Review this Power Point. This video explains the Power Point.
Read Social-Emotional Skills & Processes
Read Social-Emotional Milestones
Watch the videos below. For each video, answer the following questions:
- What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
- What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age?
Video #1: (~4-5 year old)
Video #2: (~3-4 year old)
Video #3: (~9 months old)
Video #4: (Kindergarten to 2nd grade)
Video #5: (20 months old)
In video two the social emotional skills processes the children are demonstrating is the children are engaged in sensory play , they are all getting along ,they are engaging in social conversations. the children make eye contact with one another . MILESTONES-expresses a range of emotions , the children are engaged in sensor play which involve beads, one of the children was taking the beads from the other children , in which the child told the child to stop and she started to take it back from him. we see that the child express feelings with words.
video 3 in this video we see that the infants are engaged in play , the skills we see is the children getting along with one another and sharing the toys, , the infant/toddler are passing the ball or trying to pass the ball to one another. MILESTONES- using language , becoming more enthusiastic about playing with peers
video 4 In this video we see that the children from grades k-2 are all engaged in a song/dance, , the skills we see here is active listening , cooperating , MILESTONES – routines, frienships
video 5 – here we see the girl is engaged with her little sister, she is able to identify her feeling for herb little sister, pays attention to sister. MILESTONES- expresses emotion, shows concerns towards little sister.
Watch the videos below. For each video, answer the following questions:
1.What social-emotional skills and processes is the children demonstrating? How?
2.What social-emotional milestones has the children mastered for their age?
Answer: Video #2) 1.The children are demonstrating engagement in sensory play , they are all playing with one another , playing with one another friendly, and also are being verbal with one another social conversations. the children also use visual looking making eye contact with one another .
2. The children milestone being mastered at their age are being verbal with one another, the children know how to interact with another and they also understand each others points of view when playing with the small pebbles. These children know how to express their feelings with words.
Video #3) 1. The infants are demonstrating engagement in play , the infants are getting along with one another, they are sharing toys with one another, they are passing the ball or trying to pass the ball to one another.
2. The infants milestone being mastered at their age are being able to grip toys, use their hands and arms to move toys around, and also be able to play with other infants.
Video #4) 1. The preschool children are demonstrating engagement into a dancing to a song that the teacher has played for them , the skills we see here is
2. The preschool children milestone being mastered at their age are being able to balance, jump, use both feet, active listening , cooperating ,
Video #5 – 1. The child is demonstrating engagement with her little sister, she is able to identify the emotions of her little sister, pays attention to sister, and also trys to make her little sister feel better
2. The child milestone being mastered at her age is being able to understand how other people feel, shows concerns towards little sister, able to walk and use leg and feet.
Janate, I support you response to video # 2- Though they are children, they know how to express themselves, for e.g the female student told her playmate that she did not need any help to pour things into her container and threw it out. She was not aggressive when she spoke, she had self-control.
Video 1:
1)The children is this video exhibit signs os social-emotional processes in a couple of way. I see the kids exhibiting social rules & customs by their behavior they use verbally, stating they “hate” tea. The he kids show mannerism but saying “thank you”, the boy demonstrates mannerism by the language he uses when referring to the girls. Appropriate behavior is also show, even though one of the girls temperament may show otherwise. The children also demonstrate emotions by expressing themselves verbally. They demonstrate relationship skills by being part of a group, interacting with other children and essentially making friendships. They are aware of gender Identity, they understand gender roles, even the boy p0laying with the tea set is a great representation of gender identity.
2) The children have masted the following social-emotional milestones;
Copying friends, showing affection without prompting, understands the idea of “mine”. “his” hers”.
Also, Engaging in pretend play, wanting to please fiends, wanting to be like friends, negotiates solutions to conflicts with other children, telling what is real and make-believe, and talking about what they like or are interested in. Taking pride in pouring tea, but also comprehending it is ok a spill happened
Video 2:
The children in this video demonstrate social-emotional presses by sense fo being aware of their body, when sneezing, or pulling up a chair. Emotions are shows by behavior and emotions, the experience of feeling, understanding within not liking something. Initiative social and creative risks and well as social & rules and customs and Relationships, by the way they or or whom they choose to play with, how they interact while playing, taking turns and allowing others to share toys and materials. Temperament can always be seen as we all our own temperaments.
2) Some of the Social-Emotional milestones seen in the video are; express of range of emotions using strategies, taking turns in games, copying friends, understanding “mine, “his”, “hers”, showing a range of emotions. Other milestones are cooperating and sharing experiences with other children, negotiating solutions with other children. Using language to express thoughts and feeling, enjoying doing this repeatedly. Using skills to discover boundaries.
Video 3:
In this video we see the kids show self concept by the way they sit up, how they handle the artifacts, using their bodies, they also show emotions by how they act with the toys. Temperament is demonstrated as each individual has one, relationships are being established by participating in onlooker behavior. Body awareness in this case can bee seen when the children put toys to their mouth or know to grab/ hold something with their hands.
