Post it below by replying to me. Reminder: your annotated bibliography is like a works cited/ alphabetical list of your 3 sources following MLA format + 3-5 sentence summary of each source and 1-2 sentences about how you will use the source in your argument project.
18 thoughts on “Annotated Bibliography”
Article 1: This article is about what boys need to feel emotionally stable/ healthy, such as love, support, and understanding. Whether growing up is harder for boys than girls, the societal expectations of boys make it tough for boys to express their emotions. Throughout the article, it shows us why it is important to support boys in expressing themselves. I will use this source in my argument project to show the connection of how men’s mental health is just as important as women’s.
Article 2: This article explores the challenges and opportunities of promoting men’s mental health. The article conducted a focus group study to examine the barriers men face in discussing their mental health. As well as potential strategies for advocating men’s mental well-being. I will use this article to show the obstacles men encounter when it comes to their mental health.¤tPosition=1&docId=GALE%7CA690096010&docType=Report&sort=Relevance&contentSegment=ZXAY-MOD1&prodId=OVIC&pageNum=1&contentSet=GALE%7CA690096010&searchId=R3&userGroupName=cuny_mancc&inPS=true
Article 3: This article discusses the concept of men’s mental state relating to criminal law. It examines issues related to the intent and guilty knowledge in the “commission of international crimes”. I am going to use this article as my counterclaim. I will use this to show that mental health does require accountability.¤tPosition=1&docId=GALE%7CA234063252&docType=Article&sort=Relevance&contentSegment=ZXAY-MOD1&prodId=OVIC&pageNum=1&contentSet=GALE%7CA234063252&searchId=R4&userGroupName=cuny_mancc&inPS=true
Article 1: The article titled “Youth Mental Health” by Barbara Mantel discusses the current and ongoing mental health crisis amongst the younger generation being faced today. The article describes in detail and from research studies conducted to show the rising rates of cases in depression, suicide and anxiety that are occurring in mainly teenagers and younger children. It also showcases insights as to how medical and professional officials are doing their best to handle this situation by advising as much therapeutical and psychological care as they can. I will be using this article for my argument project since I think it provides sufficient evidence to my topic of social media playing a role in affecting children’s mental health and how the cases of such terrible things even come to rise from social media in the first place.
Article 2: This article is titled “Social Media and Youth Well-Being” by Sarah Glazer and it displays in its text the dark side of social media that is not often talked about, as well as the terrifying or strange encounters younger people have experienced on the internet leading to cases of deep depression and suicidal thoughts. The dark side of social media according to this article consists of cases such as cyber bullying, comparison via influencers and standards online and other threats such as blackmail. Each of these can be broken up into different categories of how terrible they can be, but in the end the damage is always done and the target/victims seem to mainly be young teenagers. In addition, I will be using this article too furthermore elaborate on my reasonings in my Argument project as to why and how social media is severely having an impact on our generation mentally before our very own eyes.
Article 3: This article is an outside source article apart from using the CQ Researcher for the previous ones and it is titled “Why America Has a Youth Mental Health Crisis and What Schools Can Do” by Matthew Stone. In this article, researchers find that mental health issues begin for most young people usually in their early teenage years and continue to grow as they become unrecognized and untreated since mental health issues have slowly become normalized for some people in the country. For most teenagers, stress and anxiety, perhaps even depressive thoughts occur from things in the ordinary that most younger people experience such as school, social life and bullying. However, the article mentions that given most younger people are addicted to social media nowadays it only worsens the problem of teenagers becoming more isolated and miserable, especially in instances such as the pandemic which forced this criteria upon the world. I think this article would be great information to provide for my Argument project since it discusses the origins and beginnings of how mental health problems come to the light in the first place and corrupt the minds of younger children and teenagers, starting with small things such as stressed about school work all the way to glamorizing social media in such a way that sleep is constantly lost along with their habits in daily routines becoming poor.
