Dear CRT Students, First of all, I hope that you and your families are doing well and staying safe. I was reading your article summaries and responses, and thinking how much I am looking forward to reading your essays–the range of topics is broad and fascinating. Great start, everyone. Now […]
Welcome to week 9. We will be exploring logical fallacies. I am sure many of them will sound familiar to you. In Post 7 will be challenged to come up with your own examples. You may also notice that this week seems lighter in terms of content. This is because […]
Hi Everyone, Thanks for your midterm exams. Overall, they were great, and show that you are ready for the second part of the semester. In several cases, I’ve asked for more information, if your answer seemed incomplete and/ or confusing. Please see my comments next to questions where you did […]
Welcome to week 9! Midterm exams, check-ins and surveys are due by tonight. Thank you to all those who’ve already submitted. This week we begin to work on the argumentative essay. What issues do you care about? Select one from the list, and start researching your topic. Review the essay […]
Hi Everyone, and so great to see many of you on Flipgrid! Midterm week officially begins today! Good luck! There is a review sheet that you can consult to go over units 1-6. There is an anonymous survey that I’d love for everyone to fill out. There is the midterm […]
How is your week going? We are living in challenging times, but have to do what we can to stay healthy, sane and well-informed. I’ll start with comments on last week’s post. It’s exciting that now, on the OpenLab, you can browse through the list of “authors,” and that you […]
Jayme, one of your classmates, is also the Vice President of the Neuroscience Club. Jayme writes: “We’re having our opening day on Wednesday (3/9) from 2p.m. to 3:50 p.m. It’s located in the main building, room S720. If you’re available, feel free to stop by for some pizza, donuts, goofiness, […]
Please see this overview of this week’s unit. In Week 6, we are thinking about how we make decisions in life, and discussing an organized approach to problem-solving. How do you make important decisions in your life? There is a great TEDTalk by Ruth Chang on this. Another piece to […]
Hi Everyone–I am rescheduling this week’s Thursday office hour to Friday, 3/4, from 9:00AM to 10:00AM. I hope to see you then, via Zoom. – Prof. Barnes