal. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory evidence that the children how to use and bring the sand by transmitting information. it is that language develops from social interactions.

  6. kenneth soto

    Video #1(four-year-olds): The cognitive skills and processes the children demonstrate are; decision making and memory by deciding what to put away and remembering where each item goes. They also understood the rutin that after they put away the toys to sit on the carpet. The cognitive milestone that the children demonstrated in this video is understanding the idea of the same and different because they have to know what is considered the same and different to put things away in the right categories. The Piaget stage they are in is preoperational, they’re language is developing through play. The children interacting and building communication with their peers and teacher while they clean up is evidence of Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory.

    Video #2 (3-4 yr olds): The cognitive skills and processes the children are demonstrating are problem-solving, reasoning, knowledge and creativity by using the different tools to break the ice. The cognitive milestone the children are demonstrating is following directions. The Piaget stage they are in is preoperational, they are socially engaging in an activity with their peers and teacher. The children receiving directions and guidance from their teacher during the activity is evidence of Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory.

    Video #3 (15 months): The cognitive skills and processes the toddlers are demonstrating are reasoning- use of tools, perception, and knowledge by imitation. The Piaget stage the children are in is the sensorimotor stage, they are observing through their senses. The toddlers building with sand and interacting with their peers and teachers is evidence of Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory.

  7. Yasmina Nait Slimane

    Video 1# 4 years
    The cognitive skills and processes the children exhibited in this video are memory by remembering where to put their toys after play without help and organize every container in its shelf. I noticed also imitation skill by imitating their teacher saying yes pleas when she was serving for them food. understand the routing that after eating they have to clean up the tables.
    The cognitive milestone development that the children demonstrated in this video is the ability to determine the idea same and difference. I see one girl picked a bock and she tried to indicate with her finger that the fruits in her bock are all same colors. Understand the idea of counting I saw one girl counting in the book until five. The Piaget stage of this age is preoperational, children are using words and language symbol to represent things and persons and idea this shown in the last activity while they tried to respond to the teachers questions to define the dolls by using meaning words to determine clothes, colors, and feeling. Lev Vygostky component demonstrated in the video is Zone of proximal development since there are teachers to guide them in there learning. When the teacher tried to teach them to say yes pleas in my opinion is the cultural component. Using a language, communication, interaction is the language and social interaction components that appeared.

    Video 2 #3-4years
    Cognitive skills demonstrated are problem solving they are trying to gain water from ice. Also acknowledge for the different material that they are using. Knowing to use language having conversations asking questions.
    The child who was cracking in the middle did not allow the child next to him to takes the wooden handle to rack the ice. This demonstrate the Piagetian preoperatory stage where children reach the level of the egocentrism in which children unable to take on other perspective. Also, this stage occurred with social play children are playing with peers and having conversation.
    Lev Vygostky component is Zone of proximal development. Children are learning with the help of their teacher first she poured the ice from the bucket to show for children the easier way to crack the ice. Then, she gave them other material stronger than spoon, in my opinion she is helping them to think in different ways to solve problem. Also, social interaction component is manifested when children engaged in a parallel play and they are communicating and interacting whether with their peer or with their teacher.

    Video 3# 15 month
    The cognitive skills that the children demonstrated are knowledge and schemes they are using object and they learned how to use it properly. They understand that they have to fil up the bucket by using spoon. The milestone occurred is the ability to pick up thing and put it down, and also the ability to put things in containers. This occur when they tried to put sand in the container and the boy with blue t-shirt picked the sieve up and attempted to fil it up with sand. Piaget stage that appeared and based on their age is sensorimotor stage where children could explore their word by sample physical action which in this video file the containers with sand. Lev Vygostky component is Zone of proximal development where children are learning under the guidance of their teacher this manifested when the teacher help them to file up the containers and the children pour it down; they repeated this action. Also, cultural component occurred when the girl said, “thank you” children learn to respond in a respectful way. This behavior learned by teaching children certain cultural aspect.

