Module 1 Assignment #2: Preparing for On-Line Learning (5/26-5/27)


  1. Upload a photo or memoji/ bitmoji as your picture (in My Settings on the Course Profile Page of Open Lab).
  2. Please email me (Jen at your preferred phone number & preferred email address.
  3. Watch the video on time management and tips for on-line student success, then answer the following questions:
  • What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
  • How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
  • What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques?  How will you deal with those challenges?

Reply to 2 other comments!


82 thoughts on “Module 1 Assignment #2: Preparing for On-Line Learning (5/26-5/27)

  1. kenneth soto

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    Put important dates on my phone calendar
    Make sure i have extra time when submitting assessments just in case of a unexpended error
    How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
    Stay motivated and engaged
    read syllables carefully
    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?
    One challenge that can prevent me from using a technique is remembering to put important dates on my phone. I will deal with this by getting the reminded app that our professor gave us.
    Another challenge is time management because im using a “do my work last minute” type of guy but im going to solve this by doing my homework a day before its due.

    1. Arelis Marie Elias

      Hi Kenneth, I also usually do my work last minute because of my usual busy life that is why I decided to take this course online after being a mom for almost 2 years. I hope to be better at managing my time being a good student, mom , and teacher.

    2. Elianna

      I agree with your response for question because I will always be doing the same putting important dates in your phone is very helpful and make planning and submitting work very easy

    3. Luis Martinez

      Hello Kennet Soto
      This is Luis Martinez, It’s good to hear that you want to improve on time management, Which is an essential part for this class, turning assignments on time , making sure that you start an assignment earlier before the due date because there might be occasions where you might be facing technical problems with uploading a paper.

    4. Teresa Singh

      Hey Kenneth

      I agree with you on giving ourselves plenty of time in case there is an error. Relying on technology most of the time is very helpful but technical dificulty at times. giving ourselves time will allow us to manage technical difficulties better. It will give us time to fix our technological difficulties or find other ways to submit our work to our professor.

  2. shayna velez

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    Put important dates on my phone calendar
    Make sure you have extra time when submitting assessments just in case of a unexpended error

    How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?

    Stay motivated and engaged
    read syllables carefully

    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?
    One challenge that can prevent me from using a technique is remembering to put important dates on my phone and remind myself . I will deal with this by getting the reminded app that our professor gave us.
    Another challenge is time management by going to tutoring and getting my work done . So I’m always on time

    1. Taina

      Hii Shayna,
      I agree with your technique about turning work in on time just incase you encounter an unexpected situation. It has happened to me in the past with on-line courses, one of those out of site out of mind situations and I hurt myself in the end. It’s always best to just get it out of the way so you can catch up on other things or just enjoy the rest of your day.

    2. Janate Bratton

      Hey Shayna , dont worry I’m the same way when it comes to time management and dates. I begin using my phone so much as far as setting up my calendar to remember certain thing because its so easy to forget things with the busy life we all have.

  3. Maria Kaye

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    Two techniques I will use from the video are putting important dates in my calendar in order to turn assignments in on time. Another technique that stood out to me is getting familiar with the menu bar and links the course offers. It is safer to explore before diving into assignments and not being sure as to where one can find the proper information.
    How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
    I believe the techniques listed above will better help me understand how to manage my time accordingly, once I am familiar with the due dates and where to find information needed for specific assignments.

    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?
    The challenger I am hoping to prevent with the new techniques learned are to not miss turning in assignments when they are due, or get frustrated when I am not able to find the correct information for the Module i am working on.
    I will deal with these challenges by taking time to really learn how this course works online, as far as turning in assignments, and knowing where to find the information needed. I will also give myself enough “me” time in the morning to go over what I have in my planner/ calendar for the day/ week, this way I can know what to expect and manage wisely.

    1. Jen Longley Post author

      Maria — Thanks for your response! I think taking time to explore the class and get to know the menu bar is a great idea! The menu bar is the cockpit for the course. If you have trouble finding info, please don’t hesitate to reach out! I want to try to make accessing what you need as simple as possible — and I am always open to suggestions!

