Although I saw moonlight, I watched it again attentively to get a better understanding of the movie based on my own perspective. The movie is about a young man’s development in an environment that doesn’t suit his identity. Living in a drug infested neighborhood with his addict mother and no […]
Precious Carter
The message in the cartoon is we look to people who are in positions of authority to solve issues or make decision. Sometimes those people answer to others or don’t have the right judgment.
Precious Carter Professor Barnes CRT 100-057W Should international adoption be promoted? Adoption is a controversial social issue that has recently been amplified on social media due to adoptees speaking against interracial adoptive parents who glamorize adoption. These misleading viral videos are fairytale depictions of the complex, immoral and unethical […]
Black or white fallacy is a restricted logical way of thinking that leaves no room for other options. Problem solving, analyzing, and decision-making are not always clear cut. Thinking outside the box or gray thinking helps you better assess situations, ideas, or create better judgement. Ex. of black or white […]
When the wrong facts are presented first, loud and clear, it’s hard to debunk with the truth. Famous quote by ctha god ” No one cares about the truth, when the lie is more entertaining”.
Cartoon: The cartoon speaks to the system of patriarchy, although women are as intelligent and qualified, men are still considered more powerful.
Cartoon: “My desire to be well-informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane.” The more we learn, the more we question our prior knowledge. To be in conflict with yourself, morals, and values is insanity. You must get rid of what you once knew and become anew.
I agree with Barry Schwartz’s paradox of choice TED talk, “everyone needs a fishbowl”. Having a plethora of choice leaves room for indecisiveness, it causes us to put off making decisions out of fear. This leads to procrastination, which he refers to as, “paralysis is the consequence of having too […]