Step 7

My research question is, when in the previous 20 years did the felony assault rate in precinct 48 go down?

After gathering data from the NYPD, UCR & some precinct level data. I was able to come to the conclusion & gather data that it reached it’s lowest point in 2020, shown in the following graph:

The chart shown above shows data collected from 2000 to 2020. We observe really high rates in the 2000’s & starts to sharply decline in 2011 with 2000 rate of grand larceny cases. This is not as concerning due to it being national data but we can focus on how it changes in the following graph.

The chart shown above is gather data from New York State & shows the trends of grand larceny. As you can observe in the graph the highest rates occur in 2001 with it being at its highest with 2485 in cases. But will later decrease plenty in 2011 with rates of 1974. This shows the lowest case in 2020 with only 1398. A significant decrease is shown throughout 20 years.

The last chart shows the difference of rates nationally & state wise. It is alarming to see how similar the rates are to each other but they do show a decrease over time. Most specifically a decline starting in 2010.

These charts show the significant decrease of Grand Larceny cases but still questions remain such as, “What factors contributed to the decrease of rates?”.

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