All posts by Justin
Step 6-Justin Chavez–us_k-S1OqJCc71SWe6_kA-ntQXXdRM/edit?usp=sharing
The data presented for my neighborhood surprised me a bit as I did not expect the population of white people to have decreased significantly over the years, since most of my neighbors are white. But I did assume this because most of the people in my area are Hispanics or Asian which is interesting as both races share a similar population percentage. Apart from that, what really caught my eye was how crime was relevantly common in the past; which makes me wonder what caused the crime levels to decrease.
Step 5
The homicide rate in my chosen precinct surprised me since I expected the rates to be higher. But in reality, it’s relatively low. Indicating homicide rates in the 107th precinct are at somewhat under control but still a revolving problem that needs more attention.
Step Four
The homicide rate within 107th precinct over the last five years will have been lower than the current homicide rates of 2022.
Step 3: Research Question
Does the 107th precinct possess a higher or lower homicide rate within the last 5 years?
Step two- Justin Chavez
For my research project I will pick the 107th precinct Queens, New York and I want to study the murder rates of 2020 and compare them to the other murder rates within the last 5 years.