Ana Victoria
Article 1: Genetically Engineered Foods, Do They Pose Health and Environmental Hazards?, by Susan C. Phillips, Content Type: Report, Publisher: CQ Press, Publication year: 1994. this article is about Transgenics, the act of taking DNA from one organism and inserting it into another, is one of the most important aspects of the world of biotechnology.It has produced new drugs, new ways of making old drugs, new insights into the genetic roots of disease, and aroused little public controversy along the way.However, for decades now, genetic engineers have been employed to modify these plants and animals used in food, and finally, some of their efforts are coming out to the market.Supporters say genetic engineering will produce healthier, cheaper and better-tasting foods. However, those skeptical of gene editing may claim that scientists are unaware that genetic alterations may be detrimental to the nutritional value or toxicity of foods.They also fear the technology has the power to produce unintended and dangerous environmental changes. This is important because it can cause a very good argument.
Article 2: Food Safety Battle: Organic Vs. Biotech, Will organic farming survive?, By:Kathy Koch, Content Type: Report, Publisher: CQ Press, Publication year: 1998. This article is about the Atidal wave of genetically engineered foods heading for grocery shelves. In the next ten years, the estimate of 95% of food in the United States which will be genetically modified through plant breeding is believed to be true.Moreover, they say, organic farmers eventually will decide to grow transgenic crops.Activists for organic food swear that organic foods will be one stop for people who do not want to be in the market of genetically modified foods.But as biotech companies gobble up the world’s seed companies and re-engineer traditional organic pesticides, the unaltered seeds and pesticides needed by organic farmers may become scarce. In fact, most people believe that a long time ago was the right time to discuss genetic engineering on a nationwide level. This is good evidence for my argument project because it gives a lot of information about the food we eat.
Article 3: Food Irradiation, Does using radiation to sterilize food pose a health hazard?, By:Richard L. Worsnop, Content Type: Report, Publisher: CQ Press, Publication year: 1992. This article is about how Safe food is something American consumers look for.But opponents of radiation say they should avoid food treated with radiation. Proponents of irradiation of foods are of view that the process kills pathogens and delays spoilage while leaving almost unnoticeable affect on the flavor, mouth feel and nutritive value.Opponents passionately disagree, noting that radiation forms new chemicals inside food that may be harmful — especially if ingested over a lifetime. Although FDA has affirmed irradiation on plenty of the food products, both consumers and producers seem to be unconvinced.Groups opposed to irradiation have dominated the debate by exploiting one of the enduring legacies of the Atomic Age, the public’s deep-seated fear of radioactivity through opponents and supporters agree that irradiation can’t make food radioactive.
Source 2:
Akçevin, Yalın. “K-Pop: Going Global, Keeping Korean, Becoming Hybrid.” (2020).
The article explains the K-pop industry, culture, how music composition happens, and what elements are used.
This source will be used to highlight how K-pop recognizes and credits foreign composers. K-pop music is centered on reaching a worldwide audience, mainly the USA market. The United States has the biggest and strongest music market, which influences the creative decision to mix as many elements as possible and the decision to hire foreign composers.
Source 3:
BLACKPINK. (2019, April 4). BLACKPINK – “Kill This Love†M/V [Video]. YouTube.
The following videos contain hairstyles that can be identified as culture appropriation of African cultures.
This source will be used to point out an opposing point of view and the fact that cultural appropriation does exist in K-pop. This is apart from the music genre itself.
Source 1:
Lee, J., Choi, K., Hu, X., & Downie, J. (2013). K-Pop Genres: a Cross-Cultural Exploration.
The article aims to inform readers about how genres are used and seen in different cultures, focusing specifically on K-pop and the different genres they use in their music creations compared to North America.
This source will be used to highlight that K-pop is hybrid because the most used genres in K-pop songs mix different elements, such as ballad, dance/electric, folk, hip-hop/Rap, R&b/Soul, Trot, and Indie.
Part of source 3:
SMTOWN. (2017, July 18). EXO 엑소 “Ko ko Bop†MV [Video]. YouTube.
