Idalmi Abreu: Conversation 4


1. I would like to create a cult about stopping racism There are numerous examples of cults that have emerged with the mission of stopping racism. One example is a movement that promotes foreigner empowerment and self-reliance while also advocating for the end of systemic racism. I believe in the importance of unity within the community and actively work towards dismantling the structures of racism that have oppressed immigrants for centuries. Anyone can be victim of racism, africans, hispanics or latinos, Asians, middle eastern etc, and should be stopped since a lot of people are rejected, not accepted and disrespected. This could benefit others since is a way to promote equality in the society, and make others feel accepted. The rules I will be establishing are 1. A zero tolerance policy towards discriminatory behavior or language. 2. prohibition of any form of physical or psychological abuse, this includes any form of coercion, manipulation, or violence towards members. 3. Members should be encouraged to participate in discussions and workshops on the topic of racism, its history, and how to combat it. My cult will live in the city.
2. I saw a video along time ago that is about a person that joined a religious cult and the person saw that the cult was focusing more on satanist stuff. The girl when she saw what was happening she wanted to leave, but the others member said she cannot leave if she does not want to sacrifice by satan. She was very scared and had to assist to the cult everytime the other members were meeting. At the end she asked her family for help and they helped her and the cult was broken and the other some of the member went to jail since they were associated with crimes. I would never stop a member for leaving my cult, my cult would be about something legal and a topic that is for society well being.
3. I chose the the article "what is a cult" and I learned A cult is a group or movement that exhibits excessive devotion to a person, idea, or thing, uses a thought-reform program to persuade, control, and socialize members, induces psychological dependency, exploits members to advance leadership goals, and causes psychological harm to members, their families, and the community. Cults can be religious, psychotherapeutic, political, or commercial. They often produce conflict between the group and society, leading to isolation, hidden agendas, and totalistic behavior. Cults differ from new religions, political movements, and innovative psychotherapies in their use of unethically manipulative techniques. They differ from authoritarian groups, which are explicit about their goals, contractual, and accountable to authorities outside the group. Some groups may not meet all definitional criteria or become more or less cultic over time.

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