All posts by Kevin Chango
Step Eight – Final Draft
Step Seven – Kevin Chango
Research Question and Hypothesis
Does my research question the homicide rate between 2000 and 2021 increase or decrease in the 104th precinct? My Hypothesis is the homicide rate will be higher in District 104 than in the other districts, for it is a larger neighborhood than the others.
My data come from FBI UCR data and the precinct-level data
Here is a graph of homicide trend data for precinct 104th

The year with the most homicides is 2009, with nine homicides. It was the highest level compared to the year 2020 when there was a range of zero homicides.
Graph of homicide trend data on the United States and New york

Diagram of homicide trend data Comparate as the United States, New York, and 104th Precinct

I was very surprised with the results of the statistics because I thought for being a precinct that covered part of Queens and Brooklyn, they would have more homicides, but I can see that the only two years that had an increase in homicides was in 2000 with 6 and in 2004 with 4 this means that Ridgewood is not a very quiet neighborhood since in 2020 there were none compared to the other neighborhoods they reach an increase of 10 or more.
Step 6- Kevin Chango
In my opinion, the data is correct with the daily life I lead because when I moved to this neighborhood, there were practically more white people than Hispanic people. I see that there is also a large population that speaks Italian, but It is not shown in the table. It is a tranquil area, so the level of theft is shallow, and the homicide rate is the same as last year. There were no cases.
Step 5 Kevin Chango
I was very surprised with the results of the statistics because I thought for being a precinct that covered part of Queens and Brooklyn they would have more homicides but I can see that the only two years that had an increase in homicides was in 2000 with 6 and in 2004 with 4 this means that ridgewood is not a very quiet neighborhood since in 2020 there were none compared to the other other neighborhoods they reach an increase of 10 or more.
STEP FOUR- Kevin Chango
The homicide rate will be higher in District 104 than in the other districts, for it is a larger neighborhood than the others.
Step 3: Research Question
What was the homicide rate between 2000 and 2021 they increase or decrease in the 104th precinct?
Step two – Kevin Chango
For my research project, I Picked the 104th Precinct located in Queens NY, and I am going to look into homicide data.