Social-emotional milestones are shows by how they move and explore, enjoying doing things over and over again, understanding more than they can verbally communicate. They are active, response and have increased their body control, showing what they like to play with.
Video 4:
In video 4 we see the processes show by their body awareness, know where their body parts are. Self-concept is show baby their abilities and weaknesses when doing the dance, some do it others done, this is also an example of being members of a group, and social participation by a majority of the classroom engaged in the dance activity. Their style temperament is shown in every individual, they exhibit social rules & customs by sharing and taking turns even though they are dancing as a whole.
Then milestones that can be seen here are Liking to sing and dance, controlling implosive behavior, self-concept, understanding “mine”, “his” , “hers”, taking turns with peers. Understanding their parents will be back, controlling their bodies, emotions an behavior, may get upset with changes in routine. More independent, can take care of washing hands brushing teeth and maybe getting dressed. They have mastered how to communicate their emotions, how to make friendships, make connections, verbally letting other know their emotions and feeling, likes and dislikes. By now they have reached the milestones where they know how to take turns, have empathy, use manner, what behavior is acceptable in different places, knowing different in make-believe, enjoying new things, wanting to please friends and also wanting to morrow friends.
Video 5:
In this video she toddler has leaned body awareness in which we can see she brings objects to her hands, while also touching the baby’s hands to soothe her. She can identify feelings boy knowing the baby my be upset and may try to soothe her. She also demonstrates independence as she herself looks for toys for the baby without asking for help. She is already built a relationship with the bay and has empathy and is affection towards her and helps her. She is a group member of her family, I believe she is culturally influenced due to the way she speaks to the baby and by her actions in wanting to entertain the baby.
Milestones reached by the toddler are enjoying independence, working hard to control boundaries. Enjoying doing thins over and over, like verbally repeating herself. Taking action with a goal in mind, learning to solve problems, beginning to understand others feelings and emotions.
Maria, I agree with your response to number 5, the bigger child knew and demonstrated what is empathy, by responding when the baby was getting a bit fussy. He put himself in the baby’s shoe and wanted him to be happy and stop fussing. Good boy!
1. What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
2. What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age?
Video #1
The children are playing tea party, they showing development form of friendship. They understanding gender roles, the little boy calling the girls ladies. Also they demonstrate relationship skills by being part of a group, they are interacting with each other.
Milestones- They are engage in playing and communicating with each other.
Video # 2
The children are playing together, they engage in sensory play. They are communicating verbally with each other. They interact by sharing with each other.
Milestones- Taking turns, coping others, sharing, using language to express their self.
Video # 3
The infants are playing, they putting the toy in their mouth. They sitting up, they sharing the toys with each other.
Milestones- They using their hands to play, they are active.
The preschool children are dancing together in a class. they are active with each other.
Milestones- Cooperating and well balance. Follow instructions.
Video #5
The toddler is helping the baby, she understands that the baby is in need of something.
Milestones- Show concern for her sister, being able to walk on her own.
Video 2: the social emotional skill that the children are showing are engaged in sensory playing. Children where communicating in conversations, Doing team work things, contact body language. The milestone expresses the range of some type of emotions.
Video 3: this video shows infants playing together, sharing toys, playing with the balls together . The milestone usage language being more playful with there classmates.
Video 4: shows children in grades k-2 in engaging in singing, dancing the skills being show are listening activities the milestone is friendship
Video 5: this video showed a little girl with her little sister. Showing her emotions, milestone showing concern to her sister
Module 6 Assignment 2: Identifying Social-Emotional Development
Video #1: (~4-5-year-old)
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
Emotional Skills & Processes
They knew each other, though one of the girls said she did not know the male student, and then he said if she did not know him in that game, suggesting she said that just for the game. They demonstrated connections to each other because they were playing at the same table. Self-concept- they had their own opinion of what they wanted and did not want, the females said they hate tea, overall, they showed respect for each other. Emotions- though the girls did not want the tea, they gave them back to the boy without spilling or showing any negative behavior. Initiative-they did their things on their own with any assistance. They played together in a safe environment. Temperament-they played together, however, the two female students bold/feisty when they said they did not want the tea and they hate tea. Goodness of fit- they respected each other and played without issues.
Social Skills & Processes
Relationships-They were not selfish towards each other, they showed kindness (the male student took back something and shared with both girls). They had conversation together. Socializing-They were all playing, they played at the table, but they played mostly individually.
What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age?
They enjoyed doing their activities, they were creative in scooping out ice-cream, and making tea. They pretended they were in real situations serving tea. The two female said they did not like tea.
Video # 2: (3~4 year old)
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
Emotional Skills & Processes
Sense of Self- They knew each other and had a playing connection because they were exchanging objects and pouring into each other’s container.
Self-Concept – the female child told his male playmate that she did not need him to pour things into her container, she will fill her own. She and the others displayed abilities (they could do their thing independently). Self-esteem (they believed in themselves to get their tasks done)
Emotion – she vocalized her feelings by saying she did not need help to pour in her container.
Initiative – They demonstrated independence by doing their play on their own. Social and creative risks-they were being creative in their play and they did so in a safe space while having their conversations.
