As we are learning about the criminogenic (causing crime) characteristics of neighborhoods, it is important to think about how we can overcome disorganization and organize the communities, instead. Read Starting with My Own Neighborhood: Johari James’ Vision of a Thriving Black & Brown Community
What else can we do to engage the members of impoverished communities to create social organization in neighborhoods? Look around The Laundromat Project, overall, for some other ideas.
Please leave at least three comments. One is your original contribution. And two comments are you replies to your classmates. Deadline: 11/06/22, 11:59 pm.
[…] Discussion Forum 10: How Can We Organize Neighborhoods? […]
[…] Discussion Forum 10: How Can We Organize Neighborhoods? […]
Creating social organization in neighborhoods involves establishing connections with targeted members of communities. Usually, social workers or activists targeting impoverished communities begin by determining issues facing them and the associated reasons. While poverty is the primary concern for such groups, various issues, such as social inequality, are vital in understanding its progression. Local leaders often strive to promote inclusion, listening, and diverse approaches to engagement to avoid leaving behind those who need to be engaged most. In this aspect, it is essential to appreciate that communities may have preexisting relationships that affect and determine potential interactions. As such, it is vital to listen to the experiences of people in impoverished communities to understand precisely the nature of their challenges.
As the common saying goes, unity is strength—people can achieve greatness by collaborating to achieve a common goal. Various approaches can be adopted to engage members of poor communities to create social organization in neighborhoods. Establishing community outreach programs to target specific groups such as youths, the elderly, or women is one way of promoting social interconnectedness in our societies. For instance, Johari James, a youth mentor, artist, and community activist, runs youth resume workshops, neighborhood cleanups, and art programs to create sustainable and safe spaces for youths in Black communities. As seen in Johari James’s scenario, community outreach programs often focus on specific problems such as pollution and unemployment.
Hello Mark, I do agree that local leaders strive in the things you said and how it creates volume for others as well by their outreach
I agree, it first starts with establishing a connection between the members of the targeted communities. This would sound simple but nowadays people sre more focused on themselves rather then lending hands out to others.
After reading the materials from week 10 learning about the carcinogenic characteristics of the neighborhood. As a student, I always wanna do something better not just for myself but most of the time for my community. Inequality is not something I can change for everyone, it’s your personal choice. What I can do is educate them to share my knowledge, and my creativity to build something better. For example, kids learn from the environment. What if they were given a club to learn about different cultures? This way they don’t believe that someone with a different hairstyle or skin color is different from them. Everyone should be treated with respect without education or with the same color or differences. We can also plan events to clean up this way the community is clearer and we know the people around us. This way also increases job opportunities. And for some teamwork to build.
I agree that kids learn from their environment and it’s important to help the younger generation because there the next generation and helping share your knowledge will help them better their education. I totally agree ” Everyone should be treated with respect without education or with the same color or differences.” Respect is key no matter the skin you are in you important.
Hello Fareeza, every day I think of new ideas on how to better myself, the community, and the people around me. My hope is to open a recreational center one day. I agree with the statement on inequality.
Hello Fareeza, I like the idea of clubs for kids to learn about different cultures. I try to involve my kids by taking them to different restaurants to try foods from different cultures.
Hello Fareeza, I do agree that kids do learn from the environment their in, and also should be treated with respect no matter what differences they have
Cleaning up the community to provide more jobs for people specifically living in the community is really beneficial and also everyone deserves to live in a clean space so it works out perfectly!
Hello Fareeza,
I would also like to solve inequality in the community. Very nice and inspirational response!
A community is filled with all different types of people from all over the world with different up brings teaching, lifestyles, and backgrounds. In a community to engage the members of impoverished communities to create social organization in neighborhoods is to first be that change. I would try to gather people from all different races, sex, and genders to come together to create a strategy for us to come together help the community clean up groups to clean the streets and parks up, homework groups to help not only children but adults who want go back school and get a better education and help with finding jobs and daycares, support groups help with mental we all break down, and lastly food, can, clothes help a person in need drive.
A lot of black communities are into music today and music, as we know, brings people together, for example, block parties when you through a block party everyone is invited or a party, and it’s open to everyone we all start to bond and dance. According to Johari James ” Music was always very community based, so mentoring and finding that angle was really dope for me. That’s what I’ve been doing for the last few years— using my event planning skills to put together shows and block parties and fashion shows, all sorts of things. And now these youth workshops and showcases. Music gave me social presence, confidence, and speaking skills. So now I can be [where I am today] and at least have some sort of insight when I [work with] the young. I feel like music is even more important to kids now than when I was young.” This is showing support and interest a lot of young people will feel important and believe that can take their dreams to the next level.
Hi Ariel, as I am reading your post, I thought of the Michael Jackson song ” Heal The World”. Thank you for all that you are doing to make your community a better place.
