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Discussion Forum 4: Are we inside the modern Panopticum?

Listen to the podcast from The American Scandal on the proliferation of online platforms like Nextdoor and Citizen App which have created a new form of mass surveillance, one that threatens local communities.

  • Answer the following questions (as many as you can):
  • Have you installed an app like Citizen or Neighbors? If yes, what are your thoughts on the app?
  • Are you a member of Nexdoor or similar social media sites that are partially oriented towards members posting about crime/disorder in their neighborhood?
  • If you are not familiar with these platforms or have not downloaded them, why not? What is preventing you from using these platforms?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of these online platforms?
  • Are you concerned with a greater degree of mass surveillance in the modern age?
Please leave at least three comments. One is your original contribution. And two comments are you replies to your classmates. Deadline: 09/24/23

41 thoughts on “Discussion Forum 4: Are we inside the modern Panopticum?”

  1. 1. I have heard of the app “Neighbors” but, I don’t have it installed. I have the app “Citizen” installed and it gives me alerts of what is going around with a unique notification sound. You can see what is going on around where you live and around your area. People can upload videos live of the scene. My thoughts on the app are that is it a very helpful tool to monitor your location with police and fire radios every day. I love that I can be aware of my surroundings and fully know what crimes are going on so I can avoid the area. The only thing I don’t like is that you have to pay monthly money to see certain information or access things, which can be false.

    2. I am not a member of “Nextdoor” or similar social media sites or particularly orientated towards members posting about crime/disorder in their neighborhood. I showed this to my friend about this question and she said, “I have Naber. The Naber neighborhood watch platform enables you to keep an eye out for unusual activities, report them with images, and share them with your neighbors. This keeps you secure and problem-free. Additionally, it gives you updates on local crime so you can avoid getting into any problems.”

    3. I am not familiar with these platforms or have not downloaded them except for the Citizen app because I am skeptical of the dangers of social media. Sometimes there can be false info on the app or track your location and steal your information. It made me sad that the Citizen app had to be paid for after a certain amount of time using it and seeing information and videos.

    4. The benefits of using these online platforms are to publicize wanted person alerts and set up tip lines to collect potential investigation leads from the public. Compared to many other communication channels, it offers levels of speed and reach that law enforcement can employ to interact with the public. By educating people about crime and its effects, the media can aid in the prevention of crime. The public can be educated and made aware of crime by reporting on patterns in crime, research into the causes and effects of crime, and discussions of policy and law enforcement activities. On the other hand, Citizens use information from social media and police scanners to notify users of emergencies nearby. Although the app claims to make cities safer, experts claim that sending thousands of city dwellers frequent reminders about local crime can foster a climate of dread. In addition, when people are overly paranoid about their communities, their suspicions are sometimes redirected toward persons of race. Major emergencies are when misinformation from police scanners is most prevalent. While the Citizen app has not been hampered by such a high amount of false information, any app that obtains its information from radio traffic stands the risk of disseminating false information.

    5. I am concerned with a greater degree of mass surveillance in the modern age because Criminals are caught thanks to public video surveillance. The odds of apprehending a criminal are significantly increased if the crime is committed in a place where a public surveillance camera has been installed. Over time, facial recognition software has made significant advancements. When you exceed the speed limit on a road, the camera flashes you and you must pay a ticket. It is crazy how you are being watched in public no matter where you are at.

    1. Hey Alyssa,
      I agree with everything you saying specially the part where you talked about how after a while to access more information on the citizen app you have to pay a monthly feed. I didn’t know that since I don’t really like to have none of those apps on my phone I personally don’t watch or even read the news and when I do is rare. The fact that we are being charged to hear information is surprising to me I don’t think we should be charged for that at all.

    2. Hello Alyssa, I am confused why be concerned, if the odds of a criminal being apprehending for their crimes increase. I understand it is absurd we are always being watched, but if you are not doing any crime in public, shouldn’t it be fine?

    3. Hey Alyssa, I agree with your thoughts on the Citizen app’s subscription. I understand that the app needs to make money somehow it’s just I don’t know how I feel paying for an app when the information could easily be misleading or completely wrong.