Temperament- They seemed to be easy going, however, the female who told her male playmate that she did not need his help could be called feisty. Goodness of fit- they respected each other and played without issues.
Relationships-Prosocial- they played and were not selfish, they showed kindness towards each other and shared their toys.
Social Skills & Processes
Socializing/Social Participation – They played together and had interest in both their activity and their friends.
Social rules and customs-the teacher told them to hold down their hands while pouring from one container to another, I guess to minimize mess on the floor, and they obeyed.
What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age?
Took turns in games, understood the idea of “mine” and “his” or “hers”, would rather play with other children than alone, cooperated with each, often can’t tell what’s real and what’s make-believe (they said pouring tablets/medicine), worked together toward the same goal.
Video #3: (~9 months old)
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
Emotional Skills & Processes
Sense of self-connected to one another, self-concept-were able to play, they both had their own playing items. Emotions-self-soothe-sucked on object and put his finger in his mouth. Initiative – played together in a safe environment and demonstrated independence, -they held their own items. Goodness of fit- they seemed easy going and played together.
What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age?
Social Skills & Processes
Relationships-Prosocial behavior-mostly showed kindness between each other, though he took the basket away once. Socializing- they played together.
Video #4: (Kindergarten to 2nd grade)
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
Emotional Skills & Processes
Sense of self- (In one grade a student who maybe did not think that she should dance) Self-Concept-students had the abilities to perform, they seemed to have enjoyed the activity. Initiative-They displayed their creative skills in a safe environment and did not need any direction to perform. Goodness of fit-they seemed to get along with each other by performed together without any fight.
Social Skills & Processes
Relationships- Prosocial -Sang along with their peers and seemed to get along with each other. Socializing- they did cooperative singing. Social rules-appropriate behavior performed together.
What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age?
Established and maintained positive relationships (they performed together), functioned more independently (they did their individual performance),
Video #5: (20 months old)
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
Emotional Skills & Processes
Self-Concept -he was experiencing feelings, asked the baby if he was okay, Abilities-he knew he could have gotten a shake toy to rattle over the baby, the smaller baby cannot control his/her emotions. Initiative-The bigger child knew it was safe for him to get a toy and came back to shake over the baby to keep him from crying. Goodness of fit-they got along with each other.
Social Skills & Processes
Relationship-The bigger child showed empathy for the baby because he kept asking him/her, if everything was okay. He knew the baby was a bit restless, so he got the rattle to shook it and stopped crying. Socializing-Cooperative play-the bigger child interacted with the baby, but the baby was not able to render back that kind of interaction. Social Rule-the bigger boy was very careful of his actions with the baby.
What social-emotional milestones has the children mastered for their age?
Worked hard to be in control, explore the boundaries of his experiences, persistent in problem solving, increasingly aware of themselves as separate from others, becoming more enthusiastic about playing with peers.
1. What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
2. What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age?
Video 1:
The children in this video are engaging with one another by playing “tea time”, holding conversations and sharing. We see the respect that they have for each other, especially from the boy as he acknowledges the differences in genders and refers to the girls as “ladies” and as the girl next to him shows her manners by saying “Thank you”. They are able to express themselves freely as they understand what it is to like something and dislike something, especially when the girl stated she hates marshmallow and in response the boy was understanding that everyone had different opinions, and kindly questioned her statement. They are able to share without any conflict, when the girl stated that she needed more beads, he kindly gave her his cup and allowed her to take what was inside of it.
The milestones that have been mastered for this age group are the following:
They are able to be creative and knows the differences between real play and make-believe play. They are able to communicate with one another in a respectable manner, and share. They are able to express their emotions and tell others what they do and do not like. They are also understanding of gender, especially the boy, as he respectfully refers to the girls as “ladies”. They all have showed independence and were able to do things on their own without assistance and demonstrated that are able to share making play time equal.
Video 2:
The children in this video are demonstrating skills in sharing as they all are playing at the same sensory table without any issues. They are able to grasp the concept of self-awareness and initiative, when they realized that they wanted to sit and grabbed a chair. We also see how the girl mimic’s the girl next to her and left to get a chair after she stated she was getting a chair. The girl with the blue dress is able to express herself about things she doesn’t like, especially when peter put beads in her cup and she said “Hey I didn’t say put beads in there. I’ll put some on my own”
The milestones that have been mastered for this age group are the following:
They are able to express emotions out loud. They also copy what they see from friends. The girl with the blue dress understands the concept of “mine” and got a little upset when peter poured beads into her cup. The two girls showed independence when they went for their chairs. They all engaged in sensory play with one another and engaged in conversation, aside from peter.
Video 3:
The children in this video are demonstrating independence as they are alone together, sitting up and playing with the balls and basket. They are at the beginning stages of learning that sharing is important and the importance of building relationships with other people.
The milestones that have been mastered for this age group are as followed:
They are both enjoying increased independence, being able to sit up on their own and play alone. They do things over and over again, playing with the balls, and the basket.
