
30 posts

Midterm week feedback

Hi Everyone, Thanks for your midterm exams. Overall, they were great, and show that you are ready for the second part of the semester. In several cases, I’ve asked for more information, if your answer seemed incomplete and/ or confusing. Please see my comments next to questions where you did […]

conversation, table, chairs

Happy Midterm Time!

Hi Everyone, and so great to see many of you on Flipgrid! Midterm week officially begins today! Good luck! There is a review sheet that you can consult to go over units 1-6. There is an anonymous survey that I’d love for everyone to fill out. There is the midterm […]

Feedback on week 5/ Arguments

How is your week going? We are living in challenging times, but have to do what we can to stay healthy, sane and well-informed. I’ll start with comments on last week’s post. It’s exciting that now, on the OpenLab, you can browse through the list of “authors,” and that you […]

Welcome to week 6!

Please see this overview of this week’s unit. In Week 6, we are thinking about how we make decisions in life, and discussing an organized approach to problem-solving. How do you make important decisions in your life? There is a great TEDTalk by Ruth Chang on this. Another piece to […]