    4. Hi,
      I agree I was shocked and annoyed that the citizen started to charge for information that could possibly be inaccurate. We never the full attention of these types of apps and that can be worrisome. Being cautious about social media platforms and privacy is a legitimate approach. False information and privacy risks are indeed potential downsides of using certain apps, and it’s essential to be discerning about the platforms you choose to use. The times we live we know how information could spread like wildfire. Understanding surveillance is something need to pay attention to more. I heard that they might start getting people’s card information who skip out on paying MTA fares.

    5. Citizens app? Yes I currently have it on my phone , it helps me keep connected what’s going on in my neighborhood and others where I am or will be traveling to. It just keeps me cautious and with a good idea of my surroundings!

      ⁃ no , just the citizens app I don’t know anything about other platforms.
      ⁃ Honestly, I’m familiar with citizens because that’s what I use and people around me as well. Also I don’t consider these apps because I’ve never really heard of anyone using them or anything.
      ⁃ Online platforms help you keep an open eye of what’s going on within your surroundings as well as things to keep an eye open for.
      ⁃ Honestly I feel like mass surveillance is a blessing and a curse! I’m not fond of being recorded everywhere I go and things. It’s safe and unsafe at the same time.

  2. 1. I have never heard of the neighbors app but I have heard of the citizens app. You can see what is going on in your neighborhood and other neighbors such as crime, gas leaks, emergency calls and more. It is an overall good app that allows you to stay informed on things in your neighborhood.
    2. I am not a member of the app nextdoor or similar social media sites or particularly orientated towards members posting about crime/disorder in their neighborhood. I in fact don’t know anyone who is a member.
    3. The benefits are that this can better inform the community about crime rates and keep track of certain frequent areas that continue to repeat in crime. The downside is a lot of information is placed on the citizen app by people so a lot of information may not be completely accurate.
    4. I wouldn’t say I am concerned but I will say I am cautious when I am outside. There are cameras everywhere, no matter what you do, where you go there is a constant eye on you. It can be beneficial in terms of catching crimes but in everyday life kind of crazy,

    1. Dear Elijah, I agree that I do not know anything about the Neighbors app. Maybe it is an underrated app. I like how you said that no matter what you do in public you are always being watched. The downside is that social media apps may be inaccurate due to technology.

    2. Hey Elijah, you shouldn’t be concerned if anything it should be the opposite. The more cameras the better. More safety measures to have proof of something if anything were to happen to you. For example, if someone uses their Second Amendment right against someone triple their size trying to attack them, they’ll have camera evidence that they only did this in self-defence.

  3. 1. I have not installed any citizen or neighbor applications but I personally think that the name of these applications sounds very interesting. I feel that these names specify a particular group of people well. I researched what these applications were about and now I wanted to download them since I am interested in knowing what things happen around my home.
    2. I am not a member of Nextdoor or similar social media sites, but I would like to do more research into what they are about since I think knowing about new things is important for the future.
    3. I have not downloaded any of these applications because I had not heard about those applications but as I already said, when I found out about these applications I found them interesting and I would like to investigate more before making the decision to register.
    4. From what I read and from what I have already seen, one of the benefits of these applications is finding out and being aware of the things that are happening around you. This way we can be prepared for anything that is going to happen or is happening.
    5. Not really, I think that a greater degree of mass surveillance in this era would be somewhat worrying for people who hide some kind of illegal things, but in my case, mass surveillance would be a good thing since I felt safer and less scared about things that they could pass me.

    1. Hey Manifer,

      Honestly I feel like a lot of people don’t have knowledge about these apps but I believe knowing about them can keep us from the wrong place at the wrong time in my opinion.

  4. -I have never installed neither or those app.
    -No, I am not a member of nextdoor neither I follow any social media that has anything to do with crimes around my neighborhood or the city in general.
    -I am familiar with these app, I have heard of them but as a personal choice I don’t like knowing everything that is happening for example when it comes to like robbery, death or anything else related to crimes.
    -One of the main benefits from having the citizen app is that it generates alert from fire, emergency services and 911 calls.
    -One big controversial about the citizen app that people criticized about is that it creates fear, and it encourage vigilantism.
    -I am a bit concerned arguments against surveillance is that it poses a threat to privacy, which is of value to the individual and to society.

    1. I agree GenesisCont, these apps create fear among citizens. the only thing they can do with the information is avoid the area. Its not a call to action to be vigilant and join the rescue team. Which instead of fear, people should stand up against crime in their neighborhood.