Ariel, this is absolutely amazing! Do you have a website or Fb page where you advertise your events? I bet the students here would love to participate.
Hello Ariel, I enjoyed reading your post and like how involved you are within your community by planning events.
Wow this amazing ariel. This demonstrates how these small events to help out citizens are helpful for everyone when being inclauded.
Ariel, I love the idea of homework groups because some children parents are working so hard to provide for them, they aren’t able to help with homework. I believe parents would be extremely grateful for a neighborhood homework group to also know their child is safe and being productive.
Hey Ariel! I absolutely agree that communities are diverse but asides from the differences in background or culture, they can unite by their social environment. I also love that when mentioning homework groups you included adults who want to go back to school and get a better education, I didn’t have this in mind and it is an important detail.
Block parties are the best, you meet so many new faces in the community and sometimes build good friendships
I feel that most communities have some sense of social organization. However, we can do better in black communities to help those in need because there is also a sense of division. For example, I always sought ways to help my community by volunteering for the NYPD auxiliary police program for ten years. While with the auxiliary program, I was able to give those in my neighborhood a sense of protection by being that visual deterrent late at night when most were coming home from work. I also organized programs for my area, such as food drives, toy drives, and coat drives, so those in need could have food, toys, and coats for winter. Today as a college student and correctional officer, I use my free time to visit schools and talk to the younger generation about law enforcement and the opportunities that exist within the federal government. I feel that many of us can be the change we all seek out within our communities.
Hey Michael, it’s amazing that you are giving back to your community and trying to help it change. I feel that people in communities find it more comforting to see that individuals from their community are helping. Coming from that community you are able to see the struggles and can properly alleviate social problems within the community. Wish the best for you and your work in the community!
Offering financial incentives in exchange for participation is one way to encourage community involvement. Incentives for participating in neighborhood meetings or rewards for planning successful events could be used to accomplish this. Giving locals access to resources and opportunities might not otherwise have been another way to encourage community involvement. Access to affordable housing, healthcare, and childcare may all be part of this. In addition, dealing with sexism, racism, and other types of discrimination might be necessary. We can start addressing the issue of social organization in underdeveloped communities by addressing the underlying causes of poverty.
I agree, i feel like affordable housing is one of the most important.
Hi Luis, i agree with your explanation. I also think that giving the locals access to these things would help them be more involved. Incentives are also a very great idea that can encourage these individuals.
A possible way for members of impoverished communities to engage to create social organization in neighborhoods is to create a program system, these programs will consist of a way to provide security for these residents is to implement a financial assistance, health care, mental illnesses, shots , and assistance with child education. And as well a organization in where people can donate funds to buy food or just any necessities that are needed.
I also feel like meeting up every weekend to see the progress and be communicated of what more there is to do to make the neighborhood better, to continue giving out random health checkups etc.
Creating these programs give a chance to rebuild impoverished neighborhoods
Hi Lesly, i like your answer. I also agree that these programs can help these members be more involved in their community.
I feel that there’s many ways to engage the members of impoverished communities, It can start from programs that welcome anyone to be apart of to build a bond with each other when they see each other around the neighborhood. Another thing that i feel can engage members as well is doing activities that can further educate and demonstrate their change for the neighbor by challenging themselves with the ideas they may have
Hello Welinton,
I also believe developing more programs with activities can build communities together and a stronger one where they can build relations.
I agree, when we start to make things more acceptable with accessibility it starts to become a new norm. Many people are scared to try new things so we get discouraged when we are the only ones seeking a change.
Programs help a lot, the best way is to also have a survey around the neighborhood and see what people like the most and host an event based off that list.
I agree with you also people can invite each other to know about their cultures to get more engaged.
In order to engage the members of impoverished communities to create social organization in neighborhoods, you have to first connect with members of the community. People in improverished neighborhoods are usually not able to have the freedom, luxury, or capacity of sharing their interests. Since people are usually too busy to physically attend meetings, it would be a great idea to create an app where individuals can raise their concerns about an issue and other individuals donate anything from advice to helpful links to incentives.
I agree with you Sapphire, I also think that a major reason of why people in impoverished neighborhoods don’t really get involved with their communities is because they don’t have the time of the day to engage. I think a solution to this could be creating jobs that involves people to have to engage in their community!
I believe we can help impoverished communities by boosting the amount of affordable housing available. Expand early childhood education programs for low-income kids and improve the schools and education that low-income kids receive. Improve the health and nutrition of low-income families with young children. Along with creating a national health insurance program. Lastly, I believe people getting involved in political events to be informed of better running mayors that aim in solving these issues and vote for them.
I like the idea of early childhood education programs. I think this because is very important for kids to get involved with their community because they’re the future of these communities.
