The German movie “Barbara” by Christian petzold relate the story of a doctor who was banished to a rural hospital and under the watch of the German secret police. Despite the treatment she received from the officer and his assistant who searched her appartement and herself very often, she managed […]
Kadiatou Diallo
The U.S public health system was not ready for a pandemic Public health has positively impacted our communities by improving people’s health and reducing the occurrence of diseases throughout the decades all over the world. Public health systems and strategies have evolved and proved their worth from learned lessons […]
The false cause fallacy is when someone incorrectly assumes a causal relationship between two things that probably does not exist. An example of the false cause fallacy is the expression “College is the key of success” which could be but is not necessarely true because there are many people who […]
Source one: the ted talk “the Paradox of Choice”, by Barry Schwartz Conclusion: Maximizing choices does not maximize welfare, more choices make people miserable. Premises: Barry Schwartz stated that having many choices to choose from produce paralysis rather that liberation, people find very difficult to make choices with too many […]