  5. I have installed the Citizen in the past to be aware of crimes reported in my community. The Neighbors App also I’ve used and have had a slightly different experience. The Citizen app assists you in being notified of happenings in your community. The Citizens app system is crime-based and highlights crimes based on your radius. The system Neighbors runs has a more community-based infrastructure, in my experience. You can be vigilant of what occurs in your neighborhood and be notified of businesses. There needs to be a system where community members can be engaged and informed of what is happening around them and respect piracy. I have a Citizens app account and used Neighbors at work. I see the benefits for both of them.
    These are the most valuable benefits of these platforms. The benefit that sticks out to me is civic engagement. Citizens need to be civically minded of their communities. The civic engagement component prepares people to gain skills like problem-solving that lead to citizens advocating for policy change. The one drawback of these online platforms is the promotion of fear. If you constantly see crime reported, you may want to stay away from a certain area. This leads to communities being judged based on crimes that are reported. It also depends on where you live and your experience using these platforms. I noticed the crimes reported and their frequency vary depending on your zip code.
    I understand that everything we use has the potential of being documented without our approval. The technological advances nationwide will lead to a greater degree of mass surveillance. A nation should ensure resources available to citizens are safe, but I see the discontent because how do you judge who should be surveyed and who should not? It comes to the question of whether these apps are coded in prejudiced practices.

    1. I agree Khalid theres no demographic information shared to know whose behind whats being reported. Neighborhoods and individuals could easily be targeted for misinformation being reported on them. If police use these apps and arrive at the scene, theyll use the information provided to determine whose the suspect.

  6. Have you installed an app like Citizen or Neighbors? If yes, what are your thoughts on the app?
    I used to have Citizens the app downloaded. I feel like the app was very helpful. I believed it was very helpful, because it gave you awareness to your surroundings and to the dangers happening around your area. For instance if they reported a shooting down the block from your house, now you know to not go down the block, possibly avoiding harm to yourself. I deleted the app, for unknown reasons to be honest, I am actually going to download it again. My friend told he didn’t like the app, because it was just constantly showing negative news, and made him fearful to even go to the deli. I am not familiar with Nexdoor or any social media sites related to whatever that is. I am not concerned with the greater degree of mass surveillance in the modern age because it’s good to know what is going on, and how it is going on. It serves as education purposes. You become more aware of the real world, but should not be like my friend who would live in fear, because of all that is happening.

    1. Hi Antonio,
      I agree that we can not live in constant fear if we hear something bad is happening around us but I also understand the point of your friend on how something constantly being brought to attention and knowing the danger out in the world can be scary and mind bothering. It is a conflicting thing to know or not know what is happening. I think it is hard to avoid news when it is so many platforms out there.

  7. I have used the Citizens app I’m not familiar with neighbors, but my thought on the Citizen app is that the application is useful when it comes to crime information around your neighborhood.
    No, I’m not familiar with Nexdoor, I would personally download these applications i haven’t downloaded them due to not hearing about them up until now.
    The benefit of these platforms is that they create a form of safety around our community, the application allows the the community to engage with each other. Although the video shown in this unit it states that sometimes false crime is uploaded while this is true the application allows reported crime to be verified.
    I’m not concerned with mass surveillance in the modern age it doesn’t pose a threat to me. I think mass surveillance helps the police and government prevent crimes from occurring. It might invade our privacy but at the end of the day, we do have our amendments that protect us from invasion of privacy to a certain extent.

    1. Hello Andi,

      I agree with your sentiments revolving around safety. These apps help you be informed on crime information in your neighborhood, which can be useful. I also agree with the benefits of community engagement with these two platforms. The mass surveillance in this modern age is increasing and we will have more technological advancements than every before. My only concern is that these amendments protect us from privacy concerns.