The following videos contain hairstyles that can be identified as culture appropriation of African cultures.
This source will be used to point out an opposing point of view and the fact that cultural appropriation does exist in K-pop. This is apart from the music genre itself.
My first source is an article from opposing viewpoints written by Michael J. Petrilli and Amber M. Northern is titled: “Learn by Example: Why do Asian-American students excel? Let’s stop being afraid to ask.” The authors acknowledge the Supreme Court’s decision against affirmative action in college admissions in 2023. They’ve discussed the results of a study conducted by the admissions department at Harvard, revealing how unfair Asian Americans were being treated—despite their grades, intelligence and outstanding academic performance, they had more difficulty getting into Harvard. This article will help my argument by supporting my premises. It highlights the impact of using biases or certain stereotypes in academia. Although this article is from Opposing viewpoints engine, I’m not using it against my argument but in favor of it.
My second source is an article from CQ researcher arguing for the use of race/affirmative action in college admissions. Kenneth Jost, the author of “Affirmative action in undergraduate Admissions talks about the importance of having based race policies in universities. He also discussed the reasons why affirmative action was important such as: because it reflects the full character of American society, and how race-based policies promote the integration ideal of Brown Vs Board of education. This is a useful article because it introduces readers to most of the arguments for affirmative action and how students benefit from it.
My third source is a long report of a public discussion involving a few experts written by Joe Killian. The article is titled “Experts debate affirmative action in admissions at the UNC as Supreme Court weighs the issue”. Joe Killian summarize the words of experts such as: Glenn Loury, professor of Economics at Brown University; John McWhorter, contributing writer at The New York Times and associate professor of linguistics at Columbia University and Rachel F. Moran, Law Professor at the University of California at Irvine. Those panelists were debating affirmative action in admissions, its impact on society, school and students and what the Supreme Court should do in this matter. This is also a great article that will support my argument because it has different experts in the field providing their opinions on affirmative action. I can use their arguments to strengthen my premises or to provide additional information where it’s needed.
Article #1:
This article talks about how decisive intelligence can be when predicting job performance. It argues that, often, academic intelligence, leads to better pay or promotions out there, since it is based on the IQ/ability to solve challenges at classroom/work. In my final project, I will use this article as my core work, supporting it with a suppor-article and comparing it with a counter-argument in order to make it interesting. My mission, as I write this argumentative project, is to demonstrate that job performance is strongly linked to intelligence.
Glaser, Sarah. “Intelligence Testing”. CQ Researcher, 30 Jul 1993. Thousand Oaks, California: CQ Press, 1993. 7 Apr 2024, doi:
Article #2:
This article aims to explain that academic intelligence does not necessarily have to be the key factor in the field of job performance. On the other hand, practical intelligence takes the spotlight as a determining factor in job performance, since it superimposes that through learned and perfected experiences, individuals will be able to face job challenges easy and eventually excel at work, and not only depend on mere academic results. I will use this article to counter my central article, as it argues that we should not only look at academic intelligence as a key factor in job performance, but practical intelligence as the first to predict success in job performance.
Glaser, Sarah. “Intelligence Testing”. CQ Researcher, 30 Jul 1993. Thousand Oaks, California: CQ Press, 1993. 8 Apr 2024, doi:
Article #3:
This article highlights the importance of IQ/intelligence as the sole predictor of job performance. In fact, it highlights that the best jobs, where the highest rates of personal success are found, are based on three specific points to hire a future employee: ability, social skills, and drive. Being cognitive ability the one that leads the world of job success without a doubt. I will use this article to support my main article, as it argues that intelligence, in this time IQ, is the essential factor in leading and predicting success in job performance.
Lebowitz, Shana “Why Your IQ May Have More Influence on Your Success Than You Think”., 09 October 2017.
