Please write here about your experience in this class, including what you learned, what surprised you, and how I can improve this class for the future. All feedback is welcome, no one will be penalized for their opinion. Thank you!…
Satenik Margaryan
Dear students, today is the last day of classes! I hope that you have had an enjoyable class and learned about criminological theories. I hope this was a positive experience for you.
I will be grading your remaining assignments and …
On Monday, November 8th, 2021, students enrolled in this course received an email with the subject line ‘Student Course Evaluations.
I am reminding you to complete the course evaluation survey; the deadline is Monday, December 13…
Dear students,
We are in Week 15th of the course. For fifteen weeks, we looked into various criminological theories and crimes. The final week will be devoted to feminist criminology. Please make sure to study the materials in Week 15 …
Read the article Manhattan to Stop Prosecuting Prostitution, Part of Nationwide Shift
While this is a recent development, many states/cities are reluctant to legalize prostitution. Why are jurisdictions reluctant to legalize or decriminalize prostitution? See here.
Please leave…
Welcome to Week 15!
In this last week of the semester, we will finally focus on feminist theories in criminology. Feminist theories in criminology insist that women’s deviance was worthy of academic inquiry and contributes to our understanding of …
This is our penultimate (last but one) week in this course! We have studied many different criminological theories. You have worked hard to remember them all and apply them to your assignments. This week we will focus on the critical …
Why, according to critical criminologists, are the “crimes of the powerful” (politicians, business people, and other elites) less likely to be severely punished than those of the poor, even when those crimes have mortal consequences? Do you have examples proving …
Welcome to Week 14!
This week we will focus on the last crop of theories we are going to discuss in this class. We begin with identifying the difference between mainstream and critical criminology. The critical perspectives, including conflict …