Peer Review

Critical Thinking 

Devonie Hill

Prof. Ewa Barnes 


Is it safe to say that women’s rights are protected and valued worldwide?

Women face discrimination and harassment on a daily basis at a local and international level: Religion, Politics, and economic affairs assist in the formal plague on women’s rights: Are world leaders doing any justice to the cause of upholding good practices targetted towards women and their basic human rights?

Claim 1: Women are still far from reaching political equality, only 5 % of world leaders are women.

Claim 2: The negative attitudes toward women worldwide are extensive, according to an article by Karen Foerste, only four countries around the world offer total equality for women.

Claim 3: Most religions elevate the status power of men over women, a sole example of this is Pakistan, where women are gang-raped every eight hours and can be persecuted with a witness to testify their claims.

Counterargument: From the creation of mankind women were given set roles, to be a wife, child-bearer, and the house help. It is believed that men are better leaders, and women have to work twice as hard to be thought half as good as a man is.

Rebuttal: Women are twice as strong, hard-working, and productive as men. It is a silly thing to say that women have to work twice as hard to be considered half as good as a man. The issue of belittling women stem from the biblical days. The bible refers to women as “her uncleanliness” which is the subjugation of women. Women should be respected and treated equally, not because they fought and are still fighting for it, but because it is rather a human right they earn from birth. 

The final project/presentation will be in the form of a slideshow. The slides will depict my stance and belief surrounding the rights of women. It will also provide a clear vision and understanding of what women are facing day-to-day in their lives within the capacity of politics, economic affairs, and religion.

Consequently, it is necessary to conclude that women have always played an essential part in historical development. This paper is focused on providing evidence regarding global issues such as Religion, economics, and politics and their effect on women’s rights and their participation in the struggle for equal opportunities.

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