  8. Delesah

    video 1
    children cleaning up, they are picking up toys around them . Having conversation with there teacher. Having there teacher let them know they are doing a really good job during clean up time. The cognitive milestones the children is performing is cleaning up and following instructions.

    video 2
    children was speaking to one another, engaging in conversation with teachers also answering questions. following rules as well. The cognitive milestone the children is performing is following instructions

    video 3
    infants are palying in the sand box and other toys. The cognitive milestones the children is performing is focusing

  9. Maria Kaye

    VIDEO 1:
    The children demonstrate decision making skills by deciding what they want to interact with. Memory is being displayed by knowing where certain toys and material go without being told where to put them. Memory is also being used when they follow routines int he class during snack, circle time, free time etc. Creativity is also deployed by the way they decide on the books they want to read, toys they want to play with, or even verbally telling us about what they are thinking. Knowledge is demonstrated by symbolic play, big and small, as well how they use an object and know its objective. They are using information they have learned before. Perception is displayed by their sense being used in differ3ent ways int he video, from snack time, some kids wanting certain foods and others not wanting it, is an example of perception. On the rug they children are aware of space and knowing where they should be. I believe decision making/problem solving can be and is used in every aspects of our actions.
    The milestones reached are understanding the idea of counting. Remembering part of the story, when reading along and when being read to. Also a millstones being shown by the kids who have books turning one page at a time, even though they aren’t sorting shapes they are naming them during the observation as well as talking about colors, letters and shapes.
    The children demonstrate the Pre-Operational Piaget’s stage. This is demonstrated by the the way children are using language and symbols by including letters (books) and numbers. Vygotsky’s theory is being demonstrated by the children socializing with the other kids and adults in the room, the adults exhibit this also by showing the children how to do things, talking to them.

    VIDEO 2:
    In this video the children demonstrate is reasoning, the kids are banging tools, conducting a science experiment, they re braking the ice in order to create something else, water. Knowledge is demonstrated by mirroring what they are doing, and how they do things. Perception is shown by the children listening to the different sounds being made with different objects. By finding different tools to try to brake up the ice the kids the kids demonstrate creativity. Milestones shown are coping gestures, banging things together, follows instructions, understands time limit. The children demonstrate Pre-Operational by the representation of symbols, understand other peoples point of views and language. By socializing the children demonstrate Vygotsky’s theory of sociocultural by interacting with other students and teachers, asking the teaching for more or different tools, and using language.

    VIDEO 3:
    The children demonstrate decisions making by learning how tools work. Perception by learning how the sand feels. Knowledge is shown by the use of objects but also watching the teacher and each other and mirroring.
    Milestones achieved are poking with finger, puts sand in and out of the container, copies gestures, and letting things go without help.Piaget stage the children are showing is sensorimotor by looking, touching, cause and effect of the sand and toys. Vygotsky’s theory is show by interacting with the other kids and teacher, as well as watching her and listening to what she may say or show them.

  10. Arelis Marie Elias

    Video 1)
    What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How? The cognitive skill that the children demonstrate is memory because the children were placing back the objects where they belong without asking or hesitation.
    What cognitive milestones foes the do child demonstrate? How? The cognitive milestone the children demonstrate is speaking in full sentences the children were able to communicate while they were cleaning up.
    What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage? The Piagetian stage of cognitive the children are showing Pre-Operational Piaget’s stage because they are talking about the objects they are picking up and using language.
    What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How? Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory that I observed during the video is the children observing the space watching their teachers clean up alongside them and they are doing the same socializing and interacting. The children have learned through experience and they were able to memorize the routine.

    Video 2)

    What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How? The cognitive skills and process do the child demonstrate problem-solving/ decision making by using the spoons to hit the block of ice and work together.
    What cognitive milestones foes the child demonstrate? How? The cognitive milestone that the children are demonstrating is the ability to ask questions and to speak in full sentences and understand time limits for the activity.
    What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    The children are demonstrating the ability to understand and follow directions to make decisions Pre-Operational stage by using language.
    What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    I see the children interacting with one another communicating about their experience such as the ice being cold they are learning through experience.