Article one (pro)-The March 8, 2013, report “Gun Control: Should lawmakers tighten firearm restrictions?” by Barbara Mantel probably looks at the ongoing discussion about the necessity of more stringent gun laws. It probably explores a range of viewpoints and arguments on this matter, such as those pertaining to constitutional rights, public safety, and the efficacy of current gun regulations. The report can go over current legislative initiatives to strengthen gun control laws and investigate how they might affect the number of gun-related incidents that occur. It might also examine the political climate around gun regulation and the difficulties legislators have negotiating this difficult and divisive topic. ( )
Article 2-Gun control laws are vital because they reduce the dangers that come with having access to and abusing firearms. Effective gun safety regulations must include measures like universal background checks, bans on assault weapons and magazines with a large capacity, and waiting periods before purchasing a gun. These laws serve to lower the number of gun-related injuries and fatalities by restricting access to firearms for those with a history of violence or mental illness and by limiting the number of weapons intended for mass casualties. Initiatives to encourage responsible gun ownership also help to prevent accidents and intentional injury. Examples of these initiatives include safe storage rules and education programs. Stronger restrictions on guns tend to be implemented and enforced in jurisdictions with lower rates of gun violence, which stresses the significance of doing so to protect public safety even though the success of these policies may vary. (
Article 3 (con)- In August 2022, Mark Oliva—Managing Director of Public Affairs at the National Shooting Sports Foundation—possibly offers insight into matters pertaining to firearms in his article for CQ Researcher. Oliva works for a trade group that advocates for the weapons industry, thus his analysis might be centered on supporting laws that suit gun owners, dealers, and manufacturers. His viewpoint might emphasize how crucial it is to defend Second Amendment rights, encourage law-abiding gun owners to own firearms responsibly, and oppose laws that are thought to be too burdensome or restrictive for these groups of people. Oliva’s article for CQ Researcher probably adds to the larger conversation about gun laws and regulations in the US by providing insights into the viewpoint of the firearms business on a range of gun-related issues. ( )
Article one (pro)-The March 8, 2013, report “Gun Control: Should lawmakers tighten firearm restrictions?” by Barbara Mantel probably looks at the ongoing discussion about the necessity of more stringent gun laws. It probably explores a range of viewpoints and arguments on this matter, such as those pertaining to constitutional rights, public safety, and the efficacy of current gun regulations. The report can go over current legislative initiatives to strengthen gun control laws and investigate how they might affect the number of gun-related incidents that occur. It might also examine the political climate around gun regulation and the difficulties legislators have negotiating this difficult and divisive topic. ( )
Article 2-Gun control laws are vital because they reduce the dangers that come with having access to and abusing firearms. Effective gun safety regulations must include measures like universal background checks, bans on assault weapons and magazines with a large capacity, and waiting periods before purchasing a gun. These laws serve to lower the number of gun-related injuries and fatalities by restricting access to firearms for those with a history of violence or mental illness and by limiting the number of weapons intended for mass casualties. Initiatives to encourage responsible gun ownership also help to prevent accidents and intentional injury. Examples of these initiatives include safe storage rules and education programs. Stronger restrictions on guns tend to be implemented and enforced in jurisdictions with lower rates of gun violence, which stresses the significance of doing so to protect public safety even though the success of these policies may vary. (
Article 3 (con)- In August 2022, Mark Oliva—Managing Director of Public Affairs at the National Shooting Sports Foundation—possibly offers insight into matters pertaining to firearms in his article for CQ Researcher. Oliva works for a trade group that advocates for the weapons industry, thus his analysis might be centered on supporting laws that suit gun owners, dealers, and manufacturers. His viewpoint might emphasize how crucial it is to defend Second Amendment rights, encourage law-abiding gun owners to own firearms responsibly, and oppose laws that are thought to be too burdensome or restrictive for these groups of people. Oliva’s article for CQ Researcher probably adds to the larger conversation about gun laws and regulations in the US by providing insights into the viewpoint of the firearms business on a range of gun-related issues. ( )
Article -1
The argument revolves around whether social
media platforms should be held responsible for
what users post. Some say current laws protect
free speech and innovation, while others argue
they allow harmful content to thrive unchecked .
