Ewa Barnes

39 posts

Feedback on Week 1

Hi Everyone–I watched and replied to all your Flipgrid intros. Thank you so much for your memoirs, and for taking the time to post your video. It was so wonderful to see your faces and hear your voices. When I was reading your discussion board posts, I felt like I […]

Welcome to Week 2

Dear Students–Week 1 ends at midnight tonight and Week 2 begins today (there is always this one-day overlap between the corresponding weeks). Please be sure to submit your assignments for Week 1 (Flipgrid introduction, Post 1, Quiz 1 and the Reflection) by tonight. If you need an extension (perhaps you […]

Week 1

Hi Everyone, and welcome to the first week of the class. Please complete all activities listed in Week 1 by the end of this weekly unit. I look forward to seeing you on Flipgrid and to viewing your work on the OpenLab. Email me at ebarnes@bmcc.cuny.edu or visit me during […]

colorful circles

Discussion Board Post 4: Cults

Review our Discussion Board instructions so that your replies can shine yet again. For this discussion board post, you have 3 options: 1. Create a cult. Perhaps start with something you’re interested in, and think of ways your knowledge about this topic could benefit others. Select a leader (you?). Establish […]

closed window

Discussion Board Post 3: Bias

Review our Discussion Board instructions so that your replies can shine yet again. Select three articles on one topic/ event, either from AllSides or from CNN/ Fox News/MSNBC. On All Sides, you will see many news events covered from three different angles, whereas on CNN/Fox/ MSNBC, you will have to search for […]

a woman's head in rainbow colors

Discussion Board Post 2: Language

Review our Discussion Board instructions so that your replies can shine. Discuss the following questions: 1. What messages/ themes does Beyonce express through the song and video? 2. Are those messages/ themes similar to your initial reaction to the song and video? 3. How did Matsoukas help Beyonce convey those messages/ […]

surreal palace

Welcome to our class, CRT 100!

Is this your first time using the OpenLab for a course at BMCC? It is my second time teaching on the the OpenLab. We’re in this together. This will be a journey filled with colorful discoveries. There might be some obstacles on the way, as there usually are in life, […]