All posts by Anastasiya Gudyma

Step 7

My research question focused on when, in the previous ten years, the larceny crime rate in the 122nd Precinct reached its lowest point.

After collecting data from the FBI UCR, NYPD, and precinct-level data I was able to gather evidence that the least amount of larceny was committed in 2020, as shown in the graph below.

The chart depicts data collected from 2011 to 2020. We can see that there was a significant increase in 2012, with 3275,849628 crimes per capita. Starting in 2018, crime rates began to fall, and 2020 has been the year with the lowest number of larceny crimes in the 122nd precinct. Nonetheless, the records appear concerning due to their large number. In comparison to national data for larceny crime, we can see in the graph below that the one from the precinct level is significantly higher.

Such a graph allows us to see how concerning the 122nd precinct’s documentation is, while also comforting to see it decreasing overall with national and state data beginning in 2018/2019.

The collected data also enables us to follow larceny crime data in the United States and New York State, separated by precinct, in order to expand or improve our future research.

The data points still leave us with some unanswered questions, such as “What was the cause of so many crimes in 2011?” and “What factors contributed to its decrease on a national and local level beginning in 2018?”

Step Six

The data for my neighborhood surprised me a little because it differs from what I usually see in my everyday life; I always assumed that my district was populated by an equal number of white and Asian people, but demographics show that the Asian population is only 8.8%.
I also looked at the poverty rate, which is very low, and I believe that is one of the reasons why crime rates are also minimal.

Step 5

I found it very surprising that the national and state statistics did show a decrease in the number of larceny crimes over time, whereas the precinct records were very unstable, jumping from approximately high to approximately low numbers on a regular basis.
I believe that having such data available allows the community to assess the overall policing job and determine whether or not they are satisfied with living in such a neighborhood.