By educating individuals about privacy settings,
content moderation, and the potential impact of
their online actions, we can empower them to
make informed choices and foster a healthier
online community. In my final project i will use
this article as my main argument explain the
whole thing to my audience.
H.Kim, Hannah. “Social media platforms “.CQ
researchers, Oct 02 ,2022. Publisher CQ press, 2020,
Article 2-
The debate about facial recognition technology
divides people. Some are concerned it could
invade privacy and lead to surveillance. Others
see its benefits, like helping tag photos, and
believe users have control. It’s important to
consider both views to understand how it affects
our online world.I will use this article to support
my main argument. This article will help me to
elaborate more.
Clemmitt, Marcia. “Social media explosion” CQ
researchers ,Jan 25,2013. Publisher CQ press 2013,
People are arguing about whether the
government should control what’s said on social
media. Some think the government should stop
false information, while others say it’s important
to let people speak freely. This article talks
about new rules to make sure the government’s
actions with Big Tech companies are clear,
showing how it’s important to protect both
speech and the law. we can work towards a more
equitable and responsible online environment
that respects both free speech rights and privacy
Hargerty, Bill. “ social media censorship violates
the first amendment “ Opposing viewpoints
2022, publisher : Gale, part of Cengage Group.
Source 1: Gooch, Kelly. “US Healthcare Workers Walk off the Job: 18 Strikes in 2023.”, 26 Sept. 2023,
Summary: Healthcare workers across the United States are on strike, advocating for better working conditions. They’re highlighting critical issues like understaffing, which they believe is affecting the quality of patient care. Their goal is to push hospital administrations to take action that will lead to improved conditions for both staff and patients, ensuring a safer and more efficient healthcare environment.
I will be using this source since it’s a complex situation where the workers are demanding attention and change to retain staff and provide the best care possible.
Source 2: “NCSBN Research Projects Significant Nursing Workforce Shortages and Crisis.” NCSBN, shortages-and-crisis.
Summary: According to the research by NCSBN, around 100,000 nurses left the workforce during the pandemic due to stress, burnout, and retirement. And it’s concerning that by 2027, almost 900,000 nurses, which is nearly one-fifth of the total registered nurses, intend to leave the workforce. This could have a significant impact on the healthcare system if solutions aren’t implemented.
It’s important to address the burnout and stress experienced by nurses during these challenging times. The data given could help with my argumentative project since it’s affecting the healthcare system now and in the near future.
Source 3: Vogel, Susanna. “Covid Relief Funds Helped Some Hospitals Soar to ‘all-Time High’ Operating Margins.” Healthcare Dive, 19 July 2023,
Summary: According to the study published in JAMA, around 75% of hospitals in the national cohort reported positive operating incomes during the first two years of the pandemic. The COVID relief funds made a difference, pushing hospitals’ net operating margins to all-time highs. Although not all hospitals faced financial distress, only about 16% of facilities had some challenges, those funds helped them avoid financial difficulties. Government-owned hospitals, teaching hospitals, and those serving larger proportions of Black populations benefited from the relief funds. In addition, 12% of hospitals significantly improved their financial performance thanks to the funds.
This study provides a different perspective on hospitals’ financial performance during the pandemic and highlights the impact of the relief funds. Which can be used on how the healthcare system has benefited from Covid-19.
Annotated Bibliography
Boycott the MTA(NYC Monopoly of Train and Bus System) site discusses the current fact that the MTA is a monopoly. It talks about the issue with the MTA being a monopoly and how prices, being the fare, go up at the same time the quality of the station goes down. The MTA being the only way of transportation for teens, children as well as adults who don’t own a vehicle are forced to take transportation which brings forth attention to the poor conditions of the MTA as well as the well being of those who are forced to take that mode of transportation.