Video 4:
The children in this video are all engaging in singing, body movements and dancing. Some of the children are seen looking around, to see what the class is doing next, so they can follow their lead for the next step. They are all showing their ability to mimic the actions of others, in this case their teachers as they copied and learned the dance movements
The milestones that have been mastered for this age group are as followed:
They like to sing, dance and act. They all cooperated with each other as they danced in uniformity. They are all demonstrating independency as they are able to make decisions on their own and able to follow instruction. They are also able to be separated from their parents, while being away for a certain amount of hours to be in school.
Video 5:
In this video, the child is demonstrating that she understands the emotions of others. She tried to comfort the baby, and ask the baby what was wrong, although the baby can’t respond. She told the baby that it’ll be okay and went on to get a rattle in hopes that it’ll sooth her. The toddler is demonstrating independence as she was able to make these decisions on her own without being told too.
The milestones that have been mastered for this age group are as followed:
The toddler has demonstrated problem solving when she went looking for the rattle in hopes to sooth the baby. She showed control over the situation, didn’t run to get the adults when the infant was crying, but tried to handle the situation on her own. She is also showing signs that she’s able to play with others and understand others feelings.
Video #1: The emotional skills and processes shown in the video are emotions, initiative and temperament.The boy looked and sounded as if he was experiencing some feelings when the girls say that they hate tea. I observed all three of the children taking social and creative risk by choosing an activity, sitting next to each other and having a conversation with one another. They all appeared to have an easy going/ flexible temperament. The social skills and processes shown are relationships- interacting with one another; gender identity when the boy says “ here you go ladies” and socializing. The social emotional milestones reached are playing with other children, awareness of gender, can tell what’s real and what’s make-believe, and showing independence.
Video #2: Emotional skills shown are a sense of self, each child has his/her own section at the table. Emotions are also shown through the interaction between the girl in the blue dress and the boy with the black sleeves. Initiative is shown when the boy tries to play with the girl. The girl shows assertive behavior when she feels that the boy took her beads. All the children demonstrate independence in play, specifically the girl in the blue dress who got her own chair so she can sit. Social skills and processes shown are relationships when they play with one another. Also social rules and costumes because the children are sharing with one another. Milestone shown in the video is that the children understand the idea of “mine” and “his” or “hers”.
Video#3: Emotional skills and processes shown are self- regulation – body control and body awareness. Social skills and processes shown are relationships and socializing because the two infants are playing politely with each other. The social emotional milestones shown are moving and exploring and enjoy doing things over and over again.
Video#4: Emotional skills and processes shown are body awareness and initiative. Social skills and processes shown are relationships- member of group/ group identity, social participation, and social rules and customs. Social emotional milestones shown are likes to sing, dance, act and cooperate.
Video#5: Emotional skills and processes shown are emotions and initiative. Social skills and processes shown are relationships- empathy, and social rules and customs. Persistent in problem solving was the milestone shown in this video, the 20 month old saw that her baby sister was crying and tried to make her feel better.
In Video 1 shows the social emotional skills processes. The children demonstrate they have a tea party. They make ice cream and tea. We can see their relationship skill. They show their affection, cooperating, following rules, from friendships, helping, relatedness and member of group in prosocial behaviors skills. They establish relationships to interact with others. And they are attachments such as doing it their own duty.
In VIdeo 2 shows the social emotional skills processes. The children connect with each other. This is the ability to connect with people formulating relationships. They are happy to make friends. The children demonstrate engaging social conversations. We can see their social rules, the children show their appropriate behavior for context. Depending on their dialog, they have good manners. They demonstrated sharing and turn taking for their containers and funnels etc. This is the department on situation.
In VIdeo 3 shows the two infants’ social emotional skills processes. The skills of sharing and turning the toys such as balls and containers. They love to beat and throw away their toys. It is the male characteristics. So, they show their gender identity. They recognize biological sex characteristics.
In Video 4 shows the social emotion skills processes. The children demonstrate singing and dancing together in the classroom. They show their relationships skills. They are following the dancing rules such as turning right hand, left hand or body. They are members of singing group identity. They interact with each other by establishing and forming relationships. They have attachments. And also, they follow the social rules, they have good appropriate behavior for context manners depending on their singing.
Video 5 shows 20 months old “C” show empathy relationships in the social emotional processes. The infant “C” demonstrated when his sibling Taya was crying, he went to pick up a rattle for his sibling. This is a prosocial behaviors skill. It is based on culture and social rules.
Video 1)
The children are showing initiative they are demonstrating independent skills by using the tea utensils and playing in a group independently. They are taking a creative risk by walking around with the water-filled tea kettles. They have attention skills and as they are seen pouring the water from one tea kettle to a cup. They understand social rules using manners and saying sorry and thank you as well as respecting each others space.
Video 2)
The children here have mastered the ability to show their own temperament. The children have their own personality traits. Peter is very quiet when he responds to the girls complaints when he tries to socialize with them he also walks away at the end of the video. They all have independent and attention skills they are able to play with their own tools inside the sensory bins. They are taking initiative in their own play and using the tools the way they feel best.
