Tag Archives: step 6
Step Six: Download Neighborhood Profile Data from NYU Furman Center’s New York City Neighborhood Data Profiles (Due 10/30)
Go to the NYU Furman Center’s New York City Neighborhood Data Profiles website (your exact neighborhood name may not be included, so pick the one closest to it. It may also be combined with another neighborhood). After you select the neighborhood, you will be redirected to a page for the neighborhood that has descriptions for DEMOGRAPHICS, HOUSING, and NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES AND CONDITIONS. This is your neighborhood “DATA PROFILE.” Download these data and import them to Google Sheets.
If you live outside of New York City, you may pick your town overall, as opposed to a neighborhood. Such data can be gleaned from the US Census. I have found information on my town (Bloomfield, NJ) from this site, you can see it here.
Share your Google Sheets link in the OpenLab and write a short post reflecting on the data you accessed from this source. Are you surprised by any of data points? What are your expectations of how this is related to the overall DARE project? Offer feedback to at least two of your classmates’ reflections.
Here is an example of what data would look like for the neighborhood you chose (see Neighborhood Data Profile sheet): Neighborhood Data Profile