Patch, Buel. “Patent Monopolies and Patent Laws.” CQ Researcher. CQ Press, June 06, 1938
Discussed the overall laws in place to prevent things from monopolies from taking place. Tells why such longs are in place and gets into the specifics of what’s lawful when producing a product to the public to ensure the well being of other businesses as well as the consumer.
Day, Kathleen. “Monopoly Power.” CQ Researcher. CQ Press, December 03, 2021
This document delves into the power that companies hold when there is an absence of competition in the world of economics as well of History of laws passed to regulate fraudulent activity from big companies.
Article 1: “ Alcohol and Drug Abuse statistics ( Facts about Addiction)” by American Addiciton Centers
This article talks about how many Americans from ages 12 and older are battling a substance use disorder in the past year. I will be using this article in my argument to showcase the increase of drug addiction how it’s become a serious problem in society.
Article 2: “ The effect of drug addiction on the brain and body” by Laura Dorwatt.
This article talks about the effects that drug addiction or abuse of drugs can have on both the body and mind on the individual. The consequences it has on the body like organ damage and death and how it can alter a person’s mental health. It discusses a little about how people can become physically dependent on the drug and if they were to stop using the side effect of withdrawal. It also talks about the effects it can have on an Unborn child if you were to use drugs while pregnant and how the baby goes into withdrawal after birth. I will use this source in my argument to show the negative effects that drugs can have on the person body and mind
Article 3: “ Drug overdose Deaths in the U.S. Top 100,000 Annually” by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This article talks about the death by drug overdose on individuals in America from a 12 month period in April of 2021 how it has increased since the year prior to 2021. I will use this article in my argument to showcase how if drug addiction is left untreated it can even lead to death showcasing just how serious the problem is.
Article 4: “ Depression, Anxiety, and Stress from Substance use disorder among family members in Iceland” by Jóna Ólafsdóttir, Steinunn Hrafnsdóttir, and Tarja Orjasniemi
They conducted a study to see if family members of substance abusers are more likely to be depressed, anxious and stressed than the general population. They used a depression anxiety stress scale to measure the mental states of people whose family member uses drugs they administered. I will be using this source in my argument to talk about how drug addiction doesn’t just affect the individual but it also affects the loved ones of the individual who have to witness this self destructive habit.
Article 5: “Family Addiction: How does Addiction Affect families?” by American Addiction Centers
This article talks about the effect that drug addiction can have on families, especially children whose parents are drug users. It talks about the increased risk of them being mistreated at home, neglected and at a higher risk of developing a drug addiction themselves. I will use this article for my argument to showcase how drug addiction can have a negative impact on a child’s mental health having to witness their parents go down that route and spiral not knowing how to help or what to do.
Article 6: “ Understanding Drug Use and Addiction DrugFacts” by National Institute on Drug Abuse. This article briefly talks about what drug addiction is and how it can affect a person’s brain when they are under the influence. It also talks about how or why some people become addicted to drugs while others don’t. I will be using my article in my argument to showcase that some people have a reason as to why they turned to drugs it doesn’t just happen right away there are factors that contributed to them using
Article 1: “Are federal programs helping to curb abuse?” by Barbara Mantel. This article is explaining about how many women experience domestic violence. Many do not think it is a real crime and it is often downplayed. Although it is often not shed a light on, men are also often victims of domestic violence, but women experience more, rape, sexual assault, and physical assault, while men it is just physical assault. I can use this in my argument to use evidence to explain how domestic violence is a real crime and needs to be looked as such. Also sharing the affects abuse has on one person and the consequence that comes from it.
Article 2: “Domestic violence: a public problem and a public health concern” By the website, NNEDV. This article is about how many victims of domestic violence can not get the proper care they need from hospitals. Victims are isolated from family and friends and often can not be treated which affects their health and also affects their income. Not being able to work means there is no money flowing in and then they cannot afford treatment or to see the doctor. I can use this in my argument to show how it’s not just physical abuse, but a health concern as well. Many victims are caring diseases from there partner or have other sickness that is life threatening but cannot treat it because of the controlling partner.