  8. • I’ve heard of Citizens App, but I’m not too familiar with the Neighbors app. Friends and family would recommend using it but I’m not interested. I understand it’s a tool for awareness in the neighborhood and being cautious of crimes and possible danger, but personally, it’s fear-mongering. To be sent an alert(s) about crime in your neighborhood will leave people paranoid and scared to go outside. I would hate to be interrupted by a notification on a beautiful day that there’s a robbery a few miles away. I believe in the saying “out of sight, out of mind”. Also, these platforms are crowd-published, so some incidents may not be legitimate or confirmed. Users are to be responsible for the information they share on the apps, posting a photo or video should be recommended for proper reporting. Though I don’t use them in my day-to-day, there are specific times when I would consider it. If I’m out of town in a city I’m unfamiliar with then I’d download it. Why? Mostly because I won’t know which areas are hot spots for crime, or traffic incidents. It may be contradictory since I don’t use it in my own city, but in a place I call home, I know which places I frequent, and which ones to be aware of.
    • The biggest drawback of surveillance platforms would simply be instances of racial profiling or misinformation. People could target certain neighborhoods or individuals that they believe are criminal activity. I’ve seen random reports on the Citizens app where an incident with no media was shared of people/ groups arguing at night. Or reports of a short-lived fistfight. Both situations are beyond common, and not enough to draw the public’s attention to it. In conclusion, the focus should be on the severity of the incident, as opposed to the type.
    • I am concerned with mass surveillance in the modern age. Not public camera surveillance in front of homes and businesses, but surveillance of people recording strangers without their permission. Social media has a way of doxing people and destroying the lives of innocent people who went “viral” from a video that they’re unaware of. That type of surveillance should have repercussions behind it.

  9. I’ve tried the Citizen App before, but I ended up uninstalling it because I found the constant notifications about local crimes in my area to be annoying. It can be useful for people who want to stay informed about what’s happening nearby and increase their awareness. However, I’ve also noticed some downsides, like users live-streaming crimes in progress, which can lead to inappropriate comments and reactions from others. Sometimes, I received alerts about incidents that weren’t actually happening, which made the app less reliable. Regarding concerns about greater mass surveillance in the modern age, these apps do raise privacy issues. They use our locations and encourage users to share incident details, which could lead to potential misuse of personal information in the future. This, along with the broader trend of increased surveillance and data collection in our digital age, does raise valid concerns about finding the right balance between public safety and individual privacy.

  10. Hi Everyone,
    Yes, I had a citizen app installed before but now I do not. I think it becomes anxiety-provoking constantly getting a report about something bad happening around you. Also, it was not helpful when they started to charge people to montior their neighborhood. Every few minutes it like felt alerts would go off. To list the pros and cons would be that an app like a citizen app could provide information to guide safety but the information is not always accurate. Bias and discrimination could play a major downfall in apps like citizen apps and neighbors apps. I would be nervous that apps like Citizen would be used for the wrong reasons. That people the public would take the opportunity to try to police their own community. Mass surveillance can have both positive and negative implications. On the positive side, it can be used to enhance public safety, investigate criminal activity, and protect national security. However, there are valid concerns about the erosion of individual privacy, abuse of surveillance powers, and the potential for a surveillance state to infringe upon civil liberties. It’s essential to strike a balance between security and privacy, and this often involves robust legal and regulatory frameworks to govern surveillance practices. Citizens and governments should engage in open dialogues about the extent and limits of surveillance to ensure that individual rights are protected while addressing legitimate security concerns. Public opinion, advocacy, and transparency in surveillance practices play critical roles in shaping policies and regulations related to mass surveillance in the modern age. To be honest I do get information from apps like TikTok and Instagram but always go to credible sources like the regular news for fact-checking.

    1. Hey Alexis, I also mentioned in my response how the Citizen app can take a toll on my anxiety. Being updated constantly about incidents in your neighborhood can be nerve wracking. That is why I ended up deleting the app even though it was helpful at times.

  11. Have you installed an app like Citizen or Neighbors? If yes, what are your thoughts on the app?

    Yes, I actually have Citizens downloaded on my phone and have been using it for many years. I really love how easy it is to use and how responsive it is. It’s very accurate in its abilities and can help citizens avoid areas where crime is occurring. It also lets users record and live stream the occurrence so users can see what’s happening from the safety of their home, because let’s be honest, we all love being little gossipers and don’t mind our business.

    Are you a member of Nexdoor or similar social media sites that are partially oriented towards members posting about crime/disorder in their neighborhood?

