Peer Review

21 posts

Precious Carter

Precious Carter Professor Barnes CRT 100-057W Should international adoption be promoted?             Adoption is a controversial social issue that has recently been amplified on social media due to adoptees speaking against interracial adoptive parents who glamorize adoption. These misleading viral videos are fairytale depictions of the complex, immoral and unethical […]

Jayme Joseph – Assisted Suicide

Jayme Joseph Critical Thinking [CRT 100] Professor Ewa Barnes 3 April 2022 Assisted Suicide Controversy          Terminally ill patients should have the right to legally terminate themselves with assistance from healthcare professionals. Though, I understand assisted suicide is taboo, and why one would disagree with its legalization. When we hear […]

Destiny Del Castillo, Argumentative Essay(covid vaccine)

Destiny Del Castillo                                                                                                       Apr.1.2022 CRT 100-057W                                                                                                              Prof. Barnes Should a COVID 19 vaccine be mandatory?             Vaccines have been here to help boost our bodies to go against viruses/diseases that are potentially meant to harm or even kill us. COVID-19, became a newly introduced not too long […]

Priscille Promesse

Priscille Promesse Critical Thinking – CRT 100 April 1, 2022 Prof. Barnes The Safety of Drinking Water Is it safe to drink tap water in New York City? New York City residents argued that the industrial developments happening near the water sources might be polluting their water supply.  Most people […]

Murshida khanum

The significance of higher education A college education is still worth it, as it requires qualified professionals of all kinds. With the continued increase in student loans and college costs, various writers often question whether college is still worth it, but there is plenty of evidence supporting college’s importance. In […]

Leo Rodriguez Peer Review (Alcohol Schedule 1)

Leo Rodriguez CUNYFirst ID 13132232 CRT 100-057W Professor Ewa Barnes March 31, 2022             Alcohol is a dangerous and poisonous substance that should be a schedule 1 substance. Alcohol has always been a huge factor in deaths, health issues, mental issues, assaults, criminal offenses, and so many more issues that […]

Peer Review (Gun violence)

(Gun Violence)           “We lose eight children and teenagers to gun violence every day. If a mysterious virus suddenly started killing eight of our children every day, America would mobilize teams of doctors and public health officials. We would move heaven and earth until we found a way to protect […]