Article 3: “National survey on attitudes toward domestic violence shows widespread misunderstanding issue” By Nour Haydar. This article is about asking people questions and how do they feel about a partner hitting the other partner. Many people excused it and did not see anything of it. They explained how sometimes a partner can feel frustrated and overwhelmed and out of nowhere hit their partner, which is okay. Some did not see it as a real crime or an issue but something for a family issue or family matter. I would be using this for my opposing view explaining how domestic violence is a family matter and not taken any further. Explaining how sometimes a partner can be excused doing such because of how angry they can get.
In the first article “Self-driving Cars” by Stephen Ornes, The author digs into the advancements, challenges, and consequences of autonomous vehicles. The research delves deeply into the technology behind self-driving cars, analyzing their potential to transform transportation, improve safety, and reduce traffic congestion. It also addresses concerns about moral issues, cybersecurity hazards, and legal barriers to the broad use of self-driving cars. I will use this source to highlight the positive effects artificial intelligence brings to the world we live in today.
As for the Second Article from CNBC ” Job Losses Are Rising, But the Numbers Don’t Tell the Full Story” explores the shifting impact of artificial intelligence on employment. While AI-driven automation has resulted in job losses in a variety of industries, the article argues that focusing solely on these statistics misses the bigger picture. It highlights that the negative consequences go beyond just unemployment rates, affecting people’s livelihoods, economic stability, and leading to disparities in wealth. With this source I will use it to show how many jobs will be displaced with the increase in A.I development.
Lastly, the third article “Should workers fear increasing automation?” by Patrick Marshall addresses how robotics and automation may affect the economy and society. Robots are gradually taking over activities that were formerly done by people, such as preparing burgers and producing financial reports. This leads to an assumption that automation would boost productivity and competitiveness while executing more complicated activities, causing concerns about job displacement. I will use this source to highlight the potential technological advancement and benefits.
Evelin Flores Aguirre
Article 1) Ladika, Susan. Apprenticeships. CQ Researchers, 2016
In the article, apprenticeship programs and their role in providing on-the-job training and specialized education for young adults. It highlights the growth of apprenticeships in fields requiring technical skills, such as advanced manufacturing, healthcare, and information technology. Including that the federal government has invested millions of dollars in apprenticeship programs, but the number of apprentices remains low. It also discusses the challenges faced by apprenticeships programs, such as the high costs involved and the preference of many young people for a traditional college education. As well as discussing the potential of apprenticeships to address the skills gap in the American workforce and the need for more support and incentives for businesses to offer apprenticeships. This source will be used in my argument to introduce what apprenticeships are.
Article 2) O’Donnell, Patrick. Apprenticeships on the Rise: A burgeoning alternative challenges the college – for – all mentality. Opposing Viewpoints, 2023
In the article, apprenticeships provide a win-win situation for learners, workers, employers, and the economy. Involving many stakeholders, including employers, policymakers, workforce boards, training providers, community colleges, four-year colleges, K-12 schools, and community-based organizations, in promoting and boosting the presence of apprenticeships. It suggests that schools should include apprenticeship in their postsecondary recommendations, and apprenticeship providers should remove barriers and create an inclusive experience for the next generation. Including, addressing the need to promote apprenticeship pathways for Generation Z and beyond. It discusses how Gen Z is changing the traditional education-to-career pathways and expresses the need for the K-12, postsecondary, and workforce systems to promote apprenticeships as a practical alternative. Learners, educators, and employers break down barriers and embrace apprenticeships as a path that combines earning and learning. It emphasizes the opportunities apprenticeships provide in addressing national issues and preparing individuals for the jobs of the future. I will use this source to demonstrate how apprenticeship can help the workforce as our society changes, and why apprenticeships should be promoted as more opportunities in schools.
