Module 7 Assignment #4: Self-Reflection (6/15-6/17)

At the end of the semester you will determine your grade for ECE 110 based on your self-assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your self-assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

  • What did you learn in this module?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with young children?

23 thoughts on “Module 7 Assignment #4: Self-Reflection (6/15-6/17)

  1. emily soto

    In this module I learned about the introduction of play, and why play is important, which is because Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength . I also learned about cognitive development which is means how children think, explore and figure things out. I also learned the stages of play,Onlooker play, Parallel play, Associative play, Social play, Cooperative play, and about temperament which consists of the individual differences in emotion, motor activation and attentional reaction to stimuli. And about my own temperament.

  2. Maria Kaye

    In module 7 I learned a lot about myself through the many characteristics we learned. I am so amazed that sensitivity has so many aspects as to how to be described, and not just “emotional” as I thought it was. Learning how to differentiate the different types and characteristics is such a good skill to know and learn, specially when working with small children and learning to understand them. It also teaches us to try to think of ways to help our students by now knowing how to support them in different situations.
    Learning about the stages of play and what roll it takes in the development of the children helps us know how to assist them depending of where they fall in the different stages.

    This module will prepare me to understand the way a child plays and how they behave in different situations. This will help me to know how I can help children having a difficult time during play, or in how they act or respond to situations. I will able to speak to parents in a more detailed conversation as I have a have a better understanding on how play helps development and the types of temperament and how they behave. I will be able to help parents, and colleagues in finding ways to support kids.

  3. Keneshia Wright

    In this module I learned few things about myself. Well I have always knew that, just that I come to terms with them. I also learned why play is so important and the different stages. Understanding the different stages of play make things more easy to understand when you see a child playing.

  4. Janate Bratton

    At the end of the semester you will determine your grade for ECE 110 based on your self-assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your self-assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).
    * What did you learn in this module?
    * Information/ knowledge
    * Skills
    * Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    * How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with young children?

    Answer: In this module I learned about introduction of play, and earned the stages Onlooker play, Parallel play, Associative play, Social play, Cooperative play and why play is important. I also learn about myself , how my personality hasn’t really changed I also believe since Iam how Iam my child may adapt to my personality traits. I do believe me being quiet and to myself effects me because in certain situations I should speak up but I just feel its not my place or apperiote I do hope if I do have a child that they are willing to be themselves. how to use their social behavior in situation and turn it into something positive. I can use this information in the healthcare world and see if my patients are able to know their personalty, pay attention to how the react to certain things.

  5. Camila Polo

    In this module I learned about the different types and stages of play, what age they should develop and why they are important for the child to complete each stage. I also learned how to help a child with different stages of play and how to encourage them to do it. I learned how to identify play types by watching videos on children doing different play types. Finally, I learned about temperament, I learned about the three types of temperament a child could have and how as an educator I can take steps to help the child and better understand it’s temperament.

  6. Delesah

    In this module I learned all different kind of stages of the plays and how children connects to it. I also found learning how these help them engage in there own ways. I also got to learn how to observe different plays through the videos i watched of the children. There are 3 temperament which i also found interesting because its important while dealing with children

  7. shayna velez

    Module Review:
    I learned the different stages of play. I learned some new words I didn’t know before like “temperament”, I learned how teachers support children with different types of temperaments. I learned how teachers can encourage toddler and infant play, and a lot of vocabulary like “collaborative”.
    This module gives me patience and some time to know how to work with kids. It also let me know how to handle kids once I get into that field.

  8. kenneth soto

    In this module, I learned how play is a very important part of children’s learning and development. I now realize that play, even the simplest activity can help children learn something new or expand on what they already know. I also learned that there are six stages of play and five types of play. Lastly, I learned about temperament, its importance, and how to determines a child’s temperament. I would be able to use what I learned to support children’s play and support them based on their temperament.

  9. Elianna

    What did you learn in this module?
    I learn and conneted with many of the new content I learned from this module. From assignment # 1 I learned that play is very impotant for young childrens and how each child can benfit from play and the success its brings to the child later on in life.From assignment # 2 I learn how to better observe and idenify the stages of play and the type of play a child is at.Lastly,from assignment #3 I learned what exacly is temperament is and the differnt types of.

    How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with young children?
    This material help me better prepare to work with young child because now I know how I can better support play in my classroom and what stage a child should be in play for their age group and I know how to idenify those stages in a child.Lastly, I am now prepare to support children with different temperament types.

  10. Yan kyaw

    What did you learn in this module?
    Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with young children?
    I learned Play is important in early childhood because it can support practice and experience a variety of life skills and aspects of the development , such as problem solving, learning language skills, positive social skills and creativity. And also, I learnedSolitary play, Onlooker play, Parallel play, Associative play and Cooperative play. And also, Easy or flexible, Active or feisty and fearful temperament types children. I insight myself, I’m an active or feisty guy. Before, I didn’t know what my temperament types. I got a lot of skills at this module.
    All materials from this module better prepare you to work with young children. It would be very helpful for working with children in the classroom. Play is for children. I need to desire and watch every child do what they do at all times.

  11. Taina

    In this module I have learned about temperament and its different kinds. Based on the different kinds of temperaments I have been able to come up with different ways to approach children depending on the category they fall under. I am confident that I have the foundation to understand a while a lot better and be able to explore different options that can help them develop new skill sets and help their learning development. I have also learned more about why play is important and the benefits the children reap from it. I have also learned the different types of plays as well as stages and how to properly label each play when observing children.

