Conversation 3: Bias

Review our Conversation instructions so that your replies can shine yet again.

Select three articles on one topic/ event, either from AllSides or from CNN/ Fox News/MSNBC. On All Sides, you will see many news events covered from three different angles, whereas on CNN/Fox/ MSNBC, you will have to search for a topic that is covered by all 3 networks.

Your enormous reply: What is the story/ event? What facts were included in all three stories? Was there one news source that contained facts the other two did not? Why might that be? What did you notice about the language/word choice? Was there leading or subjective language to favor one point of view over another? Can you detect any examples of bias? Explain by providing quotes and details from each article as this is your evidence.

Replies to classmates: do you agree, disagree, somewhere in between? Other comments on decoding bias?