Article 3) Flynn, Maria. The Future of Work Needs More Apprentices. Forbes, 2023
In this article it discusses the importance of apprenticeships in addressing the challenges of the future of work, investments, and the growing demand for workers in various industries. As well as the benefits of apprenticeships for learners, workers, employers, and the economy, and calls for the involvement of various stakeholders in promoting and boosting apprenticeship programs. The author mentions that apprenticeships are no longer limited to the building trades and are now expanding to include a wider range of industries such as education, healthcare, technology, space, and climate resilience. Apprenticeships also prepare workers for the most in-demand jobs of the future and provide a direct pathway to quality employment. Addressing the need to promote apprenticeships among Generation Z and beyond. It highlights the shift in attitudes towards traditional four-year degrees and the importance of offering information about non-degree pathways, including apprenticeships. The author suggests that apprenticeships can help address the teacher shortage and provide young people with paid opportunities to gain experience and credentials. The author emphasizes the need for schools, training providers, and community organizations to build youth apprenticeship programs and other pathways that lead to formal registered apprenticeships. These programs can help students develop skills early on and prepare them for successful careers. I will use this source to show how important apprenticeships are for the workforce, especially for the future in the workplace.
Alcohol Advertising, Should liquor be advertised on radio and TV?
Article 1: “Adieu, vice”by the economist, Saturday, December 22,1990, from our Paris correspondent;Gale primary source.
The French parliament has passed a law banning tobacco advertisement and restricting alcohol ads to specific media.The purpose is to combat alcohol and tobacco-related diseases, reduce road deaths and fight crime.I will use it as a pro against alcohol advertising.
Article 2: “Bitching about booze” by the economist, Saturday, December 19,1987,Gale primary source.
The Ohio department of liquor control banned bud light beer featuring spuds Mackenzie, a dog dressed as Santa Claus, from shelves due to a state ban on using father Christmas to promote alcohol.I will use this article as a pro against alcohol advertising. I will show how bad is it to promote alcohol in our day to day life where every content on internet is absorb like a sponge.
Article 3: Morris E.Chafetz, President, , and author of The Tyranny of Experts, From “Facts About Kids, Booze and TV,” Chicago Tribune, Dec. 23, 1996, CQ Researcher. Morris challenges the belief that banning TV liquor ads reduces alcohol abuse, citing lack of scientific evidence.He argues against demonizing ads emphasizes the importance of education and respecting young people’s choices. Chafetz questions whether anti-drinking advocacy inadvertently promote underage drinking.I will use this article as a cons. I will show another side, viewpoint on the real problem of alcohol advertising .
Annotated bibliography
“ Americans worry they will be unable to afford treatment for serious illnesses even if they have private insurance. Administrative expenses contribute to the Higher cost of health in the United States compared those in United Kingdom Canada Germany and France.” (CQ research: Health care debate, By Kerry Dooley Young)
This is a common concern among Americans about affordable healthcare even if you have private insurance. The cost of running the administrative side of healthcare in the United States add up and makes healthcare more expensive compared to other countries.
“A higher percentage of more than 2 million inmates in the US jails and prisons suffer more from mental illness.” (Prison healthcare are Prisons dumping ground for the mental ill?, Marcia Clemmitt)
Over 2 million people in prison have actual mental health issues. I feel like this raises a question whether prisons are becoming places where people with mental illness ends up rather than receiving proper mental health care. Knowing that America is the country with the highest incarceration rate should emphasis how much we should put in the proper care for people in prison. They don’t get provided proper mental health care which leads Individuals with mental health issues and up in criminal justice system over and over again if thy don’t receiving the necessary treatment they need.
“The US spend nearly 18% of GDP on health care, yet, Americans die younger and are less healthy than residents of other high income countries.” (U.S. health care from a global perspective 2022: Acceleration spending worsening outcome, Munira Z. Gunja, Evan D. Gumas, Reginald D. Willliams II ).
I believe this quote expresses how much we need healthcare system that is universal. The amount that the US funds compare to other countries yet we don’t have free health care, emphasizes the importance of examining and potentially reforming the healthcare system.