What is your life story? Would you need to write a memoir to explain everything, or would you be able to select one event from your life that helped shape you as a person? For your introductory post, you are going to record a memoir of your life, but there is a catch–you only have six words to portray yourself however you wish to get a message across. Here is a 3-minute video with examples, and a resource site if you’d like to learn more about the story behind the 6 word memoir and see more examples. Once you are ready with your 6 word memoir, write yours, and submit it here, by replying to my post below.
17 thoughts on “You”
I am my mother’s worst nightmare.
I’m turtle in a fast world.
– Ana Victoria
Athletic-I would portray myself if this manner because I’m physically active in terms of playing sports such as Basketball and Volleyball, I can jump high.
Creative-I would portray myself would in this light because of trying being drawn to things like fashion, editing videos, and music which leads me to wondering how they male it or different ways of using such things to express thy self.
Free thinker-I believe I am a free thinker because I have the qualities that apply to the statement which are being open minded, logical and having the ability of reason.
Helpful-I am willing to lend a helping hand to a person in need, I believe my service would be giving advice on something
God-I would use this word to portray that I am indeed a follower of Christ and that God is present in my life. I try to apply the bible to everyday living and abide by rules for spiritual living, this is not to say I’m perfect.
Gamer-Like to play story based or online games, play on Ps5 and PC
Comfort zone is not my thing.
– Bill J.
I live to love my cat.
– Jia Castro
Heart in threads, soul in every stitch.
Shy girl shaping dreams into reality
I don’t know who I am
I, myself, am worried and confused.
Diversity is my form of creativity.
– Elijah Ayala
Look at Life like a plant
I go through life with God
“I can build a castle, Out of all the bricks they threw at me.” — T.A.S
— Evelin Flores Aguirre
Energy is what makes up all
life is iphone. do not disturb.
you only live once, do you.
life is either a daring adventure or nothing.