Video 3)
The infants have attention skills as they were focused on the objects in front of them. They are trying to take turns and are learning how to use the toys in front of them properly. They are learning how to bond and make friendship by being separated from their peers and interacting alone.
Video 4)
The children are imitating movements and singing a song. They have the ability to cooperate during a group activity and learning a song about manners.
Video 5)
The toddler is showing empathy towards the baby she is asking what’s wrong with the baby in the beginning of the video. She is showing early signs of attachment to the baby. She was also trying to comfort her sister displaying her feelings.
Video #1: Right in the beginning of the observation there was an interaction between the little boy in the red and black sweater and the little girl in the green shirt. The little girl was coming back to her seat and bumped the little boy causing some of tea to spill. One of the social-emotional skills and processes the little boy was demonstrating was under initiative he was very assertive, letting the little girl know she made him spill tea and now it’s going to be all over the place when people come. And the social-emotional skills and processes the little girl demonstrated was manners, prosocial behaviors like affection and empathy because she apologized when he told her what happened. The young girl in the purple shirt also demonstrated social-emotional skills and processes under social participation, onlooker behavior. The milestones they mastered for their age were more and more creative with make-believe play, would rather play with other children than alone, cooperates with other children, can tell what’s real and what’s make-believe, shows more independence, and is sometimes demanding and sometimes cooperative.
Video #2: In this observation the social-emotional skills and processes they demonstrated were body awareness, experience feelings, self-regulation, helping, and associative play. Some of the milestones they’ve mastered for their age were expressing a range of emotions using a variety of strategies, copying adults and friends, understanding the idea of “mine” and “his” or “hers”, and would rather play with other children than alone.
Video #3: Some of the milestones these infants mastered for their age were enjoying increased independence, enjoying doing things over and over again, and beginning to understand that people still exist even when they are out of sight.
Video #4: In this video the children were singing and dancing along to a song. The social-emotional skills and processes they demonstrated were body awareness, self-esteem, demonstrate independence, following rules, and cooperating. The milestones they achieved for their ages were they cooperate with other children, share experiences with other children, like to sing, dance, and act, and begin to function more independently.
Video #5: In this video the child is asking the baby what is wrong over and over and is trying to comfort her. She even goes over to get the baby’s rattles so that can relax her. The social-emotional skill and processes she is demonstrating is experiencing feelings, demonstrating independence, affection, helping, empathy, and she is establishing her relationship with the baby. The milestones she has mastered are working hard to be in control, exploring the boundaries of their experiences, persistent in problem solving, and using enhanced thinking skills to solve problems.
In this video there is two girls and one boy. Each one is immersing his or her focus on his or her activity. Simultaneously they are having a conversation, and interacting with each other, they are helping each other. The boy tried to offer tea for the girls. While the girl with blue shirt tried show him that he spelt tea and she moved the tea pot. The boy starts to clean the area easily. Their behavior implies that they reached certain level of social skills development which is a good sign for their age. They demonstrated gross and fine motor skills development through different movements such as caring try and walking easily, Grabbing the dropped bead swiftly as well as their clear language. They are demonstrating comfort while they are expressing their emotions and opinion, they know what they want and hate as the girl said, “I hate tea”. The boy moved to change something when the girls did not want the tea. From this behavior I infer that he demonstrated the ability of solving problem also his awareness for their gender which is an advanced development for his age. Generally, their behavior determine that they reached an adequate social development milestone for their age.
In this video there is three girls and one boy in the age between 3 and 4-year-old. children are playing individually however they are sharing at certain point their toys. I see the two girls in the right side of the box are having a conversation and attempting to play together and cooperating to file their container. They are in the stage of onlooker behavior which is a normal behavior for 3 until 4-year-old child. They are moving independently which a sing that they reached their motor skills development. the girl with the bleu shirt and curly hair demonstrated her ability to understand the idea of mine when she said at the end of this video, “if you are using mine ok I am using yours”. Roughly, they achieved the level of social milestone development to their age.
In this video there two children of 9 months. I see that they are in a sitting position without support and they are moving easily to grasp toys around them. They are controlling their body which infers that they are in their self-concept development. The boy in the right side showing his interaction to the teacher who was talking to them by gazing his eyes toward the sound as well as tweeting.
Kindergarten to second grade children, the children in this video are dancing and singing and following instructions coherently with their both verbal and body languages they have body awareness by moving each part of their body in the way that match whether with the song or with their peers movement. They are exploring their feeling and abilities shows their self-concept and emotions control. They are belonging to the group they demonstrate their interaction to others they are engaging in an associative and cooperative play.
In this video a boy of 20month. His prosocial behavior shown while he demonstrated a feeling of empathy toward his sibling, he tried to bring rattle and help him or her to be calm and comfortable. He demonstrated his abilities to move and walk freely and his ability to do something independently and treat his sibling in smooth manner which determine his body awareness and control, as well as mastered social interaction by communicating with his sibling and using language to comfort her or him. He reached his milestone we could determine that from his movements such as walking, moving his hand the baby, bring toys, his language and his skills of trying to explore the area to find a toy that could help to calm his sibling.
Watch the videos below. For each video, answer the following questions:
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age?