Hi ninoska, i agree. Affordable housing is something that isn’t acceptable and its sad. Many if the homeless Ive talked to are veterans or those with masters degrees and its really heartbreaking. It starts with giving.
I agree with you poverty is a major problem and with rent being so high we do not have the necessary resources to help everyone and this is unfair so I believe more affordable housing will help many
You all are rocking this discussion forum!
One great way to engage the members of impoverished communities is to create social organization in neighborhoods like programs. For example, Johari James created programs in his neighborhood that brings all types of people together to contribute to their community. James began youth neighborhood cleanups, resume workshops, and art programs. Another thing that James does is put together shows, block parties and fashion shows. These are a great way to keep people engaged and feel like they’re a part in their community.
Change starts with recognizing the problem in communities, it takes just one person to start change. In Johari James’ article, he used his love of music to express the struggles in his community, “We were talking about gentrification in 2003, talking about the changes in our community and how we could try to effect the change”. Little did he know that while pursuing his artistic career he would become a mentor for the youth in his community. This allowed him to guide the youth of his community and to have more opportunities and choices along with benefitting the overall community by teaching the youth how to also give back to their community.
One of the ways to overcome disorganization in a community is by recognizing the problem and helping others recognize it. The main idea is being able to unify a community in order to socially organize it. Programs that promote open opportunities for everyone, make impoverished communities feel secure. These programs allow people to be creative, speak their minds, and establish a sense of unity in their community. Creating these safe spaces in communities allow people to make a change and see the change. These programs for the youth are impactful because it gives them new perspectives which can carry on to future generations as the community gains social organization. Looking through some of the Landromat projects, arts such as photography, music and art are used to connect people together.
I agree with you all we need is one person to stand up and make a change. we need to add more programs in every community so that people can be able to express themselves I love the way you express this.
“Change starts with recognizing the problem in communities, it takes just one person to start change.”
I remember someone said this to me once and it changed my life
After reading, I sat and thought to myself numerous ways the communities can be joined together. Then i realized this all starts in the household within the minds of the parents. Although I do believe most children will choose to learn from the outside world and bad groups. However, the minds of these communities were once youngsters learning. I believe if we taught the youth more useful tools to bring together the communities it will be easier to bring communities as one. We all want to make an impact but get discouraged for how we are viewed because it may not have been something we were exposed too. Often times we are taught to fend for ourselves and to only look out for ourselves of others in our bloodline. Yet we fail to realize that its better to do the right thing when nobody is looking.
I agree with this sentiment, “it takes a village to raise a child” the neighborhood that we grow up in shapes us to the people that we become or aspire to be.
In order to change unfortunate circumstances in the neighborhood, the community must first come together. Real change comes from within rather from external influences. The reason why it’s like this is because other people in the community will follow suit and would want to engage more with the community that they live in. Creating these programs helps reduce the idleness in youth that may propel them in to committing or engaging in criminal/ delinquent activities.
Creating a social organization is always easier said than done. I believe we should create a facility where teens and kids can feel comfortable to go to and express them selves. It can be a facility that has a various amount of things such as basketball, baseball, football or even music. It is so sad to see so many troubled teens or kids with amazing talents going down the wrong path. Many kids follow their environment and fall into the streets especially when they don’t have a place to express them selves. Many schools do not have the funds for programs and if you do find one its most likely too expensive. If we can create a non profit organization for kids to attend, where their parents won’t have to pay for a thing. Children can feel free and happy to attend knowing their voice will be heard. Tackling this problem can make our neighborhood safer.
In order to create a community where everyone can gather together is by getting to know eachother, most communities are filled with teens and kids. They love tiktok and all these other apps so the best way is to win them over by hosting events, try to enlighten them no matter what, show them that hey can do whatever they want to be in life.
Things that we can do to engage the members of impoverished communities to create social organization in neighborhoods is to give these members opportunities, and make them feel like they are apart of a community that supports them.Sometimes members of these less fortunate communities feel like they don’t have opportunities to be great and fit in because of the social statuses. Creating programs that can help these individuals will make them want to try to succeed more and be more involved. For example with the organization Str8OuttaBklyn, this gives these young individuals chances to be great. Johari James is there to care for them and help them earn money with doing things in the community, and also helping with resumes, interview workshops, employment fairs, etc. He along with his organization help the young members in the community feel like someone cares about their goals. As he said he’ll take them to studios, and lets them be in his music videos because he believes in them, so they feel a sense of belonging in their community.
We are all from different countries with beautiful cultures. I think there is one of the best ways to get to know each other by celebrating their own cultures with different types of people, sharing things and more. If we can work together as a good neighborhood I believe that the crime rate will decrease as the cultures value brings people together. There are so many different ways to get to know each other in our community one of the best ways is to talk to everyone and spend more time with them to know their future goals.