When a man, desperate for work, finds himself in a factory or on a fishing boat or in a field, working, toiling, for little or no pay, and beaten if he tries to escape — that is slavery. When a woman is locked in a sweatshop, or trapped in a […]
Rashida Washington
Week-13 Activity 7 — Post 8 –MORALITY-, by Rashida Washington The 7 Moral Positions in Barbara the Movie My selection was the German film, “Barbara”. A story about a woman named Barbara, who was once a well-known doctor in 1980’s Berlin, who had arrived to a small town by the […]
Week-9 Activity 4 — Post 7 Logical Fallacies by: Rashida Washington The Loaded Question Fallacy, is a big ole trap! It’s a way to form a question in a way that incriminates the person being asked. It puts a person in a lose-lose situation. Almost like a way of […]