My Spring 2022 Office Hours
passcode: 193451/ meeting ID: 851 3974 0329
Tuesdays: 10:00AM – 12:00PM on campus in N482 and via Zoom
Thursdays: 1:00PM-2:00PM via Zoom
and by appointment: email me if the above times don’t work for you
To see me during my office hours, make an appointment or simply visit me. If you are in the Zoom waiting room for more than a minute, I am likely with another student–please wait “in line” if you can, or come back another time. If you come to my office, simply knock on the door. I hope to see you soon!

My name is Ewa Barnes. I am originally from Poland. I arrived in the US when I was 20 years old, in search of the American Dream. I started my education at Norwalk Community College, then transfered to SUNY Purchase. I also hold an MA in Literature and a MS in Education, both from CCNY, the City College of New York. I have been teaching for nearly 20 years: ESL to international students in private language schools in NYC, in public high schools in NYC, in CCNY, and, my most beloved one, teaching you at BMCC. Here, I teach Critical Thinking 100 and 100.5, as well as Literacy courses. In my free time, I love to read, write, and explore the world with my two spirited children, and with my partner. I look forward to getting to know you.