Elliet Javier Outline


Elliet Javier


Topic: Federal Marijuana Legalization

Thesis/intro: Marijuana Legalization has been a topic that has been whispered throughout the last ten years in the US more than it ever has in the history of this country. While over this past generation there has been much progress with its legalization, the core argument remains, and that is should it be universally legal throughout the United States. With the way the United States works this would imply that it be legalized on a federal level. With all the progress that has been made in favor of the legalization of this substance in many states medically and recreationally, there still exists many pockets where the idea of legalization of this natural substance is heavily frowned upon. Many of these opinions that are anti-marijuana legalization are dated and misinformed stereotypes that either are not true or only apply to a small portion of users of the substance. The legalization of Marijuana in this country on a federal level is something that is long overdue and would benefit this country on an economic level greatly.

Premise 1: Full Marijuana legalization with taxation can lead to significant economic growth, and will aid in saving taxpayer money due to the leniency it would allow, avoiding more people to be put in prison, which we often pay for.

Supporting Evidence 1: Legalization with California in 2018, a state that has had a large impact on Marijuana culture and medical usage legalized since 1996, legalizing the substance for recreational use. This was the effect of the 2016 election year and went into action on January 1st, 2018. The state also had Criminal charges on Marijuana related crimes since 2016 expunged or reduced. The year also proved to be beneficial for states like Massachusetts, of which had officially set up rules of sale. At this point, Massachusetts projected 44 to 82 million dollars in revenue for 2018, with a 17 percent tax on Marijuana sales. This projection was based on said tax and sales beginning mid-year on July first.

Premise 2: As time has progressed, the perception of marijuana has changed as legalization becomes more widespread, beginning to spawn the consensus that it should be observed more for federal legalization, as laws get much looser.

Supporting Evidence 2: The first retail sale licenses for marijuana having been approved in November 21 of the year for New York. New Jersey had also progressed with legal recreational sales starting in April. This midterm year saw a victory in Marijuana legalization for Missouri, approving the recreational sale and use. Missouri had also approved the right to be able to grow your own marijuana for personal use and started a program for the expunging of criminal offenses for nonviolent marijuana related crimes. President Joe Biden not only pardoning anyone convicted of simple marijuana possession under federal law, but also showing urgency for states to do the same under state law. President Biden notably had opposed the federal legalization of Marijuana, and during these pardons still retained the position, but stated that nobody should be in jail for simple marijuana use and/or possession.

Premise 3: The stigmas that have surrounded the questioning of whether or not marijuana should be federally legal, are often outdated, misinformed stances that belong to a time we left long ago. Also, the federal laws surrounding marijuana clearly have not worked very well in general for some time now. It’s Scheduling classification Is clear that a change must be made.

Supporting Evidence 3: Marijuana is currently a schedule I substance, with the likes of Heroin and Methamphetamines, ranking higher than Fentanyl, which in the United States and is currently the leading cause of drug overdose deaths in adults 18-45. States that do allow legal sales of Marijuana only allow the ages of 18 and mostly 21 as legal age requirements for purchase. President Bidens Statement of “important limitations on trafficking, marketing and under-age sales should stay in place.” Shows a position that has not aided with preventing marijuana related crimes for some time, with how prevalent marijuana is in states that aren’t legalized.

Conclusion: The federal legality of Marijuana is a status that is long overdue for approval, and the benefits of Marijuana greatly outweigh its flaws. The countries perception of this substance has shifted away overall from outdated and incorrect data and is moving on to much larger issues to where it is beginning to come into question as to why Marijuana was ever truly an issue. This movement towards legalization can provide many benefits that it has proven to have been providing for years in medical use, and the economic benefits that it is currently providing in the 23 states where it is recreationally legal. At this point in time only 3 states have no sort of legalization status on marijuana. It is up to the federal level, whether or not they would like to not only begin diminishing the illegal market for marijuana, but also create a new market for it, an American market in which where the benefits can be shared by all, and the safety of it can be truly regulated to an observable level.

Attached as a Downloadable Doc i have posted my draft for my Peer Review with works cited

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