    Yes I am, There is a group chat on Facebook called East Meadow Moms, and I made a fake account and watched and listened to what they say. Yes it’s like an online neighborhood watch and they report any crimes or disruption in their areas to warn other families, but I use it to my advantage. I am a car guy and people are always harassing me when I’m at group meetings or when I’m working on my car in my own driveway. I see what they say and how they want to call the police because I’m “too loud”. It keeps me aware of my own safety because you never know if someone will want to vandalize my car, they have my address and car’s license plate so I have to know if anyone will target me.

    What are the benefits and drawbacks of these online platforms? The benefit is that users can be aware of what’s happening in their surroundings and community. The drawbacks are that it can lead to misinformation, and people’s privacy, and safety to users when they go to the place of the current crime occurrence and go live.

    Are you concerned with a greater degree of mass surveillance in the modern age?
    No, I am not. The only people who are concerned are people who have something to hide. Why would more security ever be bad?

  12. I have the Citizens app installed on my phone. I think that this app provides a good amount of information for public safety. It reports where and when crimes took place as well as updates to police response. I do think however that the in-app purchases that provide more information or access to videos are in a way a scam as not all information may be correct and it is a shame we have to pay for something that could protect us. I am not familiar with Nextdoor or similar social media sites and I am not a member of them. I feel as if some platforms strictly want your information and may not always be reliable. Some pros of having apps like these are community awareness as these apps help users stay informed about local incidents, such as crime, accidents, or emergencies, in real-time. neighborhood networking where users can connect with neighbors and community members, fostering a sense of community and solidarity. This can be particularly helpful in emergencies when neighbors can assist each other. As well as, emergency alerts, many safety apps provide emergency alerts and notifications, which can be vital in situations like natural disasters, fires, or public safety threats. Some drawbacks of using these apps include the potential for misinformation. Rumors, unverified reports, and false alarms can spread quickly, leading to unnecessary panic and confusion. Sharing location data and personal information on these apps can raise privacy concerns. Users should be cautious about how much information they disclose and to whom. As well as constant exposure to alerts about local incidents can increase stress and anxiety, particularly if the user is highly sensitive to safety concerns.

  13. I have heard of the citizen app my friends have that app and I was thinking about getting the app to be updated on what goes on in my area or in New York in general. To be honest though I don’t really like to have apps like that on my phone because it can cause a lot of worrying but it’s good to be aware. The benefits of apps like that can keep you updated on things happening in your neighborhood whether it’s good or bad. Also, you could keep yourself safe if any crime happened near you but apps like that can cause you to be paranoid. I’m not really concerned with mass surveillance i feel like it keeps people informed and safe.

  14. Yes, I have had the Citizen app for quite a few years. I like the app and think the concept could keep people safe, and I think I will get more developed in the next few years. However, the app only works in certain areas. Outside of the city, the app may not cover the area in more urban communities, so extending its coverage could be very useful for those who live outside the city. For those who live in the city, it is a handy tool for walking home and getting notified that a crime is occurring on your route. You can then take the safe alternative of another way while avoiding whatever crime or instance is happening that you want to avoid. It can also help individuals who are the victim or subject of crimes to receive help from bystanders in the area and get notified through the app. I was walking home from school a few years ago and was notified that the Chase Bank on 23rd and 1st AV was being robbed as I was across the street, within a few minutes of me standing there. Multiple police cars flew in and took action. It seemed like a crazy coincidence, but it made me think of all the other crimes I may have committed without noticing in my life that I could have been aware of if I had the app at the time.

    1. Hey, Sam I also mentioned in my response about using the Citizen app. I feel as if it is very helpful as well when it comes to notifying about crimes. But the bad part about it would definitely be it only being available in certain areas.

  15. I have installed the citizens app before. My thoughts on the app would be that it is really helpful on informing about crimes in my area. I usually take alot of public transportation or just usually get home late and I feel safe with the app. I am not a member of Next door but I do use the app TikTok where members who live in my neighborhood post incidents or videos of people to be on the look out for who have committed crimes. The benefits of these platforms would be ensuring your safety and if traffic is going to be in the way of your destination. A draw back from these online platforms would be that you can be on edge then you would necessarily want to be. Being informed about incidents taking place every few minutes can give some anxiety or just cancel plans when in reality crime happens every day.I am not concerned with the mass survelicance in the modern age because I believe it help bring down the crime rates.