  4. Janate Bratton

    1. What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    Answer: 1. Time management, make sure to always stay on top of assignments that are due and to submit the work on time. Secondly become a expert at this new website (OPEN-LAB) learn how to navigate the website.

    2. What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?
    Answer: One of the challenges that can prevent me from submitted my work on time is i usually do my assignments a week before hand and then when the date gets closer to be due I procrastinate and believe my work is not good enough because I finished too fast which makes me go back and change everything about my work. I will work on that by just believing my work when I first do it and trust in myself . Another challenge is learning how to being on my laptop then be on my phone. I’m used to being on my phone and being on blackboard which you can do online assignments through your phone. With OPEN-LAB I would have to be on my laptop more and learn the new website

    1. Arelis Marie Elias

      Hi Janet, I never used open lab either to me I personally hate blackboard and its also very dark and hard to find certain information I find this easier to navigate. I also have to get used to being on my laptop I usually submit things through google docs on my phone as well. Hope you have a great semester!

    2. Maria Kaye

      Hi Janete,
      I think online learning is great but has so many different aspects to it that it can get a bit confusing and frustrating. But i do prefer OPEN-LAB to blackboard, to me blackboard seems a little intimidating and not as inviting as OPEN-LAB.

    3. Luis Martinez

      Hello Janate Bratton
      This is Luis Martinez, I agree that doing the last minute homework assignments can be very stressful and overwhelming at the same time because for me doing last minute classwork/homework , I get this feeling like the things that I wrote does not make sense to me, that my ideas do not meet the guiding questions. Moving on I also agree that open lab website can be tough at the beginning of the semester but as we forward we would eventually get used to it.

    4. Jen Longley Post author

      Janate — I am replying to your comment from my phone (I have an iPhone). It can be done! The layout looks different, but it is easy to navigate/ find what you need. I am happy to walk you through the process! Trust yourself and your work!!! You will see that I provide support for papers and projects in the form of charts and examples. I hope they will help. We are in this together!

  5. Kelly Nunez

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?

    1- Adding important dates into my calendar & making sure I submit early, in case of any error arises.
    2- Trying to remain motivated and engaged throughout the course! Reading the syllabus, carefully.
    3- I think a challenge will be adding the reminder onto my phone, I can use the Reminder app (I already use it for my son’s school, but I mute all notifications). I will have to update my kitchen calendar and keep any important dates and notes nearby it.

    1. Jen Longley Post author

      Kelly — thanks for sharing! The Remind app is a great tool! I encourage everyone to join! If you have the add you can just join ECE 110. It seems you have a 3 pronged approach for reminding yourself of important dates — the Remind app, your phone, and your kitchen calendar! There is also a calendar on ECE 110-Lecture ‘s Open Lab. Submitting assignments early is always a good idea.

  6. Yan kyaw

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video?
    Check my email regularly and plan my day in advance to manage my time in this online class.
    How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
    I can connect with my professor regularly and l can manage my time depending on my plan for a successful online class.
    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?
    Internet connection is a challenge because I use my Cellular data. My plan B is that my friend’s who are my neighbors can help me because he uses WIfi.

    1. Taina

      Hii Yan! Yes, I experience the same issue, but with the actual wi-fi. So many people are home now because of the pandemic and the internet connection cuts out every so often. It happened during my final for spring.

    2. Maria Kaye

      Hi Yan, I can see where the internet connection may make taking online courses tricky but seems like you have a plan b! Checking emails on the regular and mapping out what you should be doing for the day is an amazing idea and great way to stay organized.

    3. sydnie d

      Hey Yan, I like how you mentioned checking your email regularly because it is something that I do not do but should start doing. Me getting into the habit of checking both my email and the class profile/open lab a couple times a day will be what keeps me on track with everything.

    4. Jen Longley Post author

      Yan — Thanks for your comment! Checking your email daily will ensure you don’t miss any emails that may be sent. Time management is crucial for being successful in an on-line class — especially a summer course that is so condensed! Can you share some specific strategies you will use to manage your time?

  7. Luis Martinez

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.

