Activity 1: Create and post your presentation.

The purpose of this assignment is for you to teach your classmates about your essay topic–and to showcase your expertise and your argument. You are the expert here.
Your presentation should be 2-3 minutes long and include your answers to the following questions:
What is your topic and why did you choose it?
What is your argument/ conclusion and what is your supporting evidence?
What did you learn?
What was the most challenging part of this project?
What was the most interesting part of this project?
What can you do to make a difference related to your research topic?
Post your presentation on Flipgrid. Here is the link. Join code: 76e49c7c. Either one should get you into the assignment.
Activity 2: See classmates’ presentations
Your next task this week is to watch at least 4 of your classmates’ presentations and comment on them by replying, via text or video. These can be brief but say something specific that you enjoyed or learned from your classmates’ presentation. Go to Flipgrid. Join code: 76e49c7c.
Your grade/ 60 points: you posted your presentation by Wednesday, May 11th and your presentation adheres to assignment instructions + 40 points: you commented on at least 4 classmates’ presentations with a specific comment, via text or video, by Friday, May 13th. (My apologies for the Wednesday deadline, but if everyone posts by Friday then no one can comment by then too, right?)
Activity 3: Cartoon
See this week’s cartoon on Blackboard. What is the message?