At the end of the semester you will determine your grade for ECE 110 based on your self-assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your self-assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).
- What did you learn in this module?
- Information/ knowledge
- Skills
- Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
- How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with young children?
During this module i learned about culture , what is culture , which is heritage shared by a group of people, its passed on from generation to generation. Its influenced by our thoughts, behaviors, knowledge , values and relationships. our culture is defined by our customs and traditions . I also learned about the 13 aspects of culture. Which consist of age, race religion and more.
Also on how a parent being involved in an early childhood program will help the child out in the long run. It creates a positive experience for children and helps them learn and perform better in school. Also ways teachers can involve parents, by offering volunteer opportunities, creating a blog or a class website and being flexible.
In this module I learned what is culture. I also learned about the 13 aspects of culture. I learned about parent being involved in early childhood. I will use what I learned to share with others, how important it’s to know your culture.
At the end of the semester you will determine your grade for ECE 110 based on your self-assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your self-assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).
What did you learn in this module?
Information/ knowledge
Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with young children?
Answer: In this module I learned more about culture. I got to find out that I still have similarities that my mom has and I also notice that its getting past down to my younger sister because she acts just like us (its a wow moment for me) .. 13 aspects of culture as well .. Why culture is so important and how teachers may need to start adapting to their students culture so they can make them more comfortable and also for parents too. . I can use this information in the healthcare world and adapt to all my patients culture, making sure i understand how they are taught and what they dont do and what they do and most importantly make sure their parents are comfortable with sharing how they are as well and what i need to know about their children. I just would want my children to be super comfortable with me
This was a great module I learned about why it is important for parents to be apart of early childhood activities and I found that really interesting because most parents think that sending they kids to school will teach them everything they need to know which is not the case.. Extra learning outside of school from a parent is a great way to build with your children. I also found learning about culture interesting
In this module, I learned the relationship between culture and classroom. I learned the culture is how to impact the children’s growth and development and how it is important. And also, I learned the five systems of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. It’s theory helps to build fundamental relationships with students and create a communication rich classroom that involves the parents. I got those skills at this module. The material from this module better prepare me to work with young children depending on their culture and connect with their parents.
In this Module I learned how culture has such a big impact in our lives starting at a young age. From what we see our families to to what we witness as children, this all affects us in one way or another. I found it very helpful learning about cultute/s and how it may affect our students, and how we can find way to support them and their families. Learning how to help families feel like they are a part of the classroom community is just as important for them as it is for the children. I loved reading all the tips in how to incorporate the parents in the classroom, in more than one aspect. an “aah-ha” moment was seeing my chart and how many characteristics are still with me, even if earlier in my life I didn’t appreciate them, today I love and feel proud of my culture and heritage that I carry with me every day.
The information learned in this past module will help me in the work foce to help families feel included as well as the children, I now know new tips to set up for families that may allow them to engage with their child’s classroom even more. Since learning about culture I now know what to look for in a child that may be having difficulties and how to better support them and be able to help their parents with guidance. This module has also helped me in understanding that i need to communicate with parents more, big and small details about their child’s day, or experiences. I will also put more details in newsletters that go out to parents and make sure the bulletin board is also updated with recent work and sign up sheet for parents, as well as sending emails out in advance so parents can coordinate with their job and be able to join class trips or activities.
In this module, I learned about the impact that culture has on young children’s growth and development. I also learned about Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory and how the child’s environment shapes and affects their development. Lastly, I learned about family involvement. I learned it is important for families to be involved and how I can get families involved.
I learned about a lot of different cultures. I learned about backgrounds, the system and theory. I learned that culture has an impact on childhood education. Culture can be thought of as many ecosystems including the home, school and the larger society. I learned how to maintain children by coming up with ideas from when I used to work in a school. I learned what to do with students when the parents leave the child at a daycare center. Parents should connect with the school more and I learned about ways to help the parents engage with their children’s schooling. I was grateful to my mother for being so involved in my education. Now that I’m at BMCC to become a special ed teacher, I can help children by teaching them one on one. The material from this module will prepare me to prepare to work with children by using the different guidelines and coming up with secure ideas for the child. I learned that it is important to take the children outside of the classroom more to get fresh air while staying safe.
I learned from this module how culture contribute in building our foundation and thus our personality continue to grow based on this foundation. This is the reason that enforce us as an educator to consider children’s culture. Since we look always forward to find better ways that helps foster a child development. Also, I learned Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system theory which stressed an important point that permit us to be closer of the infant. This point is the influences of the environment on child’s development. he divided the environment on 4 levels are: microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem. Moreover, I learned how the involvement of parents in their kid’s schooling could help them to perform better in their education journey. and as an educator we should to think about an appropriate way to involve parents in early childhood program. Since parent might have preoccupations in their life that could prevent them to involve in our program.
This module has taught me about culture and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory on culture. It disected each of his levels and explained how each one influences development and its importance. It gave me new insight on how to approach children and their families and to take culture into consideration when learning about them and using it to better understand them and assist them. This module has also taught me about the importance of the involvements of families with daycare and whats significance in children development. It also gave me insight on how to think about ways to better involve families in my classroom, which I will definitely do in the future, and how to not only build strong relationships with the children but the parents as well. I will plan a day a week which will allow parents to be present, have breakfast or lunch dates with the families and classroom. I will also communicate daily and sent home projects for the children to do with the families
1.What did you learn in this module?
