Welcome to CRJ 102 Online Asynchronous Criminology

Dear students,

As we get ready for the new Fall 2021 semester, I welcome you to our online class. Our class is asynchronous which means that we will not regularly scheduled ZOOM classes. Instead, all the materials and assignments will be posted on weekly basis and you will learn from them at your time within one week. All your materials will be posted here, in OpenLab, not Blackboard. 

While your class is asynchronous, I created a number of ways you can speak with me. I have twice a week office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 1 pm to 2:30 pm. You can find me here: https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/j/3772687009

Also, I created a DISCORD channel:  https://discord.gg/s6AUKXWkDm

So, before classes start on Wednesday, August 25th, take a look at the syllabus.

CRJ 102 Criminology ZTC asynch Fall 2021

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