Video #1-The social-emotional skills and processes the childrens are demonstrating and have mastred for their age is they have a relationships they are playing nicely and know they are all playing tea party together and are interacting with each other also showing how social they are and demonstrating social rules,they are demonstrating independence as well by pouring,handing toys to each other,moving items around, and doing things alone,
Video #2-The social-emotional skills and processes the childrens are demonstrating and have mastred for their age is they are social they all formed some type of relationship with each other,they also have sense of idenity because they they say names in the video,they also have self-concept because they listen to feedback from each other and caregiver,they all are demonstrating independence as they share,get chairs,pour and play together.
Video #3-The social-emotional skills and processes the childrens are demonstrating and have mastred for their age is they are showing emotions b y their reactions to things,the boys our social they are playing together, also shwoing how they pay attention to there surrondings.
Video #4-The social-emotional skills and processes the childrens are demonstrating and have mastred for their age is they are social,they have a sense of idenity mainly physical self shwoing that by singing and dancing, also emotions by expressing their selfs by how they sing and dance and how they control their bodies,lasty they all are initiative because they take a social and creative risk by dancing and sining in the classroom full of people and they show indepence by being able to dance and sing and memorize their rounties without asking for help throughtout the videos.
Video #5-The social-emotional skills and processes the child is demonstrating and has mastred for her age is that she can express and experience emotions she shows this by being worried about the infant in the video asking her questions,she’s also social she has created a bond with the infant,and lastly she showing the ability to stay foucs on the infant.
Video 1
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
The children were showing relationship skills such as helping, affection, cooperation, and interacting with others. They looked like they were building a friendship or attachment by playing with each other. The boy, Alex, was giving the girls tea but the girls, Hannah and Faith, responded by saying that they did not want the tea. They were showing body awareness skills because they were careful in not spilling the tea. When Hannah did spill some, she cleaned it up. Alex got up to get something, which showed sharing and turn-taking (appropriate behavior) and initiative.
What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age?
They were playing make-believe, and with each other rather alone. They were talking about what they liked, they were cooperating and sharing their experience with the other children by sharing a tea party. They were enjoying new things. Faith said “We’re going to have a lot of people”, which shows that she was playing make-believe but didn’t know what was real and what was pretend. They are at the milestones for Age 4.
Video 2
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
There was a group of children. They were interacting with others. They were building a relationship by sharing and helping and cooperating with each other. They had body awareness by getting up and getting a chair. They were sharing and taking turns but they weren’t really sharing the cups and tools. They showed object permanence because the boy was flattening the beads into the cup.
What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age?
They were cooperating with each other and working in a group rather than alone. Their age was probably four.
Video 3
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
The two 9 month olds show their sharing skills. They treat each other with kindness because none of the babies cry. They are respectful and form friendships which shows that they positively develop their social skills. In terms of emotional skills, they have body awareness because they keep their hands to themselves, never bothering the other baby.
What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age?
The two 9 month old have mastered the ability to form friendship, participating in a shared activity where both are being treated respectfully. The children show feelings by smiling and pointing which is a social emotional skill. They are also showing a preference for a particular toy.
Video 4:What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
The children between 5-8 years old were respectful to one another. They were collaborative. They were to participate in the group with fairness. No child hurt another child. They sang expressing positive emotion. They followed rules which showed obedience, a sign of moral development and emotional stability. They remembered the words of the song so that also showed commitment to their group project which shows their love for their classmates, exhibiting strong social emotional skills.
Video 5: What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
The 20 month year old child was interacting with her infant sister Taya. The child had body awareness which was shown by bringing toys for her sister to play with. The toddler had formed a friendship with her infant sibling, she had brought toys to her sibling to play with and she had an understanding that her infant sibling needed something like a rattle to soothe her.
What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age?
The child has mastered the ability to form friendships and show sympathy at 20 months.
1. The boy in red is demonstrating he has tea and pours liquid between the teapot into the clear glass. The girl in the periwinkle shirt has a tubberware of fruits and scooping it into a high clear cup. The girl in green, steps away to get a few play dishes and a tray, while returning she makes a mess and begins to wipe down the table. they show they are aware of the surrounding although its pretend play they know what is to be done and how to properly handle everything within the environment. These children show creativity with their make believe play and speak and play with one another.
2. the second video shows four children playing, one boy three girls. they appear to be pouring what looks like pebbles from one container into another or a container into a funnel. theres a point one of the girls with the pigtails asks for a seat and another child copies her and asks for a chair as well, she kind of looks at the child with pigtails on what to do next. the boy fill a cup full and smiths it over with a measuring cup to make it flat. these children show good social emotions they are able to share with one another and take turns. they also are able to follow one another moves and demonstrate what is to be done while playing.
3. the two babies seemed to explore their surroundings. they were playing with a ball and a basket. the chunky baby in the blue had a green ball and kept trying to lick or bite into it. while playing they were also aware that there were other people surrounding them.