    Stay engaged all the time whenever I’m doing any assignment/classwork for ECE 110, In my case, I got to my own room and locked the door, I played music meditation, this helps me concentrate deeper especially when research or descriptive writing papers or when I’m reading a particular article. Another technique is reading the instructions carefully, going back one and twice to make sure I will answer the guiding questions. Most importantly is checking the due dates, In the past I used to submit my work the last minute, which is terrible now I start my homework assignments ahead of time two days earlier or four days earlier.

    How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?

    Upgrading my time management more by starting homework assignment four days earlier, going to E-learning tutoring hours, and making sure I send email to my professor on time only If I have any issue with an assignment. As well attending office hours to have talk with my professor about any particular issue regarding with papers and projects (Observation summary papers, commentary paper, and self-assessments.

    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?

    Depending on the day, the WI-FI may sometimes go off, which is frustrating whenever this happens when the WI-FI comes back sometimes my work is not saved, meaning I must restart the work. Another challenge is concentration, even though I’ play music meditation for better concentration when I’m studying, there is times when I get easily distracted by noise, phone class, and my siblings screaming and playing around during the day.

    1. Jen Longley Post author

      Luis — Thanks for your comment! You have created a work environment that works for you, which is important! Unstable wifi is not fun! You could try creating a Google Doc with the answers/ work. The Google Doc automatically saves your work. When you are ready, you can paste the answers into the comment box.

  8. Keneshia Wright

    1. What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    I will put important dates on my dates phone calendar . I will use time management, make sure I have enough time to do my work and submit it on time.

    2. How will the 2 techniques help you to be successful in this on-line class.
    I will stay engaged and stay motivated.

    3. What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges.
    Challenges that could prevent me from not using these techniques is getting frustrated, at times I get frustrated when I don’t understand some new. I will deal with those challenges my pushing myself to understand the material in order to get my work done.

    1. Elianna

      I totally agree with your response to question 3 because getting frustrated happens to everyone and makes you feel like you should give up but don’t this is all new to us and we can all understand I think having a understanding professor is the key to getting through all these online courses so always take breath and reach out.

  9. Marilyn Jimenez

    – What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    Two techniques I will be using to manage my time in this online class is making sure I put important dates in my phone calendar and making sure I read the syllabus to make sure when things are due so I can have enough time to get things in on time.
    = How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class? The two techniques will help me in this class because I will put alarms on my phone calendar to let me know things will be due soon and reading the syllabus will give me all the information I need to be able to succeed in this class.
    – What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges? Some challenges that will prevent me from using these techniques are now that my kids are also e learning I have to spread myself thin. Although I have alarms set and know when things are due when I have to much on my plate its gets a bit overwhelming and I just tend to just space out to keep myself sane. I just have to learn to be patient and take one day at a time and try to get things done.

    1. Maria Kaye

      Hi Marylin,
      I love the idea of adding alarms to your phone to help you stay on track with assignments. I will be doing the same to just give myself and extra reminder. Although I am not a mother I am doing online teaching, and between the meetings and 1:1 with students it gets very tricky to find the time to do work. Not to mention all the other things that need to get done around the house, one task at a time!

    2. Jen Longley Post author

      Marilyn — Thanks for your comment! I cannot imagine trying to take classes yourself while your children are home e-learning also! That has to be overwhelming! Using alarms on your phone is a good idea to keep organized — my phone allows me to set multiple reminders for each alarm and I use that feature often!

  10. Yasmina Nait Slimane

    1. What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    time management , write the important date in small papers post it in front of my desk then I could stay tuned to all my due dates and make sure to submit work on time.

    2. How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
    to make these techniques helpful to my online class I must be motivated and engaged. Also I must read syllabus carefully and read carefully assignment and understand what I am asked to do in order to avoid doing work twice because of misunderstanding of the assignment.

    3. What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?
    I use to spend a lot of time in one assignment which prevent me to have a better management. I will work to reduce this habit by applying techniques listed above. Also I use to see every new assignment hard which lead to stress. I started to be more positive about the assignment and just think that I can do it and get my work done peacefully.