I learn from this module that you really have to think outside the box to provide the education and safe space you want to provide to your students. Assignment #1 taught what is culture and how culture helps children develop grow and develop and assignment #2 taught me how and why families show be involved in early childhood programs.
2.How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with young children?
-The material from this module better prepare me to work with young children because now I know the type of environment to provide my students so that can see diffrent cultures so no one is left out and it can it improve their learing and development and also now I know what I can do to keep families involved in early childhood programs.
In this module I learned more about Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory and why it is important to learn about each of your students so you can create the best environment for them to thrive in. Last semester in my orientation class i had to create my own Bronfenbrenner ecological system and I learned what aspects of my life affected me and who I became, even the parts I never really think about. A part of the module that I really connected with was the family engagement module. I took a class this past semester called, “Engaging parents, families, and communities.” And it was all about ways that we can engage families when we become teachers and how to interact with different families. So a lot of this information was definitely familiar and I liked that. For my final project in another education class i had to create a website that would be helpful for students of families and I created a website that were for both. In the information section of my website I explained to parents why their engagement was important and even linked them to free online resources and tutoring to even help their child continue to learn outside the classroom.
This module helped me to reflect on how culture has a great deal of impact on how we learn and who we are. Culture gives each of us an identity in our social group and it is imperative to establish this in classrooms to respect each child’s own personal culture. I learned and realized that not all schools implement culture and establishing a family and school relationships which is pretty sad because as educators it is our duty to make sure we are providing everyone not just our students with fundamental information to function in society.
In this module I learned about Culture. I learned about how culture might shape a child and play a big part in it’s development. I also learned about Bronfenbrenner’s theory which is that a child’s environment will help shape the person they become. I learned about why culture is important in classrooms, it helps us understand a child better. Finally, In this module I learned why involving parents and families is important. It will help with a child learning. I also learned efficient ways to involve the family.
Module 9 Assignment #3: Self-Assessment
I am familiar with culture but now I am learning about it from children’s perspective. We know that parents/guardians, school, community, church, peers etc. all play important roles in shaping children’s culture and their lifestyles. It is always important for schools to try, though at times it might me challenging, to see how best we can have a school-parent partnership. I have seen many times how students improve their academics and maintain proper behavior when they know that teacher is in contact with their parents. Thus, I am reminded of the importance of forging and sustaining relationships with our parents. We will not reach all of them sometimes, but it is still worth the try. This lesson has pushed me to start planning some strategies for the next school year. I am excited to start, and I will be planning for both remote and face-to-face classes. I saw how some parents during this remote learning time was so connected with their children’s teachers, eager to know if they were doing their work. I hope other parents will see the need and on the other hand, we as educators will continue to extend courteous and warm welcome to them.
Luis Martinez
ECE 110 Lecture
In this module I learned that parent involvement plays a big role into a child’s education and life outside the classroom, it has been said that parents involvement into the education of their children helps extend teaching outside the classroom, creating more positive experiences for children and helps children perform better in terms of grades and being able to socialize with friends and teachers, when they are in school. It is essential for parents to support the learning that happens in preschool settings at home as well. Engaging families in early childhood education can be successfully be done through making sure parents know the teacher and other school personnel, also encouraging parents to volunteer which is a very good idea to invite parents to be part of the classroom, by the way creating an ePortfolio will also work because parents will be able to see their child’s progress whenever they want.
For many infants and toddlers, day care or preschool is their first opportunity to really mix with a lot of other children, in many ways this is their first exposure to a real community other than their own families and close friends.Families might feel anxious and worried about leaving their child at a school or at a day care center because for most parents they will be constantly thinking about their child’s behavior and thinking weather if the staff workers are really working to respond to the needs of their children , as we the first day for preschoolers is tough they tend to cry and beg their parents not to leave them alone, the first day of school for most preschool children, they will feel sad and not in the mood to form new bonding’s and trust and even not in the mood to participate in the lessons , so it’s important that ECE teachers guide young children with the best guide as possible through teaching specific set of skills to integrate, make friends, and learn how to work in pairs and in groups .Overall it important to communicate as much as possible with families in their prefer language or as well using community resources for translation in order to tell families about your practices, why you do things the way you do, changes you are considering or have made and their impact on children’s learning. The Four primary barriers to parental involvement includes time, uncertainty, cultural barriers and lack of a supportive environment. This could be due to language, in most immigrants’ homes families are not well informed about the curriculum of the school in terms of meetings, conferences, PTA reunions and info on programs that children qualified for better care and education. In other words, it important that communication both verbal and non-verbal is provide in different languages through newsletters, daily report forms, daily conversations, and parent teacher conferences.
i reviewed this module
In this module I learned about culture and how culture impacts young children’s growth and development. Also I learned about Urie Bronfenbrenner’s 5 ecological system theory which explains the environment that a child grows up in, shapes and is affected in child’s development by the aspects of this environment. Also, how important is for families to be involved and how I can get families involved.
In this module I learned that parent involvement in a child’s early education is very important. As a teacher my job is to not only help in educating a child but to also make sure that I am constantly communicating with the parents of the children in my care. Making sure that the parents know what’s going on and are able to get involved in their Childs education in different ways. I have to make sure as a teacher I can make myself available to the parents and make sure they understand what is happening daily in the classroom and also make them feel involved by taking steps to include them in school activities in and out of the classroom.
I loved this module because it was about culture and families. This reminded me a lot when I was in elementary school. Also, it made me realized that is not necessary to become a teacher if you learn about early childhood that can help you with you children to help them at home and teach them at home as well.