I decided to choose the movie Parasite directed by Bong Joon-ho, this movie is one of my all-time favorites since the plot is very mind-twisting and interesting. I feel like the all-time moral dilemma of the movie, in general, could be described by one word “Avaricious”. This word means “having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain”. This defines exactly what the family in parasite was going through. They needed money and went through extreme actions to get what they wanted like, lying about their education status to get a job in the house and by that manipulating the rest of the rich family into adding the rest of them to work as an employee and then make their way towards the top. In the end, they even ended up Killing the father of the rich family side. But even after going through all that they did not get what they wanted and ended up in a worst situation than they were in before. Some possible outcomes of this dilemma by the 7 moral positions would have been for example, if they were to have followed #4 that is “I Would Do What God or the Scriptures Say Is Right”. I feel like they would have acted in a “better” way than what their actions turned out in the end. Or moral #6 “I would follow the advice of an authority figure”. This one would have given them more guidance on how not to act, and things might have been better. In this situation, I would have just begging to not getting myself into the rich. I would have worked myself up to be that successful and not be in any family business. I identify this moral by the one on Chaffee’s moral position #6 since getting guidance from someone of authority would have been the best choice at least for me. Based on this analysis, I’d characterize my own moral compass when it comes to making decisions such as knowing my prior mistakes, identifying what is right and wrong, knowing what type of standards I know best, and my end-of-day goals.