    1. sydnie d

      Hey Yasmina, I also have the tendency to spend a lot of time on one assignment. And the fact that I procrastinate in addition to that doesn’t give me a lot of time to do my work which then leaves me stressed. But like you said thinking more positive thoughts about the assignments can definitely be a big help, instead of viewing them as a chore.

    2. Jen Longley Post author

      Yasmina — Thanks for your comment! Hearing about your change in attitudes and new positivity towards assignments indicates growth as a learner! Post-it notes are a great invention, in my opinion! I could not live without them! Writing important dates on post-it notes and posting them around your desk would be a clear visual reminder!

  11. Arelis Marie Elias

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    -Make sure I know the syllabus so I can know important due dates, and to make sure I do not wait for the last minute to submit assignments.

    How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
    These techniques will help be become successful because I will be getting my work done on time.

    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?
    The challenges that I could face is being extremely busy with my daughters or having to return to work abrasively. I will just have to work around my sudden schedule changes if it does happen in order to get my work done.

    1. Jen Longley Post author

      Arelis — Thanks for your comment! It seems you are very busy and could become busier soon! Reading the syllabus is important — I suggest reading the Assignment Guidelines also. The Assignment Guidelines detail how grades will be dterminded for ECE 110.

  12. Taina

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.

    I would definitely get into the habit of checking the class place every day for updates. The was my biggest down fall with my first on-line course, so I know it would benefit me. Secondly, I will put important due date reminders on my phone, computer and calendar so that I don’t fall behind.

    How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?

    Checking the class page daily for updates daily will allow me to be proactive rather than reactive with my assignments. This also comes hand in hand with getting notifications from my phone, laptop, and calendar because I won’t fall behind and wait last minute to turn assignments in.

    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?

    The only challenges I can see myself having is not paying attention to the alarms and ignoring them because I am busy. I don’t see myself doing this is often, but it is a possibility I can see coming across. Dealing with these challenges I I have to prioritize what I am currently doing in the moment and get in the mind set that the earlier I turn it in, the better.

    1. Jen Longley Post author

      Taina — Thanks for your comment! Being proactive, rather than reactive, sets the stage for success! I will post Announcements under the Announcements menu item periodically, but I haven’t done so yet. You inspire me to use that more!

  13. sydnie d

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video. How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?

    One technique I will use is planning ahead. I will try to create a schedule for myself, plan out my day or mornings at least. I believe this will make it easier for me to hold myself accountable. Like they said in the video time management is essential for online classes, it is easy to get distracted or forget and fall behind. Downloading the remind app will help me stay on track and even physically creating a schedule, just having something tangible. I usually make mental notes in hopes that I remember information but it is always easy to become overwhelmed and forget. Setting times for me to work on/complete an assignment, instead of just waking up at any time and doing them, will give me a lot more structure and result in me doing my best.
    Another technique that will help me stay motivated and become more engaged is repeating my goals to myself and remembering why I have to do this. It is easy for me to become unmotivated especially with this whole quarantine situation and I know a lot of people are going through it. Just reminding yourself of your goals and how close you are to achieving them maybe just be that little boost to get you through and to stay on track.

    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?
    One challenge that could prevent me from using the schedule technique would be my other family members in the house. Getting time by myself to concentrate and complete my assignments may be an issue at times but a way to get through it is maybe to discuss it with them and just hope they understand. And another challenge is just forgetting about the schedule completely. Setting constant reminders might help me, like how some people set more than one alarm to help them wake up.

    1. Gaily

      Yes family members can play a part as one of the challenges especially with this pandemic and everyone is home . Dealing with all the personalities , and helping my daughter with her homework while doing my homework is quite interesting.

    2. Camila Polo

      Hi Sydnie,
      Family members can definitely be a challenge when trying to concentrate and stay motivated. Something I have found helps me is putting headphones in and listening to lo-fi hip hop and ignoring the outside noise. Hope this helps!

    3. Jen Longley Post author

      Sydnie — Thanks for your comment! Having a schedule of what you are going to do can be very helpful for time management! As we continue to social distance, and everyone is staying home, it is often hard to stay focused when other people are around. Your idea of having a conversation with those you share a home with is very proactive!