4. the group performance with the younger kids showed some of them being very enthusiastic and participating in the song and dancing and some weren’t to into it and wouldn’t really dance. as the groups got older more children were willing to dance but they would hesitate and look at the other students to see if they were doing it as well. some were more likely to show more emotions than the others.
5. the 20 month old child shows concern for her baby sister. she would ask the baby what happened several time and tries to nurture her. the baby appears to be cooing and the 20 month old assumes she is upset and tries to please her by getting her a toy to calm her. the 20 month old showed social emotion by showing she is aware of others and tries to solve problems.
I reviewed this assignment
Luis Martinez
ECE 110-Lecture
Watch the videos below. For each video, answer the following questions:
Video #1: (~4-5-year-old)
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
According to the social emotional skills and processes Alex, Hannah, and faith are demonstrating gender identity, which specifies the understanding of gender roles, expressing gender roles as for emotions the children are expressing various emotions through body gestures, and through behavior. Gender identify is showed through Alex telling her fellow female peer “Well I brought tea to you ladies, he uses the word ladies to refer to her fellow to her female peers if they want to drink tea. Relationships is showed specifically with the interaction with other, Alex, Hannah, and faith are constantly talking with one another expressing their dislikes and likes. For instance, Hannah and Faith express their dislike for tea, they say we “don’t like tea, we hate tea”. Hannah also express her point of view towards Alex, regarding with questioning Faith if they know Alex of who he is. According to the social emotional milestones Hannah, Faith, and Alex have accomplished various millstones that is based on their appropriate age, for example Alex pleases his fellow female peers by offering them another option of drink instead of the tea, because previously Faith and Hannah express their dislike for tea. Another example Hannan express a range of emotions using a variety of strategies, Hannah accepted Alex’s offering of marshmallows, she showed affection for Alex. All the three children engaged in pretend and role play, each child took the role to be chefs. Overall, these children fitted in the temperament style for easy going flexible because they all got along well with each other, they shared objects by expressing their likes and dislikes.
Video #2: (~3-4-year-old)
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
According to the social emotional skills and processes, Alex, Ashley, Lucia and Luz demonstrated their temperament styles, their emotions, self-concept, social interactions, manners that depends on situations, contexts, and social participation. Social participation was showed through, the formation of group play, as we know preschool classrooms are set up in centers, this activity takes place at the sensory box, where Alex, Lucia, and Luz are using their sensorimotor mechanism to learned the purpose of each object, through the use of pebbles, and cups, every child was participating even if they did not work together towards the same goal, and they use language to express their accomplishments as they were pouring the beads into the cups. According to the social-emotional developmental milestones Alex, Lucia, and Luz they were able to use skills to explore and discover the boundaries of what they can do, they talk about their preferences dislikes and likes and show more independence. For example, Lucia express her independence through telling Alex that she was able to put the beads all by herself. There were short interactions between Lucia and Luz as they were pouring the beads into the cups. Whereas in the case of Alex, he lacks some manners such as not covering his face with his elbow when he sneezes, this is important because this can affect the health of her fellow peers who are close to him. Alex’s temperament aligns with always on the go/active/feisty because he pours beads into Lucia’s cup without the permission of Lucia, Alex seems to break the boundaries of personal space.
Video #3: (~9 months old)
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
According to the social emotional skills and processes the toddlers demonstrated sense of self through the use of their feet and hands, self-concept in which the toddlers demonstrated the ability to move objects from one place to the other, using skills to explore and discover the boundaries of what they can do, moving and exploring their surroundings through the use of the sensory mechanism, in which the toddlers use their sensory to test different objects, for example one toddler brought a ball towards his mouth, the other toddler kept throwing objects and shaking various blocks. They use their pincer grasp to grab different objects within their reach. One toddler used the fisted grasp to hold the green basket up in the air. The other toddler as well use the fisted grasp to hold the block securely, which demonstrates the abilities of holding objects securely and learning more about the objects through the use of the sensory mechanism.
Video #4: (Kindergarten to 2nd grade)
According to social emotional skills & processes, the kindergarten to 2nd grade students demonstrated sense of self, self- concept, emotions, initiative, social participation, and the formation of group dance relationships. The students use their bodies to create rhythm that align with the song’s lyrics, which involved the use of Gross motor skills which are movements related to large muscles such as legs, arms, and trunk. Fine motor skills which are movements involving smaller muscle groups such as those in the hand and wrist. The children performed different dance movements as they dance along with the song “Hello song”. They interacted with one another though body language and vocally as they sing, this song consisted of practice, fallowing a set of rules implanted by the teacher that everyone must fallow along, which correlates with games with rules. They did a variety of movements such as stomping their feet on the floor, shaking and clapping with their hands on their legs. Even though some children did not follow the same movements as their peers did, they at least participated in the song. According to the social emotional development milestones the young children k to 2nd grade they have master independence, likes to sing, dance, and act and cooperation with other children, and more likely to agree with rules.
Video #5: (20 months old)
What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How?