    What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How? The cognitive skills the children are demonstrating is creativity as well as reasoning because they are watching their teacher use the objects to manipulate the sand and are imitating her and using their own tools to understand cause and effect.
    What cognitive milestones foes they do child demonstrate? How? The cognitive milestones the children are demonstrating is the ability to copy gestures, and putting things in and out of a container such as they are putting the sand in the buckets and dumping them and watching their teacher use the shovel to manipulate the sand.
    What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage? The children are demonstrating sensorimotor as this is a sensory activity invloving sand they are touching and observing the space in order to learn how to manipulate the area and use the tools.
    What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How? The teacher is interacting with the children by demonstrating how to use the objects with the sand they are learning by observation and experiancing the activity together.

  11. sydnie d

    Video #1: In this video the children seem to be putting all the toys away. The children are showing their decision making skills and memory skills. Some children are being asked where does a specific toy go and they are putting it in the place the toy belongs. They are showing that they have memorized the designated spots for the toys that they play with. They are showing their decision making skills by deciding to actually put the toys in their rightful places. A cognitive milestone that I think the children are demonstrating for 4 year olds is the understanding of time. They understand that it is time to stop playing and clean up. The piagetian stage of cognitive development the children are in is the preoperational stage. This is because they understand that rules emerge from social play, and the rule in this video is after you play you must clean up. For Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory I see evidence of the ZPD. While a few children are being reminded not to leave things behind a lot of them are cleaning up on their own and putting the toys in their correct spots on their own.

    Video #2: In this video the children are hitting at a block of ice and engaging in water play. The children are showing reasoning, perception, and knowledge. The reasoning comes in when they first start hitting the ice. They are understanding that if they hit the ice with a hard object the ice will crack and break, as they understand this more they beat on the ice more. Perception happens when the water in the middle of the ice is exposed and the teacher drips some on the boys hand he became aware that the water was cold because of the ice through his sense of touch. And their knowledge skills are being shown through imitation, they all hit the ice to crack it and the use of objects. They use a pipet to take in water and then drip it out, they use a scooper to pick up water and pour it into a cup. They are learning what some objects are used for. The milestone that I think the children are demonstrating is understanding same and different. At one point in the observation one of the children ask for a scooper that is like the one the other child is playing with, so he understands that he wants the same cup as his classmate. But when the teacher explains that she doesn’t have one exactly like it he understands that it functions the same and still accepts it. In Vygotsky;s sociocultural theory I see evidence of social interaction because the boys are all playing together to break the ice and play with the water.

    Video #3: The children and teacher in this video are playing with sand. They are scooping up the sand and putting it in the bucket and sometimes filling molds with sand to create objects. The children are showing knowledge and reasoning. For knowledge the children are imitating what the teacher is doing and using objects. One child sees the teacher scooping up sand so she also scoops up sand and puts it in the bucket. She understands that the scooper is used to pick up sand and the bucket is used to hold the sand. Another child sees the teacher fill up a mold with sand and turn it over so she repeats the same thing with her mold. The reasoning is happening through the use of tools, they are using the mold to possible create a shape made of out sand or just a pile of sand. The milestones they are demonstrating for their age are copying gestures, starting to use things correctly, puts things in a container and takes it out, follows simple directions, and knows what ordinary things are like a scooper or spoon. The piagetian stage the children are in is sensorimotor, they are moving from simple reflexes to and organized set of behaviors by scooping the sand and just playing with the sand. With Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory I see evidence of the MKO. The children are being guided and accompanied by a more knowledgeable person or their teacher.

  12. Taina

    Video #1
    4 year olds
    In this video the children are demonstrating their independency by being able to clean up on their own and using their memory to put objects where they belong. They are taking on responsibility and understanding the importance of their responsibility. For their age group they have demonstrated that they reached specific milestones such as understanding time. According to Piagets stages of development, the children are currently in the Preoperational stage and based on their ability to memorize where objects go during clean up time and what it means to clean up, shows that they are indeed in this stage. Based on Vygotskys sociocultural theory, through social interaction and witnessing what adults around them display, they have been able to mimic their actions (Cleaning) and apply it to their daily routine.

    Video #2
    3-4 year old
    In this video the children are demonstrating their ability to problem solve as they find different way to break the ice. They are also demonstrating their language skills and the ability to communicate with others and express themselves through communication as well as being creative. They are also showing their ability to be attentive to one activity. For their age group they have demonstrated that they reached specific milestones such as the ability to imaginary play with objects. According to Piagets stages of development, the children are currently in the preoperational stage and based on their ability to think, problem solve, and express themselves through communication, shows that they are in this stage. Based on Vygotskys sociocultural theory, Through social interaction, the children can be seen referring to the guidance of their teacher in one part of the video where she is talking them through how to use the dropper.

    Video #3
    15 months
    In this video the children are demonstrating their ability to use their imagination through sensory play. They are also showing their ability to utilize their senses and experience their environment through their senses. For their age group they have demonstrated that they reached specific milestones such as the ability to explore things in different ways, by playing in the sand and building sand castles with the molder, bang objects, put things in containers, follows simple directions by their caregivers. According to Piagets stages of development, the children are currently in the sensorimotor stage where they are able to explore the world around them through sensory activities and sensation and manipulating objects. Based on Vygotskys sociocultural theory, Through social interaction the children are listening to the teachers and using their knowledge on how to use the objects as they provide guidance.

  13. Elianna

    Video #1-The cognitive skills the children demonstrates is memory because they reflecting back on where they found the toys and the area they were in so that they can place everything back to the right place and help there teacher clean up with there peers.The milestones the chilldren show is how they know how to pick things up and put them back, following instructions, and communicating with others.The children are in the Preoperational stage because of how they demonstrated memory.Lastly,based Vygotskys theory I see how interacting with others help them build there memory skills.
    Video #2-The cognitive skills the childrens are demonstrating is Knowledge because they are imitationing each others behaviors and they are usuing objects to make noise, scoop, and pour.The children are speaking with each other as well and asking the caregiver questions and for help if they need anything.The milstones they show is how devlop their oral language,see things from children perspectives,and how they interact with each other.Based on Piagets stage of development the children are in pre-operational stage because of there actions,abilities, and communcation shown in the video.Lastly, Vygotskys theory is shown through the interactions shown in the video.
    Video #3-The cognitive skills the child is demonstrating is perception because the child is understanding how to play in the space she is in and the relationship she has with her caregiver shows throughtout video.She also aware of how to use her senses.The milstones the child shows how to look around,show curiosity, and explore.Based on Piagets stages the child is in the Sensorimotor stage the child shows that by the way she explores throughtout the video.Lastly, Vygotskys theory is shown by the way the children interac t with the teacher and the space they are in.

  14. Camila Polo

    Video #1
    1. What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    Some cognitive skills that were demonstrated in video #1 was decision making, an example of this is when Gabe says no to a marshmallow or when Eli says no to a pretzel. Another skill was Knowledge and mimicking, this is demonstrated when the children are coping the adults low or whispering voices in line. Another cognitive skill I noticed in this video is memory, and understanding routines the children understood that it was time to clean up and then put shoes on and form a circle, and they did so without much direction.

    2. What cognitive milestones does the child demonstrate? How?
    Some milestones I saw in video #1 are turns book pages one at a time, this was demonstrated when it was book time and the children chose a book and looked through it. Another milestone is remember parts of the story this was demonstrated when the caretaker was telling a story with a puppet.

    3. What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    I believe that the Piagetian stage the children are in is the Preoperational stage because they are starting to develop and and play in pretend play and they are using symbols in order to represent things.

    4. What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    Some evidence of Vygostsky’s sociocultural theory that I see in this video is how engaged the teachers are in this video, they are constantly encouraging children to do things and communicating with them.

    Video #2
    1. What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    Some cognitive skills that were demonstrated in video #2 was decision making when the little boy in the striped shirts tried to take away the wooden block, the little kid with the red shirt said “no that’s mine”. Another skill I noticed was patterns, they were all hitting the block of ice in a pattern, with the spoons and later with the wooden block. Another skill I noticed was problem solving, the kid with the red shirt found a creative way to break the ice by using the wooden block. Reasoning is another skill I noticed when they were using the shovel to fill up the glass of water.

    2. What cognitive milestones does the child demonstrate? How?
    Some cognitive milestones I saw in this video is children playing with tools like spoons and wooden blocks. Also following instructions.

    3. What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    I think the stage of cognitive that the children are in preoperational stage, they are very ego central we see this when the kid with striped shirt tried to the wooden block from the kid with the red shit.

    4. What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    I think Vygostsky’s theory is shown here in how the children play with each other, they are mimicking each other and learning from each other.

    Video #3
    1. What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    The children are demonstrating reasoning skill because they are mimicking the caretakes actions. The are also exhibiting the use of tools because they are using tools to play with the sand.

    2. What cognitive milestones foes the child demonstrate? How?
    They are showing the milestone of copying gestures and copying what the teacher does with the sand.

    3. What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    I think that the stage that these children are in is the Sensorimotor stage because the children are gathering information through their eyes by seeing what the caretaker does. They are also very active and exploring everything.

    4.What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    I think Vygostsky’s theory is shown here when the caretaker applauds the little girl for picking something up, this shows the little girl that what she did was correct.

  15. Denise Newland Stewart

    Module 8 Assignment #2: Identifying Cognitive Development

    Video #1 (4 year old)
    1. What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    -Knowledge – Imitation, the children followed their teachers and helped to pack up and put away the toys and containers.
    -Memory – Remembering & Sequence, the children knew that after playing with the toys, they should put them away in the correct containers and the right storage area.
    2. What cognitive milestones foes the child demonstrate? How?
    -Understands the idea of “same” and “different” – the children knew which toys were alike and put like items together and they would have done the same for items that had a partner.
    3. What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    -Pre-operational – the children played with the toys and other symbols. One of the girls was taking off her ruffled dress and it seem as if she had other clothes under that.
    4. What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    -Zone of Proximal Development – The children, independently could put away some toys and containers with teacher guidance, however, some children needed help to put on their shoe.
    -More knowledgeable Other – The children’s teachers would be the higher ability persons guiding them putting away the toys.

    Video #2: (~3-4 year old)
    1. What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    -Decision Making/Problem Solving-The boys were figuring out how to break the ice.
    -Cause & Effect – The actions of knocking the ice will eventually break
    -Use of tools – The boys used various tools to break the ice
    -Knowledge – Imitation, the boys followed each other knocking the ice; they knew that the spoons were taking long, so they got those round wooded objects

    2. What cognitive milestones foes the child demonstrate? How?
    Understands the idea of “same” and “different”
    -The boys knew how the ice was and they say the difference when it was broken.
    Can work toys with buttons, levers, and moving parts
    -The boys used toys of spoons, scopes, etc.

    3. What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    -Pre-operational – the ice was symbol a “water fall”; the spoons and other items represents objects they used t break the ice.

    4. What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    -More Knowledgeable Other – The teacher had the higher knowledge and she poured it into that container where they could break it and don’t make a mess. She also gave them items that were better to take the water from the ice. Zone of —Proximal Development -the boys could use objects to break the ice, however, they needed their teacher’s help to pour the ice out of the bucket.
    Video #3: (~15 months)
    1. What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    -Reasoning – the children used objects to collect the sand to create whatever they wanted to create.
    -Knowledge – use of objects, they used their objects to collect the sand and poured it out in shapes
    2. What cognitive milestones foes the child demonstrate? How?
    -Begins to sort shapes and colors – a girl used her sand to make shapes
    -Completes sentences and rhymes in familiar books – a student said “thank you”
    3. What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    -Sensorimotor – the children used their senses to get containers and collect sand (touch/feel), (seeing) to navigate their way to walk, collect sand and pour it out somewhere,

    4. What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    -More Knowledgeable Other – the teacher was the person with the higher ability level than the students
    -Zone of Proximal Development – The teacher scooped the sand together and poured it into the containers and the children were able to collect their sand

  16. Luis Martinez

    Watch the videos below. For each video answer the following questions:

    Video #1 (4 year olds) stop at 2:00 minute mark

    As we know cognitive development is about everything that a child does through learning. It’s time to clean up the 4-year old’s are now picking up the materials and objects that they used during playtime. According to the cognitive development milestones, Carlos and Jim showed that they were able to put things back at the container and take things out of a container. This was showed by Carlos and Jim taking out the food toys from the stove, as they were taking, the food items were placed in large wide transparent container. They used their hand to accommodate the toys that seem to be about falling. Cause and effect that was demonstrated by the teacher’s words, his words of encouragement made Jim and Carlos felt proud that they were putting all objects back into their container. Even though we might not know if the teacher’s encouragement is working, it’s just something to congratulate the students for a specific task that they were able to complete or fallow directions set by the teacher. Jim and Carlos fall into the stage of preoperational (Piaget’s theory) which the section describes that social games and games with rules emerge as children become increasingly involved in social paly with peers, Jim prefer not to be help by his peer Carlos, he wanted to pick up the stove and carried the stove all the way to the back by himself without help. Whereas for Vygotsky’s social development theory Jim and Carlos fall into the zone of proximal development because their ability to perform/complete a task was under an adult guidance and supervision, the teachers encourage everyone in the classroom to do pick object that they used and to put them away in the correct spot, shelf. The teachers gave specific instructions and directions of where the items go, which relates to guidance and provision of an adult present in the classroom.

    Video #2: (~3-4-year old’s)

    As we know cognitive development is about everything that a child does through learning. The classroom is set up in centers, Sam, Juan, and Diego are in the ice breaking center, the teacher is constantly going back and forth to respond to the needs of Sam, Juan, and Diego (needs and interest). The teacher’s guidance is showed through teaching them and giving them specific instructions on how to the activity. The teacher distributed different materials and objects to the children, a spoon, a roller and sticks. The ice breaking activity where Sam, Juan, and Diego are is classified as cognitive development, they are using different materials to poke and bang the big ice cube that is located inside on a plastic box, according to the cognitive development milestones Sam, Juan, and Diego can now bang two things together ,as well shows curiosity about things and tries to get things that are located within their space, and explores things in different ways like shaking, and banging. Cause and effect are showed by the teacher asking the students why the ice cube is turning into water, Sam, Juan, and Diego respond with because we are breaking it, they also get to see, hear, and learned that hitting the ice with different objects affects it’s size and shape, in addition they also get to learn that hitting the Ice with the big rollers has a greater effect. Sam, Diego, and Diego fall into the stage of preoperational (Piaget’s theory) they all three falls into the description that details social games and games with rules emerge as children become increasingly involved in social paly with peers and as well language is developing rapidly through dramatic play. Whereas for Vygotsky’s social development theory, they all three falls into the social interaction that details the fundamental role that social interaction has in learning and cognitive development, child’s cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level.

    Video #3: (~15 months)
    As we know cognitive development is about everything that child does through learning that connects to guidance and supervision. The hands-on activity is taking place outside the classroom, in the playground. The playground has different play areas, the slides, the sandbox and other play areas. The observation will focus on the children who are playing in the sandbox area, there are five infant toddlers playing with the sand, they have buckets, shovels, large spoons, and little cups within their reach. The infant toddler with the pink shirt is holding a shovel, she is grabbing sand with the shovel, she uses the fisted grasp to hold the shovel, she is pouring sand into the blue bucket, this shows that she can now put things in a container, starts to use things correctly, and shows curiosity about things that are within her reach. All the actions that the infant toddler with the pink shirt perform was classified as cognitive development. Creativity was showed through creations for instance the toddlers use their hands along with the objects and materials to build and create objects even if the objects don’t have a meaning, which connects to the foundations of play and the arts. All, the five children falls into the sensorimotor stage (Piaget’s stages of Cognitive development) that details that infant and toddlers understand the world in terms of physical actions on the environment as well for infant move from simple reflexes to an organized set of behaviors.

  17. nana kvaratskhelia

    1. What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    2. What cognitive milestones does the child demonstrate? How?
    3. What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in?
    How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    4. What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?

    video#1 In this video we see almost all types of cognitive skills and processes:
    Decision making such as where to put toys away and sorting them.
    Reasoning such as using tools to obtain and create things.
    Perception by understanding space specific areas for lunch timing, reading timing, and play timing. Knowledge such as knowledge of pretend play when kids are listening to theater performance with attention.
    Memory such as putting events in order and knowing what routine/task happens next.
    Creativity and specific skills. We see at this age, children understand timing and remember part of the story, because they follow a scheduled routine for reading, lunch and play time. Also, they do remember part of these stories while they are reading the books. If we go through Piaget stages of development, in this video we can see preoperational stage. We see imagining things and mentally reversing actions. Going by Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory we see the influence of children’s growth on how they are thinking and what they are thinking, during the play with each other as well as cleaning up after themselves and more knowledgeable other development.
    video#2 In this video children are demonstrating processing and using info to make choices and using tools such as a spoon by showing to receive an ice cube and break it. Showing creativity in play by showing one boy taking water out of an ice cube by using a water pitch. They are showing, for their age, cognitive milestones understanding the idea “same and different”. By Piaget we see preoperational stage by showing how they are imagining things and reversing actions. And engage in pretend play. By Vygotsky’s sociocultural development they are showing social interactions and impact of cultural influence.
    video#3 In this video we see decision making – figuring out problems, using one object to obtain knowledge by copying another’s behavior by showing how children are repeating routine movement with teacher’s help they are filling out sand boxes with sands turning over to make sand castles. For this age we see cognitive development milestones, how to explore things in different ways, starting to use things correctly, put things in containers and taking things out from containers, follow simple directions, as well as letting things go without help. By Pieaget, we see a sensorimotor stage of development, where toddlers are gathering information about their world with eyes, hearing and touch, they are very active and explore their world, showing what they are capable of. Vygotsky sociocultural development in this stage of children shows a “more knowledgeable other” stage as the teacher is showing new games and explaining rules. And the zone of proximal development where children are performed and tasks under adult guidance.

  18. Marilyn Jimenez

    video 1
    What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    The cognitive skills and processes these children demonstrate is memory. They knew where all toys went. They knew after they put the toys away what was going to happen.

    What cognitive milestones does the child demonstrate? How?
    The cognitive milestones that the children showed were understanding the differences in the toys. They knew where all the different toys belonged for example where all the toy food was supposed to go

    What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    The children in this video where in Piaget’s preoperational stage. They demonstrated they were in this stage because they language seemed to be developing as they cleaned, they were using objects before cleaning up that represented real items like the toy food or the cars.

    What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    Vygotsky theory was demonstrated in the video because the children were cleaning up together in other words as a group socially. They were talking as they cleaned to each other as well

    Video 2
    What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    The cognitive skills that the boys in the video are showing are Problem solving, they are trying to figure out what objects can break the ice. They are also demonstrating reasoning, cause and affect.

    What cognitive milestones foes the child demonstrate? How?
    The cognitive milestones that the boys demonstrated where they were learning and observing as their friends tried breaking the ice, they were responding to simple things the teacher was telling them to try to scoop the water out of the ice.

    What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    The Piagets stage these boys were in was the Preoperational stage. They demonstrated they were in this stage because they all are using symbols they were digging or excavating with their tools

    What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    The evidence of Vygotsky’s theory that was shown because they were all communicating with each other they were being social and talking to each other about what they were doing or trying to do to the ice

    Video 3
    What cognitive skills and process does the child demonstrate? How?
    The cognitive skills the young toddlers demonstrated are reasoning, cause and effect. And creativity.

    What cognitive milestones foes the child demonstrate? How?
    The cognitive milestones these toddlers demonstrate are learning through exploration and understanding and responding

    What Piagetian stage of cognitive is the child/ children in? How does the child/ren’s behavior demonstrate they are in that stage?
    The Piagetian stage that these toddlers are in is the sensorimotor stage. They demonstrate this because they are exploring the sand to understand how it works and what they can do with it.

    What evidence of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory do you see? How?
    The evidence of Vygotsky’s theory is shown in the video when the teacher scoops up the sand fo rthe kids and put it into the mold. it demonstrates the more knowledgeable other.

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