  14. Elianna

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    -by important dates to my phone
    -not leaving anything for last minute
    How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
    -build relationships with peers
    -be engaged in your course
    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?
    -technical help it because it could prevent me from submitting work or seeing my courses. I will deal with challenges by asking for help from professor or my peers who has experience the same problem.

    1. Elianna

      How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class? They will help be successful in class because I’ll always remember what’s going on and always be on time to class and for submitting work

    2. Jen Longley Post author

      Eliana — Thanks for your comment! The idea of building relationships with your peers is important — even in on-line classes! Having a person to connect with helps you to feel less isolated as you engage in the coursework and navigate through ECE 110. If you have technical issues, please reach out to me!

  15. emily soto

    2 techniques i will use to mange my time is to put important dates on my calendar to keep track of my work. another technique would be to give my self extra time when submitting an assignment. to anticipate internet errors or any other errors that might happen.
    these two techniques will help me be successful in this online class because i will mange my time by not waiting till the last minute . I will anticipate connection errors and put assignment dates on my phone. i will read the syllabus .
    the challenges i will prevent by using these techniques is remembering important dates. and time management by not waiting till the last minute.

    1. Jen Longley Post author

      Emily — Thanks for your comment! Submitting work early and anticipating wifi connection problems — because of potential internet issue — is very proactive. The time we need the internet the most is the time is will fail — Murphy’s Law….

  16. Gaily

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    An- the two techniques I will use will be the calendar on my I-pad which is synced to my phone which alert me ahead of time of upcoming assignments so I can stay on task. I also use a planner where I write down my daily activities and task that needs to be done , and prioritize my events and task.

    How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
    The techniques will help me stay organized and alert so I don’t procrastinate and panic by allowing myself enough time to complete my assignments. Scheduling nap time and my me time helps a lot .

    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?
    An- that would be Life. Being a student is one of many titles I wear, being a mom of two, and a wife and being exhausted at the end of the Day can throw you off task at times

    1. Denise Newland Stewart

      1. What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
      (a) Time management will help me to physically plan and organize how to do my work. I will have to constantly check in with my class to see if there are new announcements and activities. The second technique is self-disciplined. (b) Online learning requires discipline of knowing that there is work to be done and find the time to do it. I have to balance our class work, family, work and other activities, thus, achieving success in all areas.
      2. How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
      (a) Managing my time effectively will allow me to appropriate time for the various activities I have to perform and ensuring that they are all done. Managing my time will also allow me to keep abreast of the important dates of the course and try to finish my tasks.
      (b) On-line learning requires an individual to be disciplined in doing what is required and doing it, though we might be experiencing challenges or other commitments.
      3. (a) What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques?
      Presently, I have work commitments that have become very hectic as well as dealing with so many changes and challenges during this dilemma. I also must find the time to do my assignments, though I have similar and other tasks.
      (b) How will you deal with those challenges?
      I have to add this class into my other commitments and manage them effectively. Life will not be without challenges; however, I have to remain positive knowing that pursuing this course will not only provide me with the needed requirement but will also enable me to have a wider understanding of various levels of learners.

      1. teresa singh

        Hi Denise

        I can agree with you on time management and having discipline. Although I am still learning how to work with my time management, I really believe this technique can be a game changer. The hard part of this is balancing all the other respnablilites we have and our personal life.

        I feel with discipline like you mentioned, we are able to be successful in anything we want. Its a working progress for me but am hopeful to get better at these two techniques. Best of luck.

      2. Jen Longley Post author

        Denise — Thanks for your comment! It is hard wearing so many hats & having so much to juggle. On-line learning requires disciple, but also allows for flexibility. Hopefully that flexibility will be beneficial. I will have to be sure I post announcements!

    2. Camila Polo

      Hi Gaily,
      I love that you use a planner. I also use a planner, something about writing it down physically makes me remember more easily. I use my phone to set reminders but I always check my planner first.