  16. 1. I haven’t installed the neighbors app but I do have the Citizens app. I honestly like the Citizen App because it tells me about certain things that may be going on in my community that I can be aware of , like a break in or a shooting. Also it doesn’t only help for my community but anywhere else I may be going.
    2. I am not a member of Nexdoor or similar social media sites that are partially oriented towards member posting about crime/disorder in their neighborhood. The closest thing that I have to that on my phone is the Citizens App.
    4. What I believe is the benefits of these online platforms is that you get information that you may not even get because it wouldn’t be shown on the news , so you are able to know what is happening in your neighborhood and other communities you may go too. A drawback of this platform is that it may put people in a dangerous position by recording and it can put them in harms way.
    5. I am concerned with a greater degree of Mass Surveillance in the modern age because it can put a limit to someone’s privacy and they may feel like in the modern age there privacy is now more violated.

  17. I have heard of both apps but I never used the app that is called “Neighbors”. I think it might be like the citizen app or maybe it will have differences. But, I used the Citizens app before to check daily news about what is happening around me and my community. I am really glad that the app Citizen has been designed to inform users about local incidents and emergencies in real time. It relies on user-submitted content, police scanner data, and other sources to notify its users of events like crimes, fires, and accidents in their vicinity. One of the pros is Community Engagement: It promotes neighborhood watchfulness and enables neighbors to assist and inform one another. The app Citizen has a lot of pros but it also contains its cons and one of them is Concerns about Accuracy: As with any site that relies on user-submitted content, there is a chance for exaggeration or incorrect information. It’s also important to note that while the app has received acclaim for its ability to increase community safety and awareness, it has also drawn criticism for its commercialization strategies and the possibility that it could foster a “surveillance culture”. The Citizen app’s effects can be both positive and detrimental, like those of all technologies. Users should use caution when choosing the sources of their information and be aware of the wider ramifications of real-time crime and safety apps.

    Through real-time notifications, user reporting, and sharing of local problems, applications like Citizen or Neighbors (by Ring) are intended to improve neighborhood safety. However, adopting these platforms has both advantages and disadvantages. Additional Data for Authorities: In some situations, these applications may offer additional information or video that could help authorities with their inquiries or responses. Prevention and deterrence: Potential perpetrators may be discouraged just by learning that community members are watchful and using such platforms. Real-time information can help authorities react to crises more quickly, possibly averting an escalation or providing aid to victims more quickly. Problems with Inaccuracy and User-Generated Content: User-generated content is not always vetted. Unfounded alarms or accusations can readily result from false reports or misunderstandings. Enhanced Anxiety and a Misperception of the Actual Level of Danger in One’s Neighborhood: Constant notifications about neighborhood occurrences, even small ones, might cause increased paranoia. Privacy Issues: Sharing movies, pictures, or incident-related information without the parties involved’ consent might result in privacy infringement.

    Yes, there are genuine concerns about the degree of mass surveillance in the modern age. The proliferation of digital technology, the Internet of Things, and big data has given governments and corporations unparalleled access to personal information. Such surveillance raises several issues. For example, Even though surveillance systems might be set up with the best of intentions, there is always a chance that they could be misused. Such information can be used by authoritarian governments to silence dissent, monitor opposition, or violate human rights.

  18. This is my first time hearing about the app neighbors, but I have the Citizen app. My thoughts on the app is that are used to be very informative it’s a way to know the crime surrounding you or help that others will need around you. It shows the predators that are near you I believe if it’s willing to help, we shouldn’t have to pay to see the accidents, the crimes, etc. that are around us.
    The benefits of these apps is to be aware and be safe in the areas that you are in it it’s also a way to stay informative about what’s going on and other neighborhoods and how others that you know friends or family could be affected by the drawbacks of having these is that it could increase harassment, And profiling towards minority groups.
    At first, I was not concerned on the surveillance Through these apps, because it shows the types of crimes that are committed around us. We could be aware and safe but after listening to this podcast I am more concerned on the surveillance and the way people would use the apps, such as red flagging, anything suspicious, especially without actual cause.

  19. Thank you all for these contributions! Not only you you get credit for this, but your responses also inform my research interest in crowdsourced surveillance. Please make sure to take my survey found on this leaflet! No grade and voluntary and anonymous (no names are collected).

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