WEEK 11 (11/08 to 11/14): White Collar and Corporate Crimes AND The Social Learning Theories

The Social Learning Theories


This week we will also focus on social learning theories of crime. We will discuss what distinguishes learning theories of crime from other perspectives. We will discuss Sutherland’s differential association theory. We will also explore Akers’s differential reinforcement theory and his social learning theory. Finally, we will examine the theory of neutralization, including the five original techniques of neutralization presented by Sykes and Matza.  In addition to the two readings, I gathered a number of videos that elucidate the material in the readings. The PowerPoint is attached as well.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this week, you will be able to:

  • Explain what distinguishes learning theories of crime from other perspectives.
  • Explain Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory.
  • Distinguish differential association theory from differential reinforcement theory.
  • Discuss the main positions of Akers’s Social Learning Theory.
  • Discuss different techniques of neutralization, according to Matza and Sykes.



Chapter 12 in Piquero, Alex R. The Handbook of Criminological Theory, edited by Melissa L. Rorie, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/bmcc/reader.action?docID=4035968&ppg=254

Read Chapter 12 here:


Ontario Ministry of Children. Review of the Roots of Youth Violence: Literature Reviews
Volume 5, Chapter 8: Social Learning Theories – http://www.children.gov.on.ca/htdocs/English/professionals/oyap/roots/volume5/chapter08_social_learning.aspx


Power Point: Social Learning Theories

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