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Assignment # 3: Opinion Editorial

An image of a upper left corner of a newspaper page with the words A4, Opinion, Editorial on it.

Please write an editorial opinion piece to be sent to your local newspaper on a recent issue that has arisen in your community In this opinion editorial, you will advocate for a particular solution to the issue or the problem in your community (such as disorder and crime, policing, lack of affordable housing, or lack of green spaces). You will provide facts based on empirical studies backing your opinion.


Assignment: 500 words (1 page).  See this helpful guide on how to write an editorial:

Submit your completed analysis electronically as a PDF, following the submission instructions outlined here:

You will write an OpenLab post with your opinion editorial. Other students will be able to comment on your post.

This assignment will be assessed using the rubric below:

The introduction is interesting, clear, and leads to the thesis.18-2017-1413-1110 and below
The thesis is stated completely in the first paragraph.18-2017-1413-1110 and below
Thoughts are presented in a logical manner.18-2017-1413-1110 and below
The editorial is generally organized and easy to follow.18-2017-1413-1110 and below
Has supporting evidence with sources correctly cited.18-2017-1413-1110 and below

Deadline: May 2nd, 2024

Example 1

Example 2

Opinion: NYU needs to talk about gentrification

Example 3

Editorial: Stop littering! We’re trashy, we look bad, so just stop