  12. sydnie d

    In this module I learned about the stages of play and the different types of play. A connection I made with this part of the module was before I understood or learned about child care I would usually see infants and toddlers playing all the time and question if they were ever learned stuff. However as I started learning more about child development and I started to see the importance of play and now I look back and question how it wasn’t obvious to me before. This module reassured me that everything is a learning experience for us. The second part of this module was where i made the most connections, with the temperaments. I learned that there are 3 different categories for children’s temperaments and where I fit in in all of this. While I feel some sort of personal connection with all three temperament types and their traits I am definitely more of a flexible/easy-going person. When I was younger I was more the quiet/slow to warm up child but my teachers always said I was disengaged, and that was far from the truth. I really liked the last assignment where we got to reflect and put ourselves in the lesson because I was able to apply what I learned in a way.

  13. Arelis Marie Elias

    This module taught me about different types of play. It is important to know what type of play children are interested in in order to help improve their social-emotional skills and help develop better friendships and bonds with their peers. I also learned that it is important to notice how the child acts and responds to situations to identify temperament and how to approach different children with different temperaments in order to understand the child better and assist them where need be. This module will help me to reevaluate children properly and ensure that the children engage in different types of play in order to target different developmental skills appropriate for their age.

  14. Yasmina Nait Slimane

    Module7 assignment 4
    I learned from this module the different types of play locomotor, social play, pretend play, objective play language play, and parallel play. Also, I learned the stages of play and different ages for each one. Those stages are unoccupied play 0-3month, solitary play 0-2 years, onlooker play 2 years, parallel play 2 years and +, associative play 3-4 years and cooperative play 4 years and up. I learned that play has a great role in the development of the child in its different field and its helps in learning. I exerted my observation skill through the videos and I practice how to determine the type of children’s play. By knowing that it will helps us to have a better understanding for the child and thus respond positively to their reactions. I learned temperament and how it is important to know as educators the child’s traits because that will help us also to comprehend children and give them the support they need based on their temperament. I learned that as educator I have to know how to change my behavior in order to fit into the child’s temperament.

  15. Kelly Nunez

    In this module i learned of many different characteristics in a person precisely a child and different ways we can help them. what are some techniques we can use to further more assist them express themselves and the environment they are in. we learned about the different stages of play and how it develops a child.
    This Module has taught me on how to help these children who are experiencing different life event at home and how I can help them express themselves and hopefully communicate it to a parent when they aren’t successfully getting through to their child.

  16. Denise Newland Stewart

    I learned that “temperament” is how I view and react to what is happening around me and it is only natural to react in many ways. I used to think of kids or people in general as being “rude”, but as of today, I will not say that anymore, because that is their way of responding to what is happening around them and they could be in a positive or negative mood. I also learned that for feisty people, they will be able to manage some situations, and sometimes things can get out of hand (ah, ah).

    The material from this module will help me to better understand my student’s temperament, and don’t accuse or blame them when they react in certain situations. As well as, I might not know what is happening around them at the time or what they are going through. So, saying they are “fresh”, based in their action is just a natural response for them. Through observation, I will know for certain, how they react and will guide then based on what I now know about the different types of behavior. I will also be better prepared to understand my babies, small and big.

  17. Luis Martinez

    Luis Martinez
    ECE 110 Lecture
    Something that caught my attention, in this module is that I learned that there are a total of 6 different types play, which I did not previously knew before , I did not even took a minute in my whole entire life to think about that play is actually something that can be described and categorized based on socially interacting, who are you playing with, the amount of children/toddlers interacting with an specific child, the combination of objects and materials used in the different play areas, and as well describing the setting of the play in terms of dramatic play, sociodramatic play, constructive paly, and games with rules. The types of play can also correlate with cognitive development because both describe that everything that child does, performs and their level of learning which is done through guidance and supervision of an adult. . Even though the informational readings were too long and very descriptive and detailed, I was to break up the content to better understand the content of each reading, I used highlighter to underline key details that outline the main components of Temperament, for instance underlining the classifications of Temperament such as easy or flexible, active or feisty, slow to warm or cautions, this was very helpful when it came to answering the questions that fallowed the reading and the videos .The video posted on module #7 part 3 “flexible, fearful, and feisty” was very detailed because the narrator explained each classification with real life situations on a classroom, each children showed different behaviors, emotions and feeling when it came to socially interacting with peers and their surrounding affected their behaviors and emotions as well. The best advice that I learned from temperament on child development and that I would implement this advice on my classroom is that developing partnerships with families that we serve, is where we get to learn more about a child’s home and their unique temperament. Piaget’s theory of Cognitive Development which outline the stages that children undergo, that details about young children construct knowledge in the course of thinking about physical actions and that children are continually reorganizing their ideas about the world as they interact with people and objects within their environment. As a future early childhood education teacher, I would find ways to deal different children who have different temperaments, it’s important to reflect one temperament in order to respond to each individualized child needs, interest and their learning styles.

  18. nana kvaratskhelia

    In this module I learned how play benefits children. How it helps them to develop their social skills and brain development. How children learn the world through play and build confidence and self-esteem. There are 6 stages of play and each stage explains how it works for childrens. I also learned about temperament, which is a very important part of children’s life. Temperament can help care providers and families better understand how young children react and relate to the world around them. For me it was “a – ha” moment, and that will help me a lot in the future to understand more about kids behavior.

  19. Marilyn Jimenez

    What did you learn in this module?
    In this module I learned about the different types of temperaments and how I as a childcare provider and teacher can help them depending on their temperaments.
    This Module was really interesting as it actually made me think of me personally and how I react to things and why because of the type of temperament I have. I also learned how I can not only use what I learned in my profession but also at home with my family as well!
    How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with young children?
    This material will absolutely help me to work with children as I have learned different ways to better support the children in my care..

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