Home » Policing



  • Define and operationalize concepts specific to policing.
  • Describe the history, structures and purpose of policing in the United States
  • Discuss the role of police in the administration of justice in contemporary U.S. society.


  1. Review the Lectures and Key Terms for
  2. Complete the BlackBoard Quizzes for lectures and Key Terms Sec 4.1 – 4.5
  3. Read Policing (Sec 6.1 – 6.7)
  4. Complete the Police Misconduct, Accountability, and Corruption Critical ThInking Questions Exercise*
  5. Watch A Conversation on the Constitution with Justice Sandra Day O’Connor: Search and Seizure(17 min)***
  6. Watch Right to Remain Silent: Miranda v. Arizona (25min)***
  7. Read Policing Current Issues (Sec 6.8 – 6.14):
  8. Write a reflection on the “Stereotyping or Terry Stop” Example*
  9. Write a reflection on the When an Officer Does Something Illegal Example*
  10. Complete the  Police Body Cameras: What Do You See Exercise*


*Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System: Open Oregon Educational Resources

**Criminal Justice: An Overview of the System: Adam McKee

***Annenberg Classroom