Social Media vs Mental Health

Many young teenagers and even young adults have been dealing with social media. Multiple studies have found out depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts are all linked to being on social media. Why are frequent social applications linked to mental health? What are he reasons that impacts young people in today’s society health? 

About 45% of teenagers between the ages of 13-19 years old are the ones constantly on social platforms out of 95% that have a smartphone or access to an electronic device. According to The New York Times, many teenagers have become more sensitive to social media. The author Virginia Hughes concentrated on how social media focuses on body image. Wanting for social media companies to be responsible for harming many young children (Par 1, Line 2).

Social media platforms such as instagram, facebook and tiktok are one of most frequently used applications. In today’s world many young teenagers begin to judge their own self appearance since a “perfect” body is a curvy slim waist and big hips. This is another reason which causes a high percentage of body dysmorphia. 

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