Tessilyah, DB 5

Premises:According to Barry Schwartz, having too many alternatives to pick from leads to paralysis rather than liberation since individuals find it difficult to make decisions when they have too many options to choose from. Even if we were able to overcome the paralysis and make a decision, we are less happy with the outcome than if there were less options.

Conclusion:Increasing the number of options does not increase wellbeing; in fact, more options make people unhappy and stressed.

Source #two: From the ‘perfect’ salary to keeping up with the Joneses, here’s how money really affects your happiness.

Conclusion:Material possessions can not necessarily bring happiness.

Premises:In the video it stated that if one wants to satisfied they have to accumulate over 75,000 dollars to pursue happiness.According to the author, money does not provide us with total happiness as we imagine.The thought that money buys happiness is a common thought amongst us as we believe that ” more money, more success and things will give us that ultimate sense of happiness” as stated by Dr. Brad.” Keeping up with the Joneses and the blind materialistic nature of our society leads to deep unhappiness”.According to another professor ”more money doesn’t make us happier but making “more relative to other people”. I agree and disagree with the statements. I believe happiness is literally what you can make out of it in the mean time. Even though people may want to be happy all the time, if we’re being realistic that’s not happening. Trying to ” keep up with the Joneses” would just lead to stress/unhappiness.So get or invest in what YOU would want & or cherish, don’t worry about nobody else but you. Atleast with this you can be happy in what you got for yourself that you actually wanted.

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