    3. Jen Longley Post author

      Gaily — Thanks for your comments! Having devices synched — so the calender in 1 device appears in anoter device — helps to keep me organized too! Scheduling time for self-care — like naps — can reduce stress and increase productivity! It is hard wearing many hats….

  17. Delesah

    Hi everyone.
    I agree with all, Staying ontop of your work is very i
    portant I also do believe online learning is so much better but does have lots of different ways to it, You really have to be motivated too get your work done. Let all distractions let loose and focus on your importance!

    Goodluck alll
    Delesah Dasilca

  18. Camila Polo

    1. What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    An important technique that will help me manage my time is writing important dates on my phone, this will remind me dates that i may have things due. Another techniques is reading the syllabus thoroughly and exploring this page so I can become familiar with everything.
    2. How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
    By setting important dates on my phone I can keep track of the work i need to do and not fall behind. By reading the syllabus and exploring this page I will understand what is expected of me as well on the parts I may need to work on.
    3. What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?
    A challenge that could prevent me from following these techniques is work, sometimes I get so overwhelmed with work. I need to work on time management and prioritize my school work.

    1. Jen Longley Post author

      Camila — Thanks for your post! On-line classes, especially in the summer when they are condensed — can be overwhelming. Reading through the syllabus will give you important info about the class, the Assignment Guidelines will explain the papers and projects for ECE 110 also.

  19. nana kvaratskhelia

    • What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    • How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
    • What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?

    1. I will read the syllabus carefully handwriting my notes on my notebook, as I am more comfortable that way, to assimilate the content, before using it. The second technique is time management, regarding my timetable, my tasks versus the due date.
    2. Handwriting is known as a proven way of reactive assimilation and the act of writing enhances visual memory. And time management is an asset to organize work, deliver it properly, but also to avoid overload of tasks.
    3. It is always extracurricular tasks and duties that always interfere with study plans and time. It is not always easy to dropout the work and housework tasks to fulfill study topics as they should be done. The first challenge is my worktable, I am already taking the step to change my work hours on some weekdays, to make my study preparation and course revision easy. In the same time, I chose most of my classes during the weekend, or as close as possible to Saturday and Sunday. I also take my travel time in the train to read and write.

  20. Teresa Singh

    Teresa Singh

    1.What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.

    -Read the syllabus.

    -Give myself plenty of time to complete assignments.

    2.How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?

    Reading the syllabus will allow me to better understand what is expected from the course, what assignments we will have to do and help me understand how we are graded.

    Managing my time will help me complete my assignments on their corresponding due dates. It will allow me to plan ahead how I will use my day.

    3.What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques?  How will you deal with those challenges?

    -Syllabus are filled with so much information and sometimes it gets overwhelming. Somethings may be clear and others my be confusing to understand.

    -Time management is easier said than done. Even when we plan a head sometimes things change or we all so booked with other responsibilities that we end up falling behind may not be able to complete things like planned.

    1. Jen Longley Post author

      Teresa — Thanks for your comment! Time management is much easier said then done. The syllabus has important info and so does the Assignment Guidelines. I suggest reading those for info about the papers and projects for ECE 110.

  21. Delesah

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this online class at least 1 technique should bbe from the video.
    Some techniques I would use is staying focus and plan my time when assignments are due.

    How will the 2 techniques make you become successful?
    Help me stay motivated believing in myself. Also paying close attention to the calendar and syllabuses.

    What challenges could prevent you from the techniques? how will you deal with those?
    Staying ontop of all my working and lack of open lab login but I can turn that around and make sure I am on top of my work being done and being present.

  22. Kimberlyn Campos

    What are 2 techniques you will use to manage your time in this on-line class, at least 1 technique should be from the video.
    -Time management and take time when i’m about to submit a work.

    How will the 2 techniques help you be successful in this on-line class?
    -Techniques I will use is to write down on calendar the important days so that way when the day is getting closer my phone will notify me and submit assignments on time.

    What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? How will you deal with those challenges?
    -If I check my course site everyday and also the syllabus. This would help a lot and I won’t miss not even 1 assignment, if I need help all I have to do is contact my professor or a classmate for help.

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