Hi Everyone,
Thanks for your midterm exams. Overall, they were great, and show that you are ready for the second part of the semester. In several cases, I’ve asked for more information, if your answer seemed incomplete and/ or confusing. Please see my comments next to questions where you did not receive full credit. (I have a few more exams to grade, should be done by tonight.)
The midterm check ins were an effective way to evaluate your performance in the class, and share any questions or comments with me. I was sorry to see that some of you skipped this assignment, as it’s easy but also essential as you reflect on where you stand in the class and how to plan for the rest of the semester.
I appreciate your time and effort in taking the survey as well. I have read all your answers and comments, and will try to address the ones that are in my power. Here is a link to the results.
Take care,
Prof. Barnes