Assignment: Opinion Editorial

A SCOTUS Case – Editorial Assignment

Please write an editorial opinion piece to be sent to your local newspaper on a recent case that is being argued in the current term of the Supreme Court. In this opinion editorial, you will advocate for a particular decision that you think the majority of the Supreme Court justices should agree with. You will provide a constitutional analysis backing your opinion.

You will write an OpenLab post with your opinion editorial. Other students will be able to comment on your post.

Assignment: 500 words (1 page).  See this helpful guide on how to write an editorial:

This assignment will be assessed using the rubric below:

The introduction is interesting, clear, and leads to the thesis.18-2017-1413-1110 and below
The thesis is stated completely in the first paragraph.18-2017-1413-1110 and below
Thoughts are presented in a logical manner.18-2017-1413-1110 and below
The editorial is generally organized and easy to follow.18-2017-1413-1110 and below
Has supporting evidence with sources correctly cited.18-2017-1413-1110 and below

Deadline: June 30th

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