According to the social emotional skills and processes the infant toddler’s demonstrated sense of self in which they communicated with a gaze and basic vocalizations, one of the infant toddlers goes to 14-day old sibling’s toys to get her rattles and a reliable pacifier, this indicates that the older toddler knows what may her sister need, which shows responding to the needs of toddlers and infant, the older toddler brings baby toys to play with her, she uses her hands left and right to shake the toys that she brings, she gets closer to her sister to talk with her. Simple conversation is being demonstrated such as “here’s rattles” and “what happened ta-ya”.According to the social emotional developmental milestones the older toddler has master object permanence because she knows where are her sister’s baby toys, whereas for the infant still has not master yet object permanence.
In this video children are demonstrating several social-emotional skills. All three children are showing parallel play, associative play, and games with rules. All three children are enjoying doing new things. A boy would rather play collectively than alone. So he is cooperative with other children, talks about what he likes and is interested in, cooperates and shares experience with others, wants to please friends, control impulsive behavior and Identify and manage emotions. A boy is more active in this group, he proposes the game rules to the girls and also invites them for the tea like “tea for two ladies”, also knows social manners by saying “thank you”. The girl on the left side of a boy is pretty independent. Mostly, she is following her own rules, however she has social interruption with others and shares the game. Her temperament is pretty much quiet and slow to warm up. Another girl has a sense of self-connecting with people and has a pretty good self concept too, opinion on abilities, emotionally independent, self regulated and controls her emotions and behavior. She is very initiative to take social and creative risks and demonstrate them. She showed others her strong opinion about what game exactly she wanted and she was clear about it. She refused to play the teacup game and continued her initial game, and persuaded the other children to get involved in her game.
Video #2
In this video we see a group of four kids who share the same game. However, they are playing independently and at some points they do share plays with each other. They all have emotions that are self regulating, control emotions and behaviors. The girl in front of a boy always initiates creative risks and demonstrates independence of the game. They are showing parallel play, associative play and games with rules. We can see two types of temperaments: active and easy going.
In this video we see toddlers sitting on the flour front of each other. They are trying to engage in play together. However they still choose to play independently. temperament flexibility and active. Moving and exploring is the goal –become eager explorers who are thrilled to discover that they can make things happen. Learning to solve problems. They are exploring their ability, that creates a sense of self.
In this video we see children are in the classroom, sing and dance in sync. They have a sense of self of body awareness, most of the children’s temperament are active, always on-the go, some of them are fearful, as a boy in the back of dancing chore. They are following social rules by expected behavior and manners. Most children are trying to follow the music and to dance movements correctly. We also see relationships as prosocial behaviors, cooperating, following rules, relatedness. They are members of a group. They initiate social and creative risks and demonstrate independence.
In this video we see ~20 month old baby girl speaking with her younger sister and trying to play with her. We see social emotional milestones by working hard to be in control, explore the boundaries of their experiences. Persistent in problem solving, when she tries to bring Ta-ya a toy. Increasingly aware of themselves as separate from others. Becoming more enthusiastic about playing with peers, when she speaks with Ta-ya like she will answer her or she understands her. We also see emotional skills and processes. She understands experience feeling as well as identifies feeling when she tries to calm her sister down by entertaining and talking with her. She has a strong sense of self ability and initiative to control the behavior.
video 1 4-5 years old
1. The social and emotional skills and processes the children are demonstrating in the video are – Interacting with peers, they are sitting at the same table and have their own individual toys. The little boy asks the girls if they want tea after serving the two cups. The girls state they don’t like tea.
the children talk to each other but are not necessarily playing together. They are playing parallel to each other.
2. The social emotional milestones these children have reached are : Being creative with make-believe play (tea), is aware of gender, shows more independence and the boy is aware of gender he calls the girls at the table ladies
Video 2 3-4 year old
1. The social emotional skills and processes the children are demonstrating in the video are socializing, they are not playing together but they are playing parallel to each other. Periodically they look at what the other children are doing. They are also showing knowledge of social rules & customs by sharing and taking turns showing appropriate behavior.
2. The social and emotional milestones these children have reached are takes turns, shares with adult support and cooperates with other children.
Video 3 – 9 months old
1. The social emotional skills and processes the children are demonstrating in this video are participating in parallel play. They are both playing with the toys that were in the basket but they are not necessarily playing with each other they are playing side by side.
2. The social and emotional milestones these two infants have achieved are Moving and exploring they are discovering they can make things happen and they are both enjoying doing the same thing over and over. Picking up the basket and putting it back down toys fall out.
Video #4: (Kindergarten to 2nd grade)
1.The social emotional skills and processes these children in the video demonstrated are Sense of self, body awareness they moved their bodies to the song. They demonstrated relationships,they are a pat of a group and they are interacting with each other as they sing the song and move their bodies.
2. The social emotional milestones these children have reached are wanting to be like friends, as the children were singing the song they would look to their left or right at their friends. Likes to sing dance and act. All the children were singing what sounded like a morning song or a circle time song.
Video #5: (20 months old)
1. The social emotional skills shown by the 20 month old are relationships, she is showing affection, and helping her baby sibling. She brings her the rattles to soothe her sister.
2. The social emotional milestones that this child has reached are taking action with a goal in mind. she went